Sweet Honey present, a KyuMin fic,

Saying I Love You

We own nothing, even the tittle, it's belong to Wonder Girls.


Description : SungMin and KyuHyun are in relationship. They are not the lovey dovey couple but KyuHyun did cared about him (at least on SungMin point of view), and that's were enough for SungMin. But day by day, a insecurity grew in SungMin's heart because KyuHyun never said the three magical words.

Yes, an 'I Love You' never escaped from KyuHyun lips even for once. And SungMin started to doubt if their feeling indeed are mutual.


Having a handsome, straight A student and the most popular guy as a boyfriend can be considered as lucky. And SungMin feels really blessed having Cho KyuHyun as boyfriend for sure. KyuHyun maybe not the sweet talking type, never did he showering him with a gift on their anniversary, never preparing a romantic candle light dinner for him.

No skinship, no butterfly kiss, no peck in the cheeks, they even barely holding hands.

KyuHyun always acts cold or snarky to everyone, SungMin were no exception. But SungMin though that the snarkiness are lessen for him, since he's special to KyuHyun. He paid attention in each small thing about his lover, for example, KyuHyun knew which sweets that he likes or which movie that he loves to watch. It's indicated that he care about SungMin, but still, the latter feels insecure.

Who would not?

KyuHyun is one of the kinkas in SM High and he's just a neerdy. They are coming from a very different world.

When the entire school saw the nerd stepped down from the black Bentley of the famous Cho KyuHyun, chaos are inevitable. The girls are ready to killed SungMin, if they ever had a chance, because KyuHyun somehow always find a way to saves his new lover.

And this makes SungMin feels that he is loved.

Once, when one of the queenkas was bullying him, made him wet from head to toes, KyuHyun came, take his hands and lead him to his car with KyuHyun's blazer hang loosely on his shoulder. He didn't say any single words but the warm that radiate from their intertwined are enough.

It's just makes SungMin fly to the cloud nine. He feels positive that KyuHyun love him. How KyuHyun protected him and cared is more than enough for SungMin.

He think that KyuHyun just shy. But SungMin has to changes his mind when he overheard KyuHyun said those lovely words casually to his friend.

"Thank's ChangMin ah… I love you~"

If it's only happen once or twice, SungMin will not mind it. But this, happen so many times, KyuHyun saying I love yous to everyone except him, KyuHyun let everyone touch him, he even do the skinship casually but never to SungMin.

Why did he never say it to me while he showering everyone? Am I not worthy? Or he never loves me in the first place? But why he accepted my feeling? Why we built this relationship until this long?

And reality hit him hard on the head. SungMin remember when he confessed his feeling towards the younger all he got is,

"I see…"

"And that's means? Will you accept my feeling?"

"Hmm… Let's give a try."

His legs weak and SungMin almost cried of joy right there when he heard KyuHyun reply.

"Thank you KyuHyun ah~"

"Give me your number."

With shaken hands, he let KyuHyun take his cell and input his number.

"From today I'll drop and pick up you to school. Just wait my call or text." He said before left SungMin that mentally danced in joy.

He never said I love you to me because he never loves me! He only said 'let's give a try'. He only pitying on me, the nerd that loves the kinkas. Silly me. Why I even believe that he ever loved me? Look at me, no one want to be my friend.

A fresh tears fall free from the corner of SungMin eyes.

I have to stop this. I have to erase this fairy tale from my head. Cinderella that lived happily ever after only existed in a fairy tale. All this time only my delusion. Nothing is real in our relationship. No, there's even no relationship from the beginning.

Starting from that day SungMin ignore all call and text from KyuHyun. He came to school early in the morning and storm out the class when the bell rang. He never had his lunch in canteen, never visit the rooftop (their secret meeting place) and hide in the rest room.

But there will be a time when they bumped to each other. And it's happen when the principal asked him to be the committee of the upcoming festival along with their junior and KyuHyun are one of them.

"Why are you avoiding me?" KyuHyun didn't waste a time, he grab SungMin's hands and drag him to the rooftop once the principal done.

"What are you talking about? I didn't understand, KyuHyun Ssi." SungMin try hard not to staring into those pair of dark brown eyes or the handsome face with the coffee brown messy hair. He moved his gaze to anything but not to KyuHyun, because he knew, once he taking a look, he'll feel weak or hypnotized. And he really needed his sanity now.

"What did you said to me?"

"I said I didn't undertand your question."

"Not that, my name. Say may name."

"KyuHyun Ssi…"

"SungMin ah, since when I became KyuHyun Ssi? It's always been KyuHyun ah. What's wrong with you? Did I do something wrong?"



SungMin startled by KyuHyun out burst, never did the younger raise a voice to him before. But soon he regained his composure.

"Nothing wrong. You didn't do anything wrong. It's me."

"What? SungMin, I didn't get it."

"Thank you for giving me a sweet dream but now it's the time to me to wake up."

"SungMin… I…"

"Stop it KyuHyun Ssi. I understand that you only pitying me. You said let's just give a try to something that I called our relationship because you didn't had the heart to rejected me. But it's enough already, you didn't had to lie anymore. I got it."

"What! SungMin… It's not like what you're thinking…" KyuHyun voice raise up once again but tailed off in the end.

"So?" SungMin heart pounding hard in his chest and he can't help but to staring deep into those mesmerizing eyes. Deep inside SungMin never really intended to end this delusion but he wanted KyuHyun fight for him.

Wanted KyuHyun to stop him from saying good bye even in rage way. But his wish just a wish since no other words coming from KyuHyun.

So this is really the ending. End of the fairytale. It's the time for me closed the book and face the reality. He never feels the same way as me.

SungMin cleared his throat before saying the words that hurt his self more.

"Seems like everthing I conclude is right, it's okay. Really…. Once again, thank you for everything… You didn't need to contacting or picking me up everyday anymore. Something between us that even didn't exist from the beginning are over." He bowed 90 degree before retreat and closed the door.

I'm sorry KyuHyun ah, but this way is better for me. Selfish, but I can't remain by your side and being friend with you because my heart wanted more. I want to be more than just friend with you.

Little did SungMin know a crystal of tears fall not only from the corner of his eyes, also from those dark brown eyes of KyuHyun.


To Be Continued


Next will be KyuHyun POV~ Actually, this should be a one shot song fic on Kyu POV but I can't help to writing SungMin POV first. How do you think? I'm not intended to made it as angst so i didn't got the feeling.

But I hope you guys like it. And thank you very much for reading. ;A;

I Love You~ Saranghae~