
In his one-thousand years of life, Marshall Lee never imagined it would come to this. He plucked the strings of his axe bass slowly, eyes looking to the horizon. "Why?"was the question going through his mind. He honestly never meant to hurt anyone, especially her.

He put his bass down and moved to the kitchen, not floating and making sure every step reminded him of his mistake. He slowly pulled open the fridge and peered inside. Reaching in, Marshall grasped an apple and brought it to his lips. He made to sink his fangs in but was overtaken by a sudden fury and, instead chucked it to the wall. He grabbed a handful of hair and pulled hard, hoping the small amount of pain he now felt as a vampire could release him from his torment.

"Why? Why? Why, why, why? WHYWHYWHYWHY!"

It was his fault entirely, not hers. He caused it, not her. It was all his damn-

Sudden knocks on the door startled Marshall and caused him to let his hair go in confusion. He turned to the door, wondering who could possibly be there. After a few seconds of debating whether or not he should answer, more knocks came and he decided that made up his mind for him.

As he made his way to the door, his foot came into contact with the slippery remains of the fruit, causing him to fall like a tree cut at the base. His head struck the stove violently and he groaned in pain, struggling to sit upright. When he finally did, he cursed his vision which was blurred by watery eyes. He gingerly rubbed his head and tried to remember what caused him to move. Another set of knocks on the door brought him back to reality, reminding him that someone was there.

He got up groggily and slowly shuffled to the door.

A familiar scent of lilacs and vanilla was carried in from the other side of the barricade.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the handle.

Only one person smelled that way, couldn't be...she had to hate him by now.

He turned the handle and pulled the door open.

In this sea of torment, Marshall was lost. Not a glimmer of hope in sight and drowning was a matter of time. As he looked at the person standing there however, his eyes lit up with hope.

Revamp time guys. smileyface.

Replies to reviews (for the previous incarnation of this chapter):

purpledragon6: Yeah it was the first smell that came to mind for me.

compa16: I'm glad you felt that way.