No beta for this.

I don't own Teen Wolf.

Here is the prompt:



Snogging sessions!

The first time

He entered the house and something felt odd. Like there was too much sex in the air.

Walking into the kitchen he sees Stiles cleaning the kitchen counter. Beating red and a little out of breath. The back door is open and he could hear dogs barking outside.

He looked at a black leather jacket hanging over one of the chairs. He knows who it belongs to – had see him wearing it at one of his run ins with the police. Derek Hale. Wanted murderer… Looking at his son he knows what's going on.

"You missed a spot!" he said and walked out of the kitchen.

The second time

They had a call to the old burned Hale house to arrest Derek Hale. But when they arrived he was nowhere near. He still could not believe that the young man would kill all those innocent people including his sister. But he was there anyway. Walking through the old house he noticed a bottle of adderal in the bathroom. Attached to the bottle is a notice "In case of need" Taking it in his hands he sees the name on the bottle. "Stilinsky" He takes the bottle home.

The third time

He is on out of town patrol when he sees a shiny black camaro at a restaurant. Stopping the car he decides to face Derek Hale alone. He is not sure anymore that he is the killer – he never really was. He knows his son is fond of the older man so he enters the restaurant and overlooked the customers. He sees them in a boot far away from the door. Hale is laughing at something the gay with the back to him is saying. His eyes met the sheriff's eyes for a brief second before they look at his companion and then back up to him again. Eyes wide he ushered the other boy out of the back door before the sheriff could do anything. Not that he wanted. The flannel shirt gave him away. His son was on a date.

The fourth time

Stiles was at the hospital. Just a little accident at lacrosse practice but they wanted to have him stay over night.

There were cards on his night stand. One card stood oddly out. There was a wolf and a human in an embrace and on the back of the card he could read "Get well soon. Missing you already. Love D. P.S. I still feel your lips on mine"

He knows who D. is but he does not say a word. His son will talk to him eventually.

The fifth time

It was a noise that made him wake up. Like a moan coming right out of Stiles room.

Climbing out of bed he made his way to Stiles room. Opening the door there was only Stiles faking sleep. Taking too deep breathes. The window was wide open. Smiling to himself he coughed and said. "If Derek Hale is visiting in the night, making out with you …you tell him when he comes back I want to see him at breakfast. I want to talk to him about some strange things going on here. I don't want to arrest him. Just talk!"

Closing the door he heard Stiles surprised yelp. Knowing full well that Derek Hale was back and that he gets some answers in the morning.