Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or his world. I also don't own Taylor Swift's music.

It's all stupid Victoire's fault, I fumed, inordinately angry about a song that had been stuck in my head for two whole weeks now. Stupid Victoire and her stupid obsession with stupid American Muggle music.

When Victoire was a teenager and I was a little kid, she became fascinated with American Muggle music, especially that of one singer in particular—Taylor Swift. She built a tree fort on the far edge of her parents' property and kept magic as far away from it as possible, and there, in that fort, she kept one of those Muggle music-playing things and a bunch of little discs that had music somehow recorded onto them. And she'd go out to the fort and listen to the music and think or draw or just zone out, listening. When I was at her house for holidays or family dinners, sometimes she'd take me (and my cousin Lily) out to the tree fort to listen to the music with her. Victoire, who's eight years older than I am, always seemed like the "big kid," and I loved it when she included me on that kind of stuff. I begged her to take me out to the tree fort as often as possible, and so I wound up learning a lot of Taylor Swift music by heart. Can you blame me? It's catchy.

I had been either blessed or cursed with a good memory from a very young age. Right now, I definitely felt like my memory was a curse. I can't forget the songs I'd picked up in Victoire's fort seven or eight years ago. No, I can't forget a single cursed word. And what makes it worse was that one of the songs fit my situation perfectly.

When Professor Smiley first assigned us partners from Slytherin, I hated her for it. But Scorpius and I had actually become friends after we'd realized that our reasons for hating each other were completely stupid. But now it's halfway through second term, and we haven't spoken much since we were assigned new potions partners back in January.

The problem is, I fell hard for him sometime around December. I don't know how he feels toward me, but I have the biggest crush of my life on him. I'm trying hard to forget about it, but this is really hard to accomplish with I'd Lie playing incessantly in the back of my mind.

And I could tell you, his favorite color's green

Well, duh. He's a Slytherin. What would you expect? It'd not like you'd really have to know him to figure that out. I mean, yeah, we had a conversation about our favorite colors one time, so I did know for sure that green was his favorite, but what else was there to talk about? Knowing that doesn't mean I knew him well.

He loves to argue

And it drives me crazy. I hate it. He says the most incendiary things and will never back down from his stupid, idiotic positions . . . and then, lying awake at night, you realize that he was actually right and you feel like a moron but it's not like you can admit it, so if the argument starts up again later you have to stick with a side that you don't even believe, and he's just smirking because he can see through you defenses and knows that you know that he's right, and then you feel like even more of a moron . . . But I can't help admitting that it makes me like him more. Because as much as I hate arguing with him, it's also the most fun I've ever had. In my entire life. Period. Because as long as we're arguing, I know he's not going to leave until we've finished. He's going to stay right by my side, with his attention on me, until the matter is resolved. And knowing that feels amazing.

Born on the seventeenth

Of May, actually, which makes him 23 days younger than I am. Not, of course, that I really bothered calculating that, but what can I say? I'm good at math.

His sister's beautiful

Or rather, she will be. Right now, she's a first year and on the cusp between cute and pretty, but you can tell she's going to be stunning someday. Those Malfoy good looks! Apparently they're new in this generation, but they're killer. It's infuriating. You either want to look like them or want to date them. Neither of which is fair at all.

He has his father's eyes

Pale blue-grey. More blue around the pupil; the grey is more toward the edges. In Scorp's, at least. I've only seen his father's at a bit of a distance—same color; not sure on the pattern.

And if you asked me if I love him, I'd lie

It's not like I have a choice. Our families hate each other, and I don't know what he feels for me. It's probably not affection. We get along all right, but that could mean practically anything. I wish I knew how he felt—whether he likes me at all or not, at least I would know how to act—but, even if he does like me, I still don't think we could date. Our family hatred runs too deep.

I guess there's only one thing left to do:

I'll put on my makeup and pray for a miracle . . .

A/N: If you like it, favorite and review! Please? However, a story alert won't do you any good because this is a twofic. I only meant it to have two parts. It's finished, and there won't be any updates, even if you beg. I'm flattered by the people who have told me to continue writing, but this is all there is to the story. I like the ending how it is. If you want more, then write it—that's what fanfiction's all about. So, though I'm flattered by the story alerts and questions about what's going to happen next, this is the end of the story. Period.