So, I know you've all heard of Robsten right? Well, whether you believe in them or not, I came up with this story with them in mind, only instead of Rob and Kristen, I pictured Bella and Edward. So, this is what I came up with. I have clothing, home, and character links on my page so check them out.

Disclaimer: I own nothing


I grew up in a spotlight.

My mother, Esme, was an actress while my father, Carlisle, was a director. They were both highly respected in Hollywood and so naturally, the children that they had together were just as famous as they were, and that was before any of us decided to follow in our parents footsteps.

My parents met each other when my mom went to an audition for one of my dad's movies. When they saw each other, it was love at first sight. My dad, not one to beat around the bush, asked her out on the spot.

They dated for a little less than a year before my dad asked her to marry him. Mom said yes and five months later, they were married. Around the same time, they found out that they were going to be parents.

In Hollywood, if you get married that fast pregnancy is always a speculation and though many thought that's why my parents decided to get married, they could also clearly see the love that they had for each other.

My older sibling, Rosalie, was born eight months later. Rosalie is the spitting image of our dad. She inherited his blonde hair and his baby blue eyes. Rosalie is twenty-three years old and engaged to Emmett McCarty, an aspiring director who started out as an actor.

Five years after Rose was born, my twin brother, Jasper, and I were born. Jasper got his looks from both of our parents. He has brown hair, like our mom, but he has dad's blue eyes. I, on the other hand, got my looks solely from my mom. I have long curly brown hair, brown eyes, a heart shaped face, and full lips. Jasper and I are just weeks away from out eighteenth birthday.

We were supposed to be the last addition to the Cullen Clan but two years later my parents found out that my mom was expecting again. She was having another set of twins, a boy and a girl.

Alec and Jane Cullen were the last additions to the family. Alec was another perfect mixture of our parents. He had brown hair and baby blue eyes, while Jane was like dad. She had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Growing up famous isn't easy. Unlike most kids, the second you step outside your home, you have hundreds, if not more, cameras on you. When I was younger, the cameras scared me. Well, not really the cameras but the swarm of people that always seemed to wait for me but that went away as I grew older.

My parent's fame was a blessing to me, even though it had many downsides. However, the positives always outweighed the bad, at least that's my opinion. I was able to pursue a career in a field that most kids, adults, dream of because of my parents. Don't take that the wrong way, though. I didn't have them buy me a record deal or a modeling contract.

I wanted to earn it. Yes, my parents set me up with auditions but they weren't the ones who would show up and perform at said auditions. I did.

At five years old, I started out modeling. At six, I received my first movie roll. It wasn't big but at the time, to me, it was. For nearly eight years, acting was all I did. I loved it. I could pretend to be someone I wasn't, have fun with it, and make money. What kid wouldn't love to do that?

At thirteen, I discovered another talent of mine. I was really good at playing the guitar and had often used that to relieve some stress but then I started to sing and write songs.

My aunt, Renee, was the one to help me in that department. She owns big movement records, aka the record company that signed me. I went in, performed for her and a few others, and was signed that very afternoon.

I put acting on a hold for the last three years because I wanted to focus solely on my singing career. Last year was the first year that I decided to branch back into acting.

I hadn't realized I missed acting so much until I was in Italy filming 'Beneath the shadows'. It was then that I decided that I would spend more time acting in movies than releasing albums.

"Good Morning, child of mine," Mom greeted, kissing the side of my head. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," I said, pouring myself some orange juice.

"What time did you get in last night?" she wondered

I had to think about it for a minute, "Three, I believe."

"And your already up?" she asked, surprised.

"I forgot to turn off my alarm clock,"

I had planned to but thanks to not turning off my phone, I was woken up at eight o'clock.

"Try to get some more sleep," Mom ordered.

"Yes, ma'am," I said, smiling.

She smiled back, "I'll be back later tonight, alright?"

I nodded. My mom was working on her latest movie. I was kind of hoping that I'd be able to spend a little more time with her before I started my next project but that didn't look like it would happen.

While growing up, my parents always made sure that one of them was home for us. So, if my mom wanted to do a movie, my dad would take a break and spend the time with us. If my dad was working on something, my mom would stay behind.

On occasion, they would both have something to do and we would travel with them.

"Don't forget about dad's premiere," I reminded her. My dad's newest flick premiered tonight. It was a family tradition for us all to go out and support him on his opening nights, just like he does for us.

Mom grabbed her things, "I won't. Love you, Bells,"

"Love you too, mom,"

She left leaving me in the kitchen to finish my breakfast.

"Good Morning," dad said, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Good Morning," I yawned.

"How did filming go?" Dad asked, leaning against the counter.

"Good," I said. "The film is..." I smiled. "It's not something I've done before. It'll be a shock for those who've watched me grow up,"

"Lovely," dad sighed.

I laughed. "I promise, it's awesome,"

"I'll hold you too that," Dad smiled. "I'll see you later tonight, alright?"

"Yep," I nodded. Dad poured the remainder of his coffee in the sink before kissing me on the forehead and leaving.

Now that we were older, my parents were taking on more films. That's fine though because we're always working on projects in different states, or countries, ourselves.

"Welcome back, little sis," Jasper grinned, ruffling my hair.

"I'm only five minutes younger," I scowled.

"But your still younger," Jasper said, smugly.

I rolled my eyes, "How have you been? We haven't talked in what, three months?"

"I've been good," Jasper said.

"Have you been behaving?"

"What do you mean? I'm always a good boy," Jasper teased, lighting a cigarette.

"You're confusing yourself with me," I laughed, shoving him.

Jasper rolled his eyes, "I'm not that bad."

"I know," I said, wrapping my arms around his waist. "You're a great big brother."

"I know,"

I laughed, "So, how was your night last night? What did you do?"

"Do you really want to know?" he said, smirking.

"A simple it was great, would be fine," I said, wrinkling my nose in disgust. His newest girlfriend, or girl toy, was Maria Winters. Don't get me wrong, Maria was a nice girl, she was just stupider then I thought was possible for a human being to be.

"It was great," Jasper said, still smirking. "Maria loved when I took her in the backseat of…"

"I can't hear you," I said, covering my ears and singing childishly. Most would assume that I'm a prude but Jasper's my brother. I don't want to imagine him "doing" some girl.

You are a prude and you know it, my inner voice laughed.

Just because I haven't had sex, doesn't make me a prude.

So does

"Don't be gross this early in the morning," Jane said, smacking him. "Especially right before breakfast,"

"So after breakfast?" Jasper asked.

"How about never?" Jane retorted.

"Whatever," Jasper said, rolling his eyes. "I'll be back later,"

"Where are you going?"

"Emmett's," Emmett McCarty was a family friend. He was also married to my eldest sister, Rosalie.

"Can I come with?" Alec asked.

"Sure, why not," Jasper shrugged. "I'm leaving in a half hour. Be ready or I'm leaving you behind,"

Alec sighed, "I'll be ready."

I looked at Jane, "It's just us today."

"Do you want to go shopping?" she asked as she grabbed a pop tart from the cabniet. "I still need a dress for tonight,"

I nodded, "Sound's good."

Alec frowned, "I forgot about that. I don't think I have anything to wear,"

"Do you want to go with them?" Jasper asked. "You could get your hair done, or maybe your nails, and gossip about boys,"

"No thanks," Alec snorted. "I'll just find something in the hamper."

"You have all day," Jane reminded him. "Stop being lazy and do laundry,"

"Do you really want to go there Jane? You have plenty of dresses," Alec retorted. "Why don't you stop being lazy and clean one of them,"

"They are out of season," Jane complained.

"Wear what you want," I said to Alec and I led Jane toward the stairs.

"I will,"

"Do you really want to be near him if he smells like dirty gym socks?" Jane asked as we climbed the stairs to our rooms.

"No but that's his problem,"

Jane grimaced and walked into her bedroom.

We lived in a very spacious house. It had ten bedrooms, eight and a half baths, a gym, and indoor and outdoor pool, a library, a movie room, a recording studio, and of course a front room, dining room, and a kitchen.

My bedroom resided on the third floor. Rosalie and I use to share the third floor but once she got engaged to Emmett, and moved out, Jane moved her things up to Rose's room.

The third floor consists of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, walk in closets, and a large sitting area. It was like our own apartment in the house.

I loved this house, I always would, but I was going to move out soon. I turned eighteen in a few weeks and was determined to find my own place to live. While my parents didn't mind me moving out, they didn't like that I intended to move to New York.

I went through my closet and chose something simple to wear. A pair of ripped Jeans and a white tank top was my final outfit choice. For shoes, I found some blue sandals wedged in the way back of my closet.

I then went to my bathroom and brushed through the snarls in my hair. Once I was tangle free, my hair fell in ringlets around my shoulders. I had natural curly hair, like my dad, so unless I straightened it this was how it turned out.

I decided to wear it up so I tied it up into a messy bun and slid my sunglasses on.

"I'm ready," Jane announced.

"Let's go then," I said, grabbing my purse.

We headed outside and found our bodyguards Marcus and Eric already waiting for us.

"Good Morning," Marcus said as he opened the door to for us.

"Good Morning," I greeted as I climbed into my car. My car was my baby. I had a SLS AMG coupe and I loved it. When my parents took me car shopping last year and I saw this car, it was love at first sight.

After Jane got in my car, Marcus and Eric rushed back to their black SUV and led us out to the road.

It wasn't surprising that the paparazzi were waiting right outside teh gate. They moved out of the way long enough for the gates to open but then swarmed the car. I had to be careful not to hit them because the last thing I wanted was a lawsuit.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked.


Alice Braden was a fashion designer who owned Braden clothing line. She has been in the fashion world for a little over two years now. She landed her first major gig when the director for my last movie asked her to do the wardrobe.

Every since then, I have not only been in love with Alice's designs but Alice herself. She was a great girl. She had an amazing personality, which was hard to find in the land of the rich and famous.

"Bella! Jane!" Alice greeted as we entered her store. "I'm surprised to see you two up this early,"

"I could say the same for you," I said.

"You know me," Alice giggled. "I run on sunlight. As soon as the sun is up, so am I,"

"I wish I was like that," I said, groaning. "I'm exhausted but I can't sleep."

"Would you like some coffee? I just got a new espresso machine and I've been dying to try it out,"

"That sounds great," I said as I sat down in one of the chairs near the dressing room.

"I'll get it, Miss. Braden," A small blonde girl said.

"Oh, okay," Alice smiled. "Thank you, Selena,"

"You're welcome," Selena beamed as she made her way into the backroom.

"So, what can I help you ladies with?"

"I need a dress for dad's premiere," Jane said, browsing through the racks.

"Do you as well?"

"Nope," I said. "I found one in Italy,"

Alice pouted

"Don't look down," I said. "I'm wearing a bunch of your designs today,"

"The shoes are mine," Alice said.

"I'm also wearing your lingerie," I said, blushing.

"Hot date tonight?"

"No," I laughed. "I'm dateless, again."

"You need to find a boyfriend," Jane said. "You're the next one that's expected to get married."

"Rosalie isn't even married yet,"

"But after she is, you'll be the next," Jane said.

"Jasper is..."

"We both know Jasper isn't going to get married," Jane snorted.

"Jasper?" Alice questioned.

"Our brother,"

"Oh, right!" Alice nodded. "The male version of me, right?"

"Exactly," I agreed with a smile.

"I should meet him sometime," Alice said. "I'm sure two people like us could have a lot of fun together,"

"Ew, Alice," Jane grumbled. "I didn't want, nor need, that visual,"

"How do you know I was talking about sex?" Alice asked, planting her hands on her hips. "You have a dirty mind, child,"

"Please," Jane snorted. "That was exactly what you were thinking about."

"Maybe," Alice giggled.

It took us all of three hours to find Jane's dress. In the end, it came down to a dark pink dress that was short in the front and long in the back and a skin tight mini gold dress.

"If you want Dad to have a heart attack then go with the gold," I snickered.

"Yeah, he probably wouldn't like it," Jane said as she did a twirl in front of the mirror. "It's cute though,"

I nodded my agreement.

"I'll take the pink,"

Once we had purchased her dress, it cost nearly two thousand dollars, we stopped for a quick lunch. We had invited Alice along but the store became swamped as we were about to leave so she decided to stay back and help Selena.

When we finished our lunch, we headed home. I was tired and wanted to get a quick nap in before I had to get ready for tonight.

"Isabella! Jane!" The paps yelled as we left the restaurant.

I offered them a smile as Marcus and Eric escorted Jane and I through the crowd and too our car.

"How are you doing today?" One asked

"Jane, how are you and Jacob doing?" Another asked

"Isabella, is it true you're going to be starring in the Endless love saga?"

"Possibly," I said as I unlocked my car.

The truth was that I was. I recently auditioned for the part of Elizabeth in the Endless Love saga. Emmett was directing the movie and expressed his desire to work with me. According to him, I was the best of the best and so I agreed.

I was excited about filming. I read the series when I was younger and fell in love with it. I had always secretly hoped that I could play the lead and my dream came true.

Later this week, I had to meet with two actors who had made it to the finals. Emmett said they had over ten thousand guys audition for the part of Ethan, the leading male Role.

I knew one of the finalists. The other, I didn't know. Felix, the one I did know, I prayed didn't get the part. I just didn't like him and it wouldn't work if we couldn't connect on some level. In my opinion, friends or even best friends play the best lovers.

When we got home, Alec and Jasper were lounging on the couch playing a video game. Jane and I said hello and then went to our rooms, her to do homework and me to get that nap in.

Before I knew it, I was being woke up by Alec. It was time to get ready to go. I had slept for a good three hours and knew that now that I had a power nap, it'd be next to impossible to get to sleep tonight.

It didn't take me long to get dressed, it never does. I could get dressed in five minutes and still look amazing.

The dress I had for tonight was a one-shoulder knee length black dress. I unpacked my royal blue platform sandals from my suitcase and slid them on. They added color to my outfit and they weren't that uncomfortable to walk around in for hours.

I brushed through my hair again but left it down this time. I added a bit of mascara, lipstick, and eye shadow before deeming myself ready. I grabbed my royal blue clutch and headed downstairs.

As I got closer to the front room, I realized that they were waiting on me. I could hear laughing and talking so I assumed that I was the last one to finish getting dressed.

"I'm ready," I announced, rounding the corner into the front room.

All eyes flickered over to me but I hardly noticed them. One pair of unfamiliar green eyes drew me in the most.

The owner of said green eyes didn't disappoint either. He was tall, at least 6'2, with chiseled features and unruly bronze locks.

Who was he?

Sooo, what do you think? Please Review, I'd love to hear what you think. Next chapter will be up tomorrow and it'll be Edward's point of view. I don't have an update schedule for those of you wondering. Whenever I finish a chapter, I upload it. :D