Artie and Rachel were sitting on the couch in the Berry's living room, Artie's wheelchair by the kitchen, when the doorbell rang. Rachel jumped up and hurried to the door, throwing it open to reveal Sam and Quinn with interlaced hands, Mercedes and Kurt standing behind them. They were each laden with bags and smiling at the tiny brunette. She grabbed some of the bags and made her way to the kitchen, calling over her shoulder at the group to follow.

Rachel set the bags down on the counter and the others quickly followed suit. She turned to face the newcomers with a warm smile.

"Hey guys."

They all greeted her with hugs and smiles when there was a knock on the door.

Rachel wiped her hands on her jeans and started to turn away, calling over her shoulder, "I'm gonna get the door. Make yourselves at home. Can you get the snacks onto the table? Thanks!"

She opened the door and was met with Matt and Tina carrying sodas. Grinning at them, she peered behind them before frowning, "Where's Brittany?"

Matt opened his mouth to reply when they heard a squeal of "Rachie!" and Rachel found herself on the ground with a squirming blond lying on top of her.

"Hey Britt." The brunette laughed as the cheerio wiggled happily and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Matt grinned and set his sodas on the floor before reaching down to pull Brittany off of her. Once she was set on her feet, he reached down and gently tugged Rachel up and into his arms. He hugged her tightly, swaying back and forth. He released her and reclaimed the soda before leading Brittany, who now had the soda Tina was carrying, to the kitchen.

"Just set them on the table," Rachel called before turning to Tina and hugging her. The Goth grinned at her and winked before making her way to Artie and plopping herself on his lap. She smiled at them and was about to ask where everyone else was when the doorbell rang again.

Suddenly, the door was flung open and Santana strode in, dragging Mike behind her. She held up a handful of movies, "What up, sexy peeps? I brought the entertainment!"

Rachel raised an eyebrow, "Tana, how did you get in my house?"

The Latina scoffed at her, "Seriously? You hide your key under the mat. Duh. Sorry to burst your bubble, babe, but it's not that creative."

"Hmph, what movies did you bring?"

"Saw, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Final Destination," The Cheerio grinned maniacally, "Are you scared, midget?"

Rachel glared at her and crossed her arms over her stomach, "Of course not," She replied indignantly.

Still grinning, Santana bounced over and wrapped her arms around her fellow brunette and kissed her on the head before skipping to the living room and setting up the TV. Rachel rolled her eyes but kicked the door shut and winked at Mike as he followed Santana onto the couch.

As the tiny brunette turned around, she tilted her head at the sight in the kitchen. Quinn and Sam were setting up the table while Matt and Brittany scavenged her cabinets for cups and snacks. But the weird part was Kurt sitting on the floor and holding hands with Mercedes, with both of their eyes closed and they appeared to be chanting.

"Sammy!" She called to the tall blond in a quiet voice. He turned towards her with a smile and she inclined her head towards her fellow divas on the ground. A look of amusement and confusion crossed his face before he shrugged and turned back to Quinn. Rachel kneeled next to Kurt and asked him what he was doing. He shot up and a high pitched scream made it's way out of his throat, causing Mercedes to jump and scream too. Rachel clutched her sides and laughed as they both put their hands on their hips and glared at her.

"If you must know, we are mourning the loss of my Prada scarf. It took an unfortunate dive into the pool after my idiotic stepbrother decided to test it's ability to float," Kurt replied dryly. Rachel flinched at the mention of her ex-boyfriend and the boy laid a hand on her shoulder apologetically, "Oh sweetie, he isn't worth it."

The brunette nodded at her fellow divas as a knock sounded at the door. She gave the group a weak smile and went to greet the newcomer.

As she opened the door, she was swept off her feet by strong arms. She wrapped her arms around Puck's neck and laughed as he spun them around. She was placed back on the ground and he kissed her on the forehead with a gentle smile.

"Hey Rach," he whispered. She grinned and took his hand, leading him into the house. He dropped her hand to wrap an arm around her shoulders and tug her closer as they walked to the living room, where everyone was gathered.

Rachel clapped her hands to get their attention, "Is everyone here?"

There were cheers and she took that as an affirmative. Matt and Brittany were cuddled together in an armchair, with Mike and Santana in the couch next to them, fighting over the remote and which final destination movie was the funniest. Rachel was momentarily stunned and amused when she realized that were talking about a horror movie and not a comedy, but just smiled as the Asian leaned down and kissed his girlfriend's nose. On the second couch, Sam and Quinn were holding hands and whispering quietly to each other on one side with Kurt and Mercedes still mourning the loss of the boy's scarf on the other. Rolling her eyes, Rachel turned to Tina and Artie, who were next to Mike and Santana on the couch. The Goth's head rested on Artie's shoulder as he grinned down at her. Puck was sprawled on the loveseat, smirking at Rachel.

The tiny diva opened her mouth to speak when the doorbell rang, breaking everyone out of their conversations. She smiled, "It's probably just the pizza boy. I'll get that. Tana, can you set up the movie?" The Latina nodded proudly, making Rachel roll her eyes.

Heading towards the door, the brunette grabbed the money on the table to pay for the pizzas and was surprised to see Finn was standing in front of her. Slipping the money into her shorts pocket, she looked at him expectedly.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you that I forgive you. And I think we should go out tonight." He told her smugly and reached for her hand.

Rachel looked from him to their linked hands and back to Finn.

Ripping her hand away, she glared at him, "Are you a total idiot? I want nothing to do with you. We are done. Forever, now get out of my house," She told him, trying not to draw attention to them.

His expression changed so fast she might've missed it if she blinked. A sneer overtook his face and he roughly grabbed her arm, hauling her outside and closer to him. She looked at him fearfully.

"Let me go, Finn."

He just smirked and tightened his grip.

"You're hurting me!" Rachel squealed, trying to get away from him. She tugged her arm, but he only squeezed harder. She yelped again, clenching her fists in pain.

"Listen here, I gave you everything. You owe me. I put up with your little stunts and selfishness and you don't get to end it," Finn told her, emphasizing his point by shaking her.

She winced and tears leaked out from her eyes.

"Noah!" She screamed, shoving at Finn's chest, "Help!"

She heard a rush of footsteps and then gasps of shock. She opened her eyes and found most of the guests looking at her worriedly.

"Hudson, let her go," Puck growled at him while the other club members glared. Finn just smiled at them threateningly and tugged Rachel closer while tightening his grip. The small brunette's skin burned where his hand was and she looked pleadingly at Noah. When Finn looked up and saw that the boys were quickly approaching them, he shoved Rachel forward and she tripped, hitting her head on the door and collapsing into Noah's arms. He gently handed her to Artie, who Tina had rolled from the living room. The wheelchair-bound gleek cradled her in his arms, resting her head against his neck. Tina ran a hand through the girl's hair soothingly.

Racing after Finn, Puck tackled him to the ground. Matt, Mike, and Sam following. When they reached the two, blood was already pouring out of Finn's nose for the second time that day while Puck was hitting anywhere he can reach. Matt and Mike hauled the mohawked boy up while he struggled against them. Sam leaned forward, aimed a final kick to Finn's stomach and proceeded to spit on him.

Santana sauntered up to them with a wicked smile, "Finnocence, don't ever touch my best friend again," She brought her knee up between his legs and grinned in satisfaction as he crumbled again.

Quinn also stepped forward, "Leave Finn. And don't come back. Or we'll let Puck go."

The bruised and beaten teen looked around and then limped to his car, giving them all one last glare and driving away.

They all went back inside, locked the door, and walked to the couch, where everyone had gathered. Rachel was conscious again but her face was scrunched up in pain. Tina was dabbing at a large cut on the side of her head with a cloth while Kurt bandaged her wrist where Finn's nails had made deep marks. Her face was already starting to bruise from the door and everyone pretty much wanted to kill Finn. She was still sitting on Artie's lap with his arms wrapped around her waist tightly and his face buried in her hair. Everyone knew how close he was to the small brunette after their interaction in Glee. They could all see the rage in his eyes. Rachel placed her hands over his and squeezed gently, showing him that she was fine.

A soft whimper was heard and everyone turned to the tall blond Cheerio who was watching with tears falling down her cheeks and her hands clenched together.

"Brit, come here," Rachel requested holding out a hand for the girl. The blond shuffled forward and plopped down next to the brunette on the couch and took her hand.

The young diva smiled at her softly, "What's wrong?"

Brittany sniffled and wiped her face with the sleeve of her jacket, "You're bleeding. Rachie, I don't know why Finn did that. You're sweet. I love you Rachie."

Rachel smiled and wrapped her arms around the blond. Brittany hugged her and kissed her hair gently. Giggling, they leaned back but stayed near each other. Artie moved so his chin rested on the injured girl's shoulder and Tina went to rewet the cloth.

Santana knelt down in front of Rachel and threw her arms around her neck, "Hudson is so lucky I didn't go Lima Heights all over him."

Giggling, Rachel nuzzled her nose into the girl's shoulder. Santana stood up and with a final kiss to the cheek, stepped back into Mike's arms.

Kurt was the next to step forward, "I am so sorry, honey. I never thought he would do that. Don't worry. I will be telling Carol about this when I get home tomorrow." He hugged her and brushed a hand over her head before going back to stand with Mercedes.

"Matty?" Rachel said, looking up through her eyelashes at the jock.

He knelt down in front of her, "Yeah, babe?"

"Can you go see if I have any painkillers? My head really hurts…" She pouted. He nodded and kissed the top of her head before grabbing Brittany's hand and heading towards the bathroom to search for some Advil.

Puck was looking at the ground angrily when his tiny diva caught sight of him.

"Noah, look at your hands!" She exclaimed, standing up and walking towards him. She only made it a few steps before she stumbled, holding her head in pain. Puck grabbed her and cradled her in his arms gently while her head rested on his collarbone. He sat down next to Artie on the couch with Rachel and gently laid her down so her head rested on Artie's lap and the rest of her was curled on his lap.

"Sorry, sweetheart, no moving for you yet. Don't worry about me. My hands are fine. You're the one with the head injury," Puck gently told her, running his hand along her spine as she curled into him. Artie's fingers softly threaded through her hair as she drifted into sleep.

Kissing her forehead, Puck looked down at Rachel before looking back up at the other guests, "Hey guys, let her sleep. Turn on a movie or something but be quiet. She's had a hard day."

Mercedes stepped in front of the couch, "White boy, we love that girl in your arms right now. She's family. And we are staying. Don't act like you don't expect that."

Puck smiled sheepishly and linked his fingers with Rachel's. He leaned his head back on the couch and found himself falling into a deep sleep, thoughts of the tiny diva on his mind.