Yaay, here it is! Another Chapter!

Hope you guys like it, and don't forget to comment!

Chapter Eight

Final Straw - Part Two

"―so sorry."

She felt dizzy. Couldn't think clearly. Her whole body seemed to hurt, telling her she needed to lie down, and just stay there for a while. But she wouldn't give the people whose parent's caused this―Death-Eater's kids―the satisfaction.

She wouldn't give her brothers another reason to see her as their poor baby sister, either.

Through all of the mess that were her feelings, she caught two words of what Hermione was saying. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah, all of you are. But that doesn't change anything. That doesn't bring my best friend back to me.

She turned and began to leave, not even bothering to say or do anything to show them she was okay. She didn't want their pity, but she didn't want them to be relieved when her world was falling apart, either.

"Ginny―" she heard Hermione say, but walked away without a second glance at her family. Then, she began to run.

Ginny ran and ran blindly, until her lungs burned beneath her skin, and she fell onto her knees, unable to hold herself together any longer.

This couldn't be happening. It wasn't fair! Luna just couldn't... She couldn't be dead! Not her best friend. Not the strange, naïve, sweet Luna Lovegood, who always made her feel better. Who wouldn't judge anyone, even if they did something bad for her, or called her Loony. She'd always seemed so peaceful, like she could never be hurt by the war, no matter what.

But that thought had been just , she was a pureblood, but that didn't mean anything. Her dad made it very clear they would never support Voldemort.

But then again, that's why he got killed, she thought through her tears. Oh, God. What am I going to do?

She clung to her sides, as if trying to keep herself together. The pain was too much. It was all too much.

Ginny exploded into a mess of sobs. She didn't even care if someone could see her right now, if it gave people another reason to see her as 'little Ginny Weasley'. Maybe that was all she was, in the end of the day.

But no more. No more of hiding behind her mother's embrace, and living a life of pure confort and love. No, not after Luna.

Her best friend had grown to be one of the bravest person she had ever met, and she wouldn't dissapoint her. Ginny promised herself that instant, she would fight, just like she knew Luna had, to the very end. She would fight until she destroyed every single Death Eater that crossed her path, or she would join her friend― no, her sister―in death.

She was not afraid anymore. Little Ginny Weasley was finally ready to grow up.

"He's it. Abby, my cousin, he's your brother."

Abby couldn't believe her ears. Her―Her brother? He was alive?

Silence took over for a few moments, and all that both Abby and Draco could hear was the lound sound of their own hearts. Then, suddenly, a scream of joy came out of Abby's throat, and the next things Draco knew, the redheaired girl was hugging him tightly, sobbing against his chest.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for telling me, Draco." she said through her tears.

"You're welcome, Ab. He asked me to do it." he said with a small smile. "But why are you crying?"

Abby brushed away some tears that had just fallen and beamed up at him. He'd barely registred just how close they were―until now. Her warm breath sent shivers down his spine, and her bright, almond-shaped green eyes sparkled with tears and pure happiness and―love?

He felt a weird urge to close the space between them, to hold her closer than he had ever held anyone, but just then, she started to talk again.

"I'm just―I'm so happy." Her grin got even bigger before, suddenly turnning into the smallest of frowns. "Can I―Err, I mean, can I talk to him?"

Draco almost laughed at her silly worries.

"Of course you can―" a sound, almost like a cry of pure agony, interrupted him. "Did you hear that?"

"What?" Abby frowned slightly again, hanging her head to the side. There was another loud―what was it? A loud sob? A shriek?―noise, "Oh. D, I think someone's hurt. Come on."

Abby got to her feet quickly, her own reason to be crying forgotten for a little while, taking his hand―which sent another unvoluntary shiver through his whole body―, and they both ran to the source of the sound.

Then, Abby stopped, and gestured to a small, fragile girl on the floor. She was kneeling carelessly, her arms bracing her stomach, as if she was tearing apart and holding her limbs together, and her forehead touched the floor. Her whole body shook in violent, soul ripping sobs of agony and despair, and her extremely long red culrs were falling from its messy ponnytail.

It was a little ironic to think that they had been running towards a little redhaired girl, crying in a secluded, dark hallway, when that was the exact same thing that had brought them together in their first year―only, then, Abby Potter had been the one crying.

"I'm s-so s-sor―I'm s-sorry, L-luna." the girl whispered, so softly they could barely make out the words between her hiccups.

Abby took a step forward, swiftly kneeling beside the girl and putting a gentle hand in her back.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, even though it was a stupid question.

The girl flinched and looked up to her with wide eyes. They were a beautiful golden brown, and, when widened that way, made her look even more innocent and scared and yourger than she probably was. Her skin was slightly tanned, and her face covered in freckles that, surprisingly, fit her very well.

She opened her mouth to say something, but another heart-tearing sob ripped through her, and she shook her head, looking down.

"Shh. Hey, it's okay." Abby said softly, as if she said even a little more harshly, the girl would break. "What's your name?"


"Ginny? Ron's sister, you mean?" Draco slowly walked towards them.

She nodded her head, trying hard to control her sobs.

"What happened?"

"L-luna." she broke into violent sobs again. A few minutes passed, and this time she was able to control herself enough to talk. "Luna Lovegood. My best friend." Ginny took a deep breath, brushing her tears away and looking into Abby's eyes. "She was capturerd by Death-Eaters. They couldn't find her body, just her dad's, but there's―there's no way she could've survived."

What Abby did next shocked Draco more than anything else that night. More than how she took the news about her brother, how she reacted to the girl's sobs, and what Ginny had just told them.

Abby Potter―the strange, quiet girl that only opened herself to Draco, queen of coldness and expert in hidding her feelings away―, put her arms aroung the desolate girl, letting Ginny cry into her neck. She stroked the younger girl's hair, so like her own―in fact, with their heart-shaped, freckled faces, same bright, fiery, long, wavy hair (Ginny's being only slightly curlier), almond-shaped eyes, they looked alike enough to be sisters―, humming a lullaby Draco had never heard.

It was so strange, seeing her confort someone like that. Openly singing for her, instead of trying to say empty words about how everything would be okay. The three of them knew it probably wasn't.

When Ginny calmed herlself enough to stop crying almost completely, Abby whispered. "Look, I can't promise you that things are going to turn out great, and everything's going to be solved. That's not going to happen." Ginny nodded in agreement. "And I'm not going to tell you how sorry I am―even though I do feel that way―, because, trust me, I know that doesn't change anything either. The pain that you're feeling, Ginny, it doesn't go away. It's always there, but it's easier after sometime. It's not always going to hurt this way. I swear you that." the younger girl let out a small sob, while nodding once more. "But what I can tell you, is that I can be here for you if you want. My friend Draco, too, I'm sure."

"Yeah." he whispered.

Abby smiled lightly at him, before turning to Ginny again. "And we're going to fight, okay? If she really died, she didn't die for nothing. I knew the Lovegoods for a while when I was a kid, and I can swear to you that what Luna and her dad did while writing and publishing the things they did, were not for nothing. They gave us so much hope, Ginny. So many of us, that were lost and desperate, they gave us even the slightest bit of hope." Abby herself let a tears out. "Be proud of her. Of them. All of their craziness included." she laughed lightly. "Okay?"

Ginny nodded again. "Thanks."

"It's so easy to make such useless, weak people like your mother feel pain, Harry. I want to hear her screams! It's such a pleasant feeling... You'll see. Or neither of you will see the outside of this room again."

Harry swallowed hard. His terrified, wide green eyes found Bellatrix's, but what he saw was a mask not even he could penetrate. She stared blankly at him, waiting, and he knew she was probably hidding her fear and dread. He also knew she didn't fear for herself, for the pain. She feared that he would blame and never forgive himself―which he wouldn't―, that he would hurt because of her.

Suddenly, he felt weak, small fingers wrap around his wrist, gently. Sneaking a peek at Voldemort―who was currently pacing (yes, fucking pacing), amused by the current situation―, he turned to the blond girl he was supposed to have cursed before.

Her eyes, of a shoking, clear, dreamy blue, were wide in fear, but also determined. She opened her pink lips to say something, but, after swiftly looking to Voldemort's back just like he had done two seconds ago, thought better and closed them again, chosing to nod almost imperceptibly.

Harry stared at her for a few seconds, confused, before he understood. She wanted him to shoot the Cruciatus Curse, the most painful kind of torture possible, at her instead of at his own mother.

He understood what she meant, that he did, but he what he couldn't understand was why. Why the heck would that girl, one who didn't know him and had all the reasons to think he was just another filthy, cruel Death-Eater, suffer that much pain so he didn't have to see his mom that way? Harry didn't feel like he deserved that, after everything she probably had had to suffer already, while he did nothing. Why did people always had to take the pain he was supposed to feel? Why couldn't he be the one to save someone else from their suffering? First his mom, and now this―this girl! This girl he couldn't help but respect for being so selfless, and so kind.

He almost shook his head and turned to Bella again. Almost. But he couldn't do that. He knew he would hurt her, wanting or not, because his mother would always come first. Not matter how much he adimired what that girl was doing for him, he couldn't decline to help her. There was no other way.

"Thank you" he mouthed to her.

She just nodded again and closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to come.


If the circunstances had been different, Harry would have been ashamed of the way his voice wavered, and the tears that filled his eyes at seeing what he was causing, but not right now. Not when the word that came out of his mouth was the one that caused such a brave and selfless person fall to her knees and shake in pain―and not even then lose her dignity, refusing to give Voldemort the satisfation of hearing her screams.

After about fifteen seconds, Harry lifted the curse. He couldn't look at the girl again. He couldn't bring himself to feel ashamed, either. He had done what he had to do to help his mom. That's the right thing to do, right?

"Good." Voldemort's voice cut through his thoughts. "Crucio." he pointed his wand to Bellatrix. "But next time, do as I say. I expect you to follow my orders, and that includes which person is your victim." he spat. "You may leave me now."

"My Lord." Harry bowed.

Bellatrix, having no strenght left to do anything, just whispered a quiet 'my Lord' of her own, and called Farrah.

But as the Dark Lord turned his back on them, calling for Dolohov to take the girl away, and Farrah went to get Harry and Bellatrix's hands, the boy had another idea.

He didn't care what Bella would say at that moment, he couldn't just leave that girl―the girl that had just done so much for him and his mom―there, to be tortured and killed. Even if it meant they'd have to run from Voldemort sooner than his mother wanted.

Moving swiftly, Harry got hold of the girl's wrist and yanked her away from Voldemort's grip, and, before the other 'man' could do or say anything, Farrah disaparated.

The group landed into Black Manor three seconds after they left Voldemort angrier than ever in his chambers. Served the bastard right, Harry thought.

"Mom, we have to move. Lie down, and Farrah'll pack your things." he said, nodding to Farrah, who immediately left to do so.

He, himself, quickly got some clothes, and personal items he couldn't leave behind. He also got into his mother's small vault and put everything that was inside of it in a bag, knowing that those things were all that mattered most to her in the whole house.

In five minutes―which were probably a hell of a lot more than they should've taken to flee―, all was ready.

They apparated to Muggle London, where people wouldn't recognize their faces. Harry checked them in a small Hotel, ignoring the weird looks they were reciving―which was not completely unexpected, considering the dirty, bloodied, falling apart state of the blond girl, or the way Bella could barely stand without leaning her weight onto Harry―, and the three of them―Farrah had already apparated to the room―, got into the elevator.

It was just then, when he―finally―lied Bella and that poor girl, whom he didn't even know the name of, down onto a bed―where Farrah took care of them and provided them some potions she had gotten from Bellatrix's room―, and they fell onto unconsciousness, that Harry collapsed onto the couch and allowed reality to sink in:

They were finally free.

So, what about that? Good? Bad? Terrible? Awesome? Please, comment!

Phew, that sure was a dificult chapter to write. I really hope you guys liked it.

What I said about things getting better, yes, this is the part where they start to get better.

As for who is the girl Harry took with them, you guys will find out later! She's very important to the story, and will be kind of Harry's best friend from now on.

There's also the fact, I don't know if you guys have noticed, of how I'm bringing all of the DA's leaders together, (Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny-unfortunately not Luna :'( snif snif) plus Draco and Abby. That's really important to the story later on. I mean, all of them are pretty badass, don't you think? They form a pretty awesome team!

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter, I know that you were waiting to see what the hell would Harry do in that fucked up situation!

So, comment, comment, comment! Hahaha, yep, I say this too much... :B
