Wooo! Finally found some other drabbles to post up here :D It's been awhile, hasn't it? I bet you though this was dead ;3 And it was ._. Until I found some Lea and Isa crap from my scrapped story, and decided- hey, why not post dis stuff? And so, for the next few days, ye shall be blessed with Lea and Isa's presences.

This takes place around when isa first met lea. Lea's world got destroyed by teh Heartless, so he's a n00b in Radiant Garden.

The small black thing inched forward, its pointed head cocked almost curiously as it watched us with narrowed eyes.

I could feel my heart seizing up, the panic clinging all around me. Crap. Oh God, it was them. They were here. Blood was roaring in my head, and the only sound I could hear was that of my hammering heart.

"Oh, great." Isa muttered, showing off his trademarked frown. "The Unversed." Unversed? Battling down the urge to take off screaming, I glanced over at him. "Come on, Lea. Let's get out of here." I was amazed at how incredibly calm he was. Didn't he know what these things could do?

He walked past me silently, the creatures still eying him. And me. I didn't move. I couldn't move. My feet were frozen in place. My mind whirred, but it didn't seem to receive the terrified commands that ordered it to get the hell out of there.

"Lea, let's go." Isa said again, still ridiculously calm. But there was something else hidden there, beneath the calm: Fear. He was scared too. But I doubted he was as terrified as me. A hand fell on my shoulder, and I turned to see Isa standing there, a firm look in his eyes. "We have to get out of here, okay?" The way he said it reminded me of an adult talking to a child, trying to look calm so the kid wouldn't freak out. Slowly, I nodded, struggling to swallow the lump in my throat. I was shaking like crazy, and to tell the truth, I felt like a total idiot.

"U-Uh-huh." Slowly, I peeled my feet from the ground, walking shakily after him. He was so damn calm, so unmoving, like some statue. Sure, he hadn't seen what I'd seen, but those things were freaking terrifying!

There was a sound behind me, and I turned my head to look back. All I saw was a quick flash of color, blackish-blue, and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. That thing –the Unversed –was on me. It was on my face. Screaming –quite loudly –I flung it off me.

"Lea!" Isa's voice shouted behind me. I ignored it, tearing my Frisbees from their strap and flying at the little beast. It watched me with those angry eyes, watched as I dug into it and tore it apart. Darkness bubbled up around it, taking it down, and I watched with a sick satisfaction as it died. Laughing nervously, I lowered myself to my knees, heart still roaring inside me. Oh God, oh God, oh dear God that thing could have killed me!

"Lea!" Isa was behind me, pulling on my shoulder. I looked up nervously, aware of the stinging feeling behind me eyes. No, I was not going to cry in front of Isa, not a chance. I forced a grin, aware of how tight my grip on my Frisbees was. I didn't dare let go of them. "What the heck was that?" Isa cried, something that looked like rage in his eyes.

"You- You said it was called an Unversed-" He cut me off, shaking his head.

"No, not that!" He snapped, and I swallowed again. Isa let out an exasperated sigh, and I had a sneaking suspicion that he had a special sigh of pure irritation that he saved just for me. "That was a close one. Why didn't you listen to me?" He frowned, glaring at me. I shrugged, a difficult task when I was quivering like a leaf.

"Dunno." Isa glared, waiting for more, but I wasn't willing to elaborate. He sighed, muttering something along the lines of "You're hopeless" and getting up.

"Come on, let's get out of here before more show up." Those few words were enough to scare the living crap out of me, and I all but leapt to my feet, scampering fearfully after him. "Why so jumpy?" He almost chuckled, the closest I'd ever heard him to laughing.

"What are you talking about?" I scowled, glancing back over my shoulder nervously every few seconds, just to make sure those things weren't still there. When I looked back at Isa, I saw the smallest excuse for a smile I'd ever seen on his face. But, it was there. He shrugged.

"That's the most scared I've ever seen you." I forced a grin.

"No way!" I laughed, reluctantly strapping my Frisbees to my belt. "I was not scared." Hah, like anyone would buy that. Isa smirked, chuckling again.

"Right. If you say so." He turned, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he walked ahead. I strayed several feet behind, still glancing back every now and then, just to be sure.

Those things… The Unversed, or whatever Isa had called them, reminded me painfully of that accursed night, yet something about them was… Different, then the monsters I'd seen before. For one thing there was the shape, and the color, and even the movement, but that wasn't all. There was also… I dunno, the vibe that they gave off. Those monsters that had attacked the Center Piece, they had this aura of darkness, of evil. These things didn't feel that way. When that Unversed leapt at me, all I felt was fear. No oppressing darkness, no suffocating evil, just terror. The Unversed and the monsters that had attacked my world were not the same things, I decided, trotting to catch up with Isa.

But if the Unversed hadn't been the ones to destroy the Center Piece… Then what had?

I used to have lots of great Lea and Isa drabbles... But all my best ones were eated by my computer. The one where they plotted world domination, and another fun one where they ran around in the fountains in RG and Lea got Isa's notebook wet. This was all I managed to save my my Dinosaur Computer (rest it's comppie soul) ;-;