Well... Here's the final chapter of "Those Voices". I just want to thank everyone so much for taking the time to read and review this story. It means more to me than you could ever understand. My readers are my motivation to keep writing! So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! ZaXo Ken'Ichi, The previous chapter, as well as this one, might actually be one of my favorites. I'm glad you didn't find the last chapter as cliched as I thought it was going to be. Thank you so much for all the support you've given me throughout this story. I hope you enjoy the ending! James Birdsong, Thank you for all of your support as well. I'm glad you've enjoyed this story!
I'm honestly not even sure how it happened, but I somehow got roped into this little circle of friends. We all just sort of… connected, I suppose. And now, we're inseparable. I have best friends, like I so desperately wanted and knew that I needed. I can smile and have fun again. I no longer spend all my time locked away, drowning myself in grief and sorrow. I face the world with open arms. Although I still wish, more than anything in the world, that Aika was still with me, my friends- you guys- have made life so much easier for me. I know I can go to any of you with my troubles and I know that you will always be there to listen and support me. I can't thank you enough for that…
You each bring something different, and special, into my life. You make my life colorful and so interesting. You each have something inside of you that fits with me like a puzzle pieces. We complete each other, and, more importantly, you all complete me. You all make me exactly who I am. Together, we make up one beautiful picture.
You remind me about the importance of being spontaneous and always having a positive outlook on life. Of course, if there is a time where mourning is necessary, then it is always alright to cry. But there is no point is sitting around and doing nothing. Life isn't going to wait for us to pull ourselves together. It's going to keep moving, whether we want it to or not. So, we have to be willing to experience as much as we can and have fun whenever possible.
You remind me about the importance of friendship. Throughout the years, friends will fight. But we can't let that tear us apart. We need to be understanding and supportive for each other. We are nothing without our friends. They bring out the good and bad in each of us and we have to thank them for doing both. If we hang on to our friends, despite their flaws, oddities, and problems, they could end up being our friends for life. We can't let that go… Friends are one of the only things that can hold us together when it seems as if the world is falling apart.
You remind me of how important it is to think outside of the box and not care too much about what people think of you. There is nothing wrong with being different. In fact, the world lacks originality and we should really respect those who are not afraid to just be themselves. Creativity is something that we seem to take for granted. However, it is our own, outlandish way of thinking that could end up doing something amazing for the world. We can't ignore any creative thought that we may have, no matter how crazy it may seem.
You remind me about the importance of dedication. It's important to show dedication to something that means a lot to us. The hobbies we devote ourselves to make up who er are and tend to make us stronger in many different ways. And sometimes, a little competition is always a good thing. While it's good to occasionally act on impulse, we also need to have a level head. Always being conscious of our actions will help us succeed in what we do. But we can never let ourselves become so disciplined that we forget to have fun.
You remind me about the importance of compassion and love. No matter what anyone says, we should never hold back the love we have for another person. We can't let fear control our lives. If we have feelings for a certain person, we need to let them know. Living in fear of rejection will get nothing accomplished. We need to step up and take the risk. It's hard to overcome a shy nature, but sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zone in order to live life to the fullest and experience our dreams come true.
You have reminded me about the importance of never giving up. We need to constantly be doing our best and use our talents to our advantage. We can't let our imperfections and weaknesses get the better of us. We have to constantly push ourselves to be the best we can possibly be. There will always be a reward for being determined to be our best. It might be something as simple as a good grade, but it might also be something as drastic as pulling one's self out of the shadows of a sorrowful mind and being able to embrace the sun again. With hard work, we will always be able to find happiness.
Thank you so much, to all of you for your roles in my life. It means more than you can imagine and I know that I will never be able to thank you all enough. However, I will always be the best friend I possibly can for you, and, just like you were here for me, I will always be here for you as well.
The End