I know ya'll hate me, right? Long time since last update

Well, maybe I can make it up with cool facts: Stana Katic graduated number 10 out of 700 kids in her high school class, awesome right! She also loves astrophysics and is admittedly "of the tomboy type." In college she studied biology and pre-law among other things :-)

Please wish my friend Maria good luck... she has a ton of MAJOR tests coming up and is chronically studying (but taking 50 minutes off for castle, lol)

Who can't wait for castle to caress her hand tomorrow…and what about kissing in episode 14!... as Chris Brow (castle camera guy) said, "WOOOOOOOOOOW"- at Stana in "the blue butterfly"!

Also, for my NCIS lovers... who can wait for episode 200... two part that is gonna be OFF THE CHAIN... I'm a dork, lol.

I own nothing!

Later that night, sitting on her living room couch, Kate was cradling a plate of chicken fettuccini alfredo with spinach mixed in and, not one, but two pieces of garlic bread. Kate always thought bread was the best part… or at least usually. Her sat next to her on the couch and in a chair across the room her dad. Most would think it unconventional to eat on the couch, but they had agreed that it was always more comfortable. And, in the end, comfort worked fit their family values.

"So, Katie, did you find that paper you called me all frantic about?" her dad asked.

"sorda," she replied shrugging her shoulders, her parents did NOT need to know about what she blurted out.

"What do you mean by sordove?"

"Castle found it."

"Who is this castle kid?" Inquired Jim with a tad more force behind his words


"Richard, Rick, Castle…cute new boy at Dalian and has made friends with Katie and all them."

"He is not cute!"

"Okay, fine, whatever you teens say today. Hot, Sexy, Handsome, Smokin, Fine, a hunka hunka hunk? Oh, and sweetie, you already admitted he was cute."


Jim and Johanna started laughing at their daughter's embarrassment.

"Do I need to be worried about this Castle boy?" he asked once the laughing subsided.

"Make your own judgments Friday; he and the gang are spending the night. Hey, why will ya'll see Montgomery and his wife on Friday?"

"They are coming over for dinner. Don't worry, we will not bother you, at least not intentionally."

"Ughhh, why do ya'll have to be friends with my principal!"Kate sighed as she finished off her dinner, placed her plate in the sink and ran up the stairs. "Niiiiiight!"

"Don't think you aren't hugging and kissing us night, Katie-did!"

Kate stubbornly stomped back down the stairs and kissed and hugged each of them good night, "Love you."

"We love you too, honey."

"All the way to the moon," Jim began

"And back," Johanna finished.

Kate always pretended to be annoyed at the "nighty night rituals," but, in reality, she loved it.

She lay on her bed, the white, pillow soft, fluffy comforter underneath, painting her toe nails a grey tint that Revlon titled "Hazy" when her phone did the signature "Kim Possible Beep tone," signaling a new text.

Explain yourself, Katherine Beckett! – LP –

Of course Lanie would be the first… setting down her polish, she stretched out her legs, settling in for a looooooooooooong conversation.

What?- KB

You know darn well what!- LP

well, it was worth trying, Kate thought.

Kate was about to reply when she got another text:

You and New Boy do the deed!- MQ


Huh?- RC

Kate looked down when her phone beeped, finally getting sick of the noise, she put it on buzz. What is Castle saying 'huh' to? Kate wondered as she scrolled through her messages and realized she accidentally sent that 'NO' to Castle rather than Maddy.

Didn't mean to send that to you- KB

NO!- KB- she re- sent to Maddy.

I don't know? Bad morning…- KB- Kate finally replied to Lanie.

What took so long?... and bad morning my ass-LP

Texting Mads- KB

Is she asking what I am?- LP

What do ya think?- KB


Well, since you interrupted my studious workings, you are going to have to keep entertaining me- RC

Kate thought she was going to go crazy now, texting three people, two about the third.

When her phone rang (or rather quacked in her phone's caser), she hoped it was the president asking her to come and save the world… or, just anyone to rescue her.


"Hey!" Maddie said. So much for that.

"Explain!" Lanie said

Oh great, a three way!- Kate thought.

"How nice of ya'll to call me, I wonder why!" she said into the phone, sarcasm evident.

"Pshhhh- we'll make it up to you later." Lanie reconciled.

"Lanie will, I see no reason as to why we have to."

"And this is why Lanie's my favorite!"

"You love us the same, Kate, don't lie," Maddy decided.

Studious workings, eh?-KB she shot a quick text to Castle, putting her cell on speaker.

"What's that noise?" Lanie asked.


"You're texting Maddy?"

"No, she's not texting me…"

Kate smirked as she listed to her friends great narrowing down process.

I happen to be a very good worker, I'd be happy to show you some time. But, seeing as I have a better outlet talking to you here, I am more than obliged to stop. So, my dear Kate, what's on your mind?-RC

Kate barely held in her laughter at that one… on my mind, hmmm, let's see, Mads and Lanie are on speaker trying to figure out who I am texting. And, "your?"

"Is she texting Javi?"

"No, he's downstairs making me dinner."

"Wait, he's what now!" Kate joined their conversation once again.

"what Kate said."

"Well, we were supposed to have a date tonight, but after the episode you pulled this morning I told him to get out and make me dinner while I have girl talk."

"Awww, you got your own personal little puppy, but, please, let's get back to the reason we called."

"Let's not!" Kate said fakely-cheered.

Ooooh, have they figured it out! And, yes, "mine"- RC

Letting that slide, and, no, they decided to get back to the reason they called, to my annoyance.-KB

And what might that be?-RC

"She said she didn't sleep with him?" Maddy informed Lanie

"Well, duh, she's only known the guy a week… I don't think even Kate would do that, maybe when she's older but not now."

"Thanks guys, really…" Kate replies, while rolling her eyes, despite the fact they can't see her.

Let's put it this way, they are discussing the fact that I didn't sleep with you b/c I've only known u a week… but, if I were older it would be a different story… great friends, huh?- KB

Why am I telling him this!

And how does that make you feel?- RC ;-)

This time, Kate did nothing to hold the laughter in, his little message bringing back the time when she and her friends would do the idiotic child game of playing psychiatrist saying "And how does that make you feel" after anyone said ANYTHING. Yeah, this is why I told him... he'd make me laugh, Kate answered her earlier question.

"She's texting Rick!" Lanie shouted.

"Oh My Gosh you're so right, only he makes her laugh like a school girl, especially considering we're torturing her!"

Haha… they figured out it was you… -KB

O, oh the wonderful process of elimination- RC

"Your point guys!"

"Point is, Kate, we are talking about the prospect of you having sex and you're texting, or shall I say sexting, the very man in question," Maddy spoke.

"Hey, I did not have sex with him or anyone else, unlike you, Maddy! And, no, just texting!"

"Wait, what now!" Lanie yelled.

"Oh, shit. Maddy, I am so, so, soooo sorry, Oh my God… what can I do to make it up to you?"

"I am going to pretend you didn't just say that, Kate Beckett, but rather let it slide because of that time I let your secret slip in front of your mom, okay? Now, we are even, let's make this the end of our you owe me I owe you. Lanie, I'll tell you later…"

"You better," Lanie chided.

Kate let out a long breath she did know she was holding, allowing peace to settle in her bones once again.

"Now, seriously, Kate, what compelled you to say that this morning?" Maddy said.

"I don't know, it just, I don't know… let's just say my mouth ran without my brain?"

"Do you regret it?" Lanie asked.

"No, I mean, I probably wouldn't have done it had I waited another ten seconds, but, I don't regret it, I mean, it is kinda hilarious."

"True that!" Lanie said.

"Okay, but, the fact that that came out means it was in your mind, wanna explain that?"

"I plead the fifth."

"Uh huh, I gotta go girls, Javi's giving me the evil eye that says.. 'dinner's hot, girl time's over.' Love ya'll."

"Love you too, tell Javi we say hi!" Kate said.

"I can't believe they haven't gone to third base yet." Maddy stated once Lanie left the line.

"Yeah, in a way I agree, but, I actually find it endearing."

"Agreed, I gotta go, have a paper for marketing and managing."

"I will never understand the reasoning for that class, talk to you tomorrow"


After Maddy hung up, Kate was surprisingly thrilled with how that conversation went, but she was more exhilarated with the silence that came with the silence that now surrounded her… until her phone buzzed

Leaving me hanging?- RC

Oh, sorry, just finished talking with the girls- KB

Now I have you to myself *cue evil villain laughter!*- RC

Uh, huh, guess you do, whatcha gonna do about it?- KB

Don't challenge me-RC

Or what-KB

Be prepared to take the consequences-RC

I think I can take you on- KB

Think? –RC

Know- KB

We'll see about that- RC

You used who/ whom wrong on Saturday- KB

Way to change the subject, and, no, I didn't… btw, that is really random- RC

Yes, you did- KB

No, I didn't- RC

Yes, you did, You specifically said, and I quote, "Oh look who is asking to race who now?"- KB

Oh, you got me- RC

I know I did- KB

Cocky- RC

You know it- KB

Kate sent the last text as her eyes fluttered and slowly slid shut…staying awake was a losing the battle.

Confidence= sexy- RC

Ten minutes later Rick sent a text, knowing she had fallen asleep

I take no offense to your falling asleep on our enthralling conversation. Sweet dreams, KB – RC

Only in the morning would Kate see Rick's final text, one that made her eyes sparkle and her feet hit the floor as she sprung out of bed without her usual morning moodiness on school days.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks to all my readers and subscribers, Love Ya'll! :-)

BTW.., If I make mistakes, please tell me!