Disclaimer: I own no part of Pretty Little Liars (unless of course we're counting my ownership of the first season DVD set).

This takes place in 2014 (4 years after the Homecoming episode and about 3 years after current episodes). Spencer and Toby are both 20.

Spencer Cavanaugh would reach the copy of Les Miserables at the top of the stacks.

Toby stood just behind her, patiently waiting for his wife to complete her weekly library run. She had bet him that she could finish all 1488 pages of Victor Hugo's epic before Toby could finish the 1048 page Gone with the Wind, a challenge he was ready to accept.

"Sure you don't need a hand up there, Spence?" Toby inquired.

Ever stubborn, Spencer declined. "I've got this; it's not even an inch away now…"

Spencer was so intent on grabbing the thick novel; she didn't notice a hooded figure push the giant bookshelf over on her, not even when Toby shouted for her and tried to move her away from the tumbling shelf, but the books had engulfed her before he could save her.

Something particularly heavy made a prominent 'thud' against Spencer's head. She didn't have time to decide if it was a large book or a heavy shelf, her head was numb, and everything had gone completely black.

It had been more than an hour since sixteen-year-old Spencer Hastings had accepted the fact that she wouldn't be sleeping tonight.

Here it was, only hours after Homecoming, and she sat at the foot of her bed with cup of decaffeinated English tea, trying to absorb the plot of the somewhat mindless YA novel Hanna had recommended to her, but Spencer's mind was far from the little pink book.

Spencer's hatred for that foul Toby Cavanaugh was raging.

For 2 hours, she suffered from the worst worry-induced stomachache she could recount, only having her pains ailed when Mrs. Fields texted her confirming Emily's safety.

She curled up by her pillows, tangled in her duvet, just trying to be grateful that she now knew that Toby was Ali's killer for sure.

Spencer Hastings hated Toby Cavanaugh with everything she had.

He was a demon; she had every right to hate him.

As sleep finally took its full reign, Spencer hoped she wouldn't see Toby's unmistakable blue eyes in her dreams

However blurry her sight was upon waking up, Spencer knew she wasn't in her bedroom.

The walls were white, only emphasized by the fluorescent lights shining from the ceiling. Nothing felt very lived-in, only unfriendly and obstinate.

Spencer turned to see the very blue eyes she was dreading before she last drifted off.

He stared back at her and smiled with a strange sense of warmth, which she would have found comforting if she didn't know he was her best friend's killer.

Now that she took in the rest of him, she noticed that he had changed drastically since she'd seen him at homecoming the previous night. He had cut his hair into a shorter, almost professional style, and he'd traded in his leather jacket for a crisp button-down; even Peter Hastings would approve.

"Spencer?" Toby asked.

The girl jumped back in her bed. Ali's killer was right in front of her.

Her face was full of terror, and Toby noticed. "Are you OK? I've been worried."

"WH-Why… Why are you here?" Spencer squeaked, inching further and further away from him.

Toby's smile fell. "Oh my God." He ran a hand through his newly short hair. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Why do you need to know?" Spencer fired at Toby.

If she didn't hate him so much, Toby's expression would have broken her heart. "I'll… I'll fetch you the doctor."

With that, he was gone, and Spencer breathed a sigh of relief.

Her peace was short-lived; a doctor entered almost immediately following Toby's departure.

"Mrs. Cavanaugh!" A tall man in a white coat exclaimed. "So glad to see you wake. How is your head?"

Spencer glanced around the room, searching for the possible Mrs. Cavanaugh to whom he was referring. "…Were you addressing me, sir?"

"Oh my," the doctor murmured. "The amnesia is worse than I thought."


Update coming tomorrow!