Me: Ok, I am obsessed with both series right now so my mind is just jumbled up and I just have to type it up and publish it on here.
Sasuke: Believe me, she's is, she never shuts up -.-
Me: HEY!
Tsuki: Well it's true, and yet some how she's dragged me into this!
Me: Hey, don't blame me. Blame my imagination ^_^
Sasuke and Tsuki: -_-'
Me: own nothing but Tsuki ^_^

~Tsuki's POV~

I waved my hand inward trying to tell the others to hurry. You see, we're kind of, running away in some words. Here let me start from the beginningish part. I am Tsuki Uchiha, youngest in the Uchiha main house. My brother, Sasuke Uchiha and my friend, Hinata Hyuga are now rouges. Me and my brother are going rouge due to the fact that they were gonna kill us, since they think that we were spies. I know, silly right? As for Hinata, her father kicked her out for being weak and such, I mean she might be weak but she's stronger than she looks, she's just shy and stuff.

Ok back to the present, we are running away from some ANBU's since Hinata's father sent them after us. Right now me and Hinata were running while Sasuke fought off some of the pursuers. 'Be safe.' I thought while we arrived at the rendezvous area. You see, Madara made a deal between me and him. If I could get him the 5,6 and 7 tailed beast/host, then he'll help me out once with absolutely anything. This was the anything, he was gonna send us to a different dimension, a world where there are more advance stuff.

Madara gave us some clothes that were from that time era for us from the first time he went, and some books about it the second time. "Madara, hurry up and open the portal." I half shouted at the woods, earning a weird look from Hinata. "Alright, but keep in mind that once you go you can't come back, this scroll is only good for three travels, on the third time, it burns itself right after. Not leaving any trace that it was ever here or existed." He warned us once more, as I nodded my head, agreeing with his terms.

I heard him sigh as the portal opened before us. I turned my attention to Sasuke as I heard him yelling for us to go and so we did but some how Sasuke beat us to the portal and jumped in first, followed by me, then the used to be Hyuga heiress. But Hinata barely made it since the portal started closing when she jumped in so, yeah. We all screamed as we fell, well we scream 'cause we couldn't see the ground, so therefore we don't know if we were gonna land in an ocean or a mountain for all we know.

We stopped screaming as the portal left and I heard an "UMP!" sound from Sasuke, as I felt myself land on top of him, then Hinata on top of me with a tiny yelp. "I-i-it looks l-l-like we're on a b-b-beach." Hinata stuttered, as I looked around and took in the scenery. I saw a pack of HUGE wolves and yes, I mean HUGE, like the size of horses. Wait scratch that an elephant or something to be exact. Then I saw 8 people with really pale skin. "Oh my god! A-a-are you alright? I mean you just fell out of the sky!" The girls with long brown hair asked in a frantic. "Y-y-yeah, I think." I replied, as I looked at a struggling wolf under us, that was yelping and growling.

Hinata got off along with me and Sasuke had to have some help getting off, since he was injured. The wolf seem to be happy that we got off but it seem like it was attached to me, which I was fine with. I giggled a bit as he nudged me. "Alright boy or at least I think your a boy." I giggled while petted the place between his eyes to his nose.

~Paul's POV~

My day was going perfectly fine til Sam decided to call us for something I couldn't remember. When I arrived at the beach, I saw those leeches but it looked like they were saying something. It was about a disturbance in nature or something like that. We were just about to leave when I felt a ton of weight fall right on top of me, pushing me down to the ground on my belly, earning a laugh from everyone. I growled and yelped until the weight, which were three kids around what? 18-ish got off of me, I was about to pounce on them and rip them to shreds til I saw the girl with dark midnight blue hair.

I felt myself got hotter, well hotter than usual as my heart pounded in my chest, wanting to leap out. I could hear the others thoughts which I would've pounced on them for, but right now I didn't care. Their thoughts were along the lines of: 'Oooooh looks like Paul's in loooooooove'-Seth 'WHOO! Way to go man!'-Quil, etc.

I walked up to the girl and nudged her with my nose, earning giggles from her, which made my heart beat faster.

~Tsuki's POV~

Hinata bowed a bit as she turned back to the group of people. "Oh I'm sorry, my name i-i-is Hinata Hyuga. T-t-the girl over there is T-T-Tsuki Uchiha. And the b-b-boy is her brother, S-S-Sasuke Uchiha." She introduced them, as Sasuke grunted a bit from pain and fell to his knees. I noticed this and rushed to his side, earning a whine from the wolf.

Sasuke's breathing was jagged as his vision blurred. "Nii-san, how many fingers am I holding up?" I testes him, holding up 4 fingers, as he guessed 3, then blacked out. "Let me take a look at him." The older blonde haired guy told me, as I backed away from Sasuke hesitantly. "Don't worry, Carlisle is the best doctor in the world." The bronze haired boy told me. "I'm Edward by the way, this is Bella, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and my adoptive mother Esme." He introduced them, pointing to each person as he said their name. I nodded as i looked back at my brother with worry in my eyes.

I felt the wolf nuzzled me as I hugged it around the neck. "I know that he's fine but I can't help but worry." I told the wolf while stroking it's body a bit. It whined a bit as it nudged me and licked my cheek, earning a small smile from me. "Don't worry, he's fine. Just exhausted. Might I ask how he got so many cuts and bruises?" Carlisle asked me, as I took a deep breathe and started explaining.

"Well, you see. My brother and I, along with our friend had to run away from home 'cause they were going to kill me and my brother, thinking that we were spies, and as for Hinata, she was going to be a slave in her own clan 'cause her father didn't like how weak she was. My lots-of-greats uncle sent us here under a deal of ours, but while we were running, some ANBU's were chasing us, and my brother stayed back a bit to fight them off for us to escape. And here we are." I told them, as they all had shocked looks on their faces.

~Seth's POV~

I was about to tease Paul some more til I heard her angelic voice. Now I know how Paul felt, with the teasing. Good thing my older sister Leah wasn't here, oh I would've had that talk all over again. Yeah, she was the one who gave me that talk, which was weird since it's suppose to be either a mother or father who told, but in this case, it was her.

The thing that shocked me was the most was what the blue haired girl. What's her name? 'IT'S TSUKI! GET MEMORIZED!' Paul shouted, making everyone crack up. 'Alright, fine then.' I rolled my eyes.

Wait, let me get this straight. Hinata was going to be a slave in her own house because, her father didn't like her! Oh that is messed up! And getting killed 'cause they think that they were spies! Oh come on, it was an assumption. 'Whoa, calm down Seth.' Sam said, as I let out a low growl. I calmed down after a bit but still couldn't get over the fact that their own home, did that to them.

~Hinata's POV~

I watched as Carlisle picked Sasuke up. "Then why don't you live with us? Considering how you don't have a home, and this town is really dangerous." Esme offered, as I told them that we could live in the woods, but they insisted, so we accepted. "Don't worry, we'll take good care of them." Esme told the wolves, as the sandy colored wolf walked up to me, looking a bit sad. "Don't w-w-worry, we'll be fine." I assured it, as it whined a bit, making me giggle a bit. "Will we be able to see the wolves again?" I heard Tsuki asked, as I turn my attention to them, still petting the wolf. "In a way yes." Emmett answered, bringing a smile to my face.

I petted the wolf once more before following the group. "Don't worry, I'll see you tomorrow if possible." I assured it, while waving a good bye.

~Tsuki's POV~

I frowned a bit as I heard that we were gonna leave and looked back at the wolf that I was petting unconsciously. 'Well, at least we have a place to stay.' I thought, sighing at the thought of how we just had to throw everything away just to live. I watched as Carlisle picked my older brother up and join his family. I looked over to Hinata and saw her petting a sandy colored wolf, making me smile at how much she's changed since I met her in the academy.

I patted the wolf's head as I kissed it above it's nose earning laughing like noises from it's pack. "I'll try to meet you tomorrow along with my friend. Take care." I told it, as I slowly left it. I felt my heart ache a bit as the pack left.

We got to the house, which was huge and junk. We all got our own rooms as and we unpacked and went downstairs and joined the family for a little talk. "Alright, this family doesn't keep any secrets. We just want you guys to be careful around the house and try not to bleed due to the fact that we are vampires, some of us just aren't that good at controlling ourselves around human blood so just try to be careful." Carlisle told us, as we just nodded. I mean it probably wasn't a big shocker to us anyways. "Well if that's the case then we'll tell you a bit about us. We'll tell you more about us when we feel comfortable with telling." I told them, earning a nod of approval from them

I took in a deep breathe as I started explaining. "We're from an entirely different world than yours. Compared to yours, this is a really easy life, from where we're from, we have to be on guard 24/7 never knowing when someone would attack you, even in your own home you can still get attack. Everyone there is/was a ninja/shinob." I told them, as Emmett laughed a bit, not believing us. "Prove it then." He chuckled, making me chuckle at how silly he was being. "Sasuke, you up for a fight?" I smirked as my brother ran outside. "Want proof, then watch me and Sasuke. Hinata you be the proctor." I told him as everyone went outside.

Me and Sasuke stood about 3 meters away from each other face-face, in our fighting stances. "GO!" Hinata shouted, jumping out of the way as we charged at each other. I put my hands together and yanked them away from each other, creating a chidori stream around me so that it acted like a shield. I pointed my fingers at Sasuke as the lightning charged at him, making him stop and jump back. I saw Sasuke make some hand signs but I couldn't recognize them but once I saw the huge fire ball that headed towards me, I quickly did some hand signs and countered the fire ball with my own

A yelp left my lips as Sasuke's foot connected with my stomach, sending me backwards into a tree. I rolled away from Sasuke punch, disappeared and reappeared behind him, held a kunai up to his neck, smirking in triumph. "I win." I gave him a bloody smirk. I wiped the blood off with the sleeve of my shirt. "I'm really tired right now so I don't feel like fighting, plus my chakra level is really low." I told them while walking back to the house.

I made dinner which was pasta, did my usual routine and laid there in my bed, staring outside at the crescent moon. A smile made it's way to my lips as I heard wolves howling. "Hey, everything alright?" A voice asked me, as I turned my head towards the source of the voice. "Oh, it's just you Emmett. Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about my new life here. just really different and I'm really use to it but this is really easy, everything's so perfect, it's like a dream." I sighed in a dreamy way, taking in a deep breathe. "I'm actually not worried for once. I've never felt so free ever since I was born."

Emmett looked at me in a concerning way as I sighed. "That's a story for another time, right now I need to rest. So night Emmett." I said, as I fell asleep, only to have a little talk with a certain friend of mine.

~Dream Tsuki's POV~

The setting was a lake with an isle way to the middle of the lake, which had a small island made out of marble like stone and on the top of it was a large wolf, compared to me I was probably a mouse to her.

(Here's what the wolf looks like, except don't do the spaces. Copy and paste it and backspace the spaces. It's the blue one) http : / / darkmoonlight24. deviantart .com /#/ d1fxisk

As the blue and gold fur wolf wagged her tail, gold and silver dust like glitter fell, making the floor sparkle as the moonlight hit it. "Mungadian, been a awhile. How are you doing?" I greeted, earning a nod from her. "I'm doing fine thank you for asking. Might I ask, who went through the portal with you?" She asked me, as I tilted my head in confusion. "Me, Sasuke, and Hinata, that's all. Why?" I answered. I got more confused as she sighed, I mean what was so bad about it. "Well, looks like you didn't notice that a certain snake followed you guys." She told me while I started cursing.

After a few minutes of me cursing, I calmed down. "He wants to finish us off doesn't he?" I sighed, earning a nod as an answer from. I took a few deep breathes as I tried to think of when to confront him and end it if possible. "Mungadian, when's the next full moon?" I asked in a bold voice. "Next month on the 18. That's a full moon and there will be a new moon on the 24 of that month also. Seems like there will be two chances to strike but the second one seems more better since you'll have time to train and prepare yourself." She replied while I stood there and thought about what she said.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance as I ran through the many options, possibilities, and out comes of each plan. "I guess you're right. The new moon would be the best idea since both me and Sasuke will be at best, so that will give us the advantage." I agreed with her as I thought about it further. "One last question. Where is he?" I asked as she closed her eyes and her ears were raised upward. "He is at the beach where you guys fell. He will only show himself to fight you two, nothing more nothing less. When the day comes, go to the beach and say the following: Orochimaru, we're here to end this once and for all! Show yourself!" She answered as I nodded and woke up.

~End Tsuki's POV~

My eyes shot open while a small gasp left my lips. "Sasuke." Was the first word that left my mouth. I jumped out of bed, still in my PJ's which was nothing embarrassing, it was just shorts and a t-shirt. I threw open my door and me and my brother were standing in front of each other, faces only inches apart, as both of us shouted simultaneously about or chat with our demons. The freaky thing was that was we couldn't stop saying the same things, at the same time for about half the morning.

Both of us turned our heads to Hinata once she cleared her throat. "When you two do that, it isn't g-g-g-good news. W-w-what is it?" She stutter while me and Sasuke shouted at the same time. "That snake followed us here! He wants to end it between us! Ugh! Stop it! No you stop it first!" We shouted while Hinata just stood there and chewed on her thumb nail. "Umm...You two do know that you two have glitter in your hair?" Emmett chuckled, as both of us shook our head, while racking our hair with our fingers.

Soon, glitter covered the floor. "Alright, what's going on? Both of your minds are jumbled with battle strategies." Edward ask while both of us looked at him. "Orochimaru, he managed to get through some how. He's what you called an insane person, he likes you experiment on people, injecting things into their D.N.A. Apparently, my brother is his next ideal vessel while I'm his favorite experiment. We're going to end it on the next new moon." I grumbled while doing my usual morning routine, and going down stairs to eat breakfast.

After breakfast Bella told us that she wanted us to meet some friends of hers and of course we agreed since there was nothing else to do. Then we left in Bella's truck, well more of Hinata and her drove in the truck, me and Sasuke wanted a good run, so we just ran after Bella's truck.

Me: That it for CH 1
Sasuke: Stay tune for the second one
Me: Uep review please