People think she did it out of choice. She probably did.

She had her reasons, though – reasons for joining him.

People might think Andromeda was the strong one… she wasn't. Bellatrix was always the strong one, Narcissa the weak, and Andromeda was the one who people normally decided for, because there was always the worry she wasn't living up to her parent's expectations.

Bella is misunderstood; I doubt anyone, including myself, completely understand her. Perhaps Tom does.

Sometimes I think she doesn't even understand herself. Being insane wasn't out of choice – she didn't make herself insane, she was driven to it by her parents. When I hear her mad laugh, her excited breath and anger towards those who show disrespect to her Lord, it doesn't make me sick or fearful, it makes me sad. The sadness comes from the fact she could have done something so big, but instead, her life has been placed in the hands of the most un-loving monster anyone could possibly imagine.

I know she doesn't care, though. I'm sure that I'm the only one who knows of her love for him.

It raises lots of questions, that. The fact she doesn't love her husband, a man who is so willing to love her, but loves someone who is incapable of returning it.

Why would anyone do that?

She joined him at a young age, hardly out of Hogwarts. She didn't do it out of fear, though. It's clear that that isn't the case.

I only hope that one day, Voldemort realises what an incredible woman he has beside him. Because, for me, it's too much to know that someone would do literally anything for another, and yet that other would never care or find out.

I also hope beyond hope that Voldemort will also care of her feelings.