Disclaimer~Me no own DBZ at all *looks very sad*

Author's Note~Dun ask where I got the idea for this fic from, it just popped into my head one night *looks amazed* Dedicated to a great friend of mine, Melissa(aka thepaxilfairy), go check out her fics too cause they are very cooly! Also dedicated to Android 17, I'm glad you like this fic ^-^ This fic is packed with drama, action and some gore, just ta warn ya.

Summary~Takes place just after the Buu saga, but before the end of DBZ. An old enemy from the past wants revenge on Gohan and knows just how to do it. One night, Goten is captured and taken far from his family and friends. A distraught Gohan will do anything to get his younger brother back and is determined to do just that. Facing enemies old and new, Gohan learns that to overcome you're darkest fears you must not only have faith in those around you, you must have faith in yourself.

Dragonball Z

Unbreakable Faith In You

Chapter 4-Down But Not Out

Gohan sat deadly still next to his father's fallen form.
He hadn't left his side since he and the other Z Fighters had arrived at the hospital after they heard of the attack. Tears were constantly welling up in the Demi-Saiyan's eyes, every few seconds they snaked down his face.
Gohan slowly crept a hand up to one of his father's pale hands and placed his top.
It was so hard to whipser, let alone talk with the way he was so choked up. Gohan glanced up at the ceiling before look back down, swallowing hard.
"I'm so sorry. I should never have argued with you. Now your hurt and it's my fault. I should've seen it coming, I should've known. This is all my fault, I'm so sorry."
Gohan leaned forward and buried his face against Goku's chest, his whole body jerking with the heart wrenching sobs that he couldn't stop.


Goten and Trunks sat on some seats next to each other a little way from the gathered group of Z Fighters outside Goku's hospital room. Trunks was doing his best to comfort his best friend, but it wasn't at all easy.
"Listen Goten, I know it seems really bad now, but everything will be okay." He said, placing a hand on Goten's shoulder.
"How can you say that Trunks?" Goten asked, more in sorrow than anger. "Something's trying to hurt Oniisan, it's attacked my father who's now in a deep coma with little chance of him waking up again and it's out to get me too!"
"It sounds to me like your giving up Goten." Trunks replied. "Do you think your dad would want that? Do you think Gohan would want that?"
Goten looked at Trunks, tears still slipping down his face. He shook his head.
"Exactly." Trunks continued. "They are fighters. Your dad is one of the strongest along with my dad, he won't give up fighting to live and you mustn't give up on hope."
"I know Trunks, but I'm scared."
"I know you are Goten, but you must control that fear. Besides, you have us. Together we're strong. Anyway, you're my best friend, I'm not gonna let this guy get ya."
Goten wiped his tears away with his hand and smiled at Trunks.
"Thanks Trunks, you're my best friend too."
"Yeah, yeah, enough with the mushy stuff already." Trunks said. "Listen, I was thinking, you and I could go find this guy and sort him out, then the others won't have to worry."
"But Trunks, this guy managed to nearly kill dad, what chance do we have?" Goten asked.
"We have a secret weapon remember?" Trunks replied with a grin. "Gotenks!"
Goten smiled.
"Oh yeah, I forgot! We could fuse and Gotenks will kick this bad guy's butt!"
"That's the spirit!" Trunks said. "And when we get back, I'm sure your dad will be awake again and Gohan's visions will stop and everything will be back to normal."
"Yeah! Okay then, let's do it!" Goten agreed.
No one noticed the two friends leave together, determined to finish the new threat themselves and once and for all.


"Master, his brain wave activity is increasing!"

"He's stirring, he will awaken."


Goku heard these voices all around him, but he had no idea who or what they were or what they were talking about. He felt consciousness slowly returning to his exhausted body and he struggled to open his eyes. His eyes opened an inch and something instantly stung them. They closed again as his brain tried to figure out what was going on and what had hurt him. He tried again, this time his eyes got used to the stinging and the intensity of the pain died down.


Some sort of light tan/brown liquid was what he saw and felt as his senses came back. It was all around him like he was in a lake or something. He tried to see past the liquid and managed to make out some figures, though they were blurred, through it.

Were they in the liquid too? Or were they on the outside looking in at him.

"Welcome back to the land of the living Son Goku." A voice spoke.

Goku's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to work out which of the figures had spoken. What confused him more was that the voice seemed to be composed of many voices rolled up into one.

"Oh, please don't struggle too much." The voice spoke again with a hint of sarcasm. "We wouldn't want too much damage done to your soul, not when I haven't play around with you yet."

What was this guy talking about? Goku didn't understand. Damage his soul? What did he mean by that?

Then, Goku say his hands.

He could see right through them, as if they were faint, whispy mist. Goku felt pure adrenaline was over him in the shock of realising what he guessed to be correct. He wasn't the whole person; this, which he saw, was that of his spirit. Then he remembered the attack and realised that somehow, this guy had separated his soul from his body. But surely that would mean he was dead, unless the evil had worked out a way to get past that too.

"Don't get too lonely Goku, you will be joined very soon." The voice said. "I have no doubt that your sons and friends will come to destroy me. It's very ironic really, when you think about it. They will soon be dead, defeated by me and yet, they've already defeated the very parts that make up my being. I guess you could say, they will be facing they're ghosts from the past.

And suddenly, like a sledgehammer, it hit Goku.

The dual voices…the way this evil acted and spoke, he'd seen it all before, just never in the same place at once.

"You may call me One, Goku, for in reality, that's what we are now."

Goku growled in frustration. He HAD to warn Gohan somehow.


"Where do you think this guy is hiding Trunks?" Goten asked, flying next to his friend.
"I don't Goten, but we won't stop until we've found him and defeated him!" Trunks replied.
"Yeah, of course." Goten added. "Do you think if we fuse now, we might find this guy quicker?"
"I suppose, but then we would have less time to defeat him." Trunks replied. "Remember, we can only stay fused for half an hour. It would be better if we searched for him, found him then fused."
"Oh, good point Trunks."
"Of course, I do have some of mom's brains you know."
"I never said you didn't."


Gohan opened his eyes to find himself floating in a void of empty whiteness.

He instantly became apprehensive, fearing another incoming vision that would obviously be worst than last time.

However, as he continued to float around and nothing happened, he began to notice that this wasn't like the evil visions at all. He felt a warmth around him and he felt safe, he really felt safe and secure for once through out this ordeal so far.

Then, a soft golden light began to shin through the whiteness directly in front of Gohan. He brought his arms up to his face to shield his eyes from the extraordinary light coming from the distance. Gohan took down his arms when something ahead blocked the light. He looked up and his mouth fell.


Goku stood in front of his eldest son, eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed, as though lost deep in thought and concentration. Gohan raised an eyebrow and took a step forward.

"Dad? Can you hear me?"

"Gohan…" Goku spoke quietly, he voice echoing a little.

"Dad! It's really you!" Gohan cried happily, running towards his father.

"No Gohan, stay there." Goku said, raising a hand. "You can't touch me Gohan, I'm not really here and technically speaking, neither are you."

"Huh? What do you mean dad?"

"I don't have long to tell you what I need to, so I can't go into any details as to how I brought you hear. Think of it a spiritual meeting place in the mind."

Gohan's eyebrows furrowed in a little confusion, but got most of what his father was saying.

"Listen carefully to me Gohan. I need to ask you, am I near death in the real world?"

Gohan's mouth faltered, he hadn't been expecting that question.

"You're…you're a deep coma dad." He managed to reply.

Goku's head nodded in understanding.

"Hai, that explains that."

"Huh? Explains what dad?"

"I don't know how Gohan, but somehow One has managed to steal my soul from my body. He's keeping me locked up in some sort of container filled with a liquid, probably to torture me."

"One? Is that the name of the new evil?" Gohan asked.

"Yes, that is his name, but he's not a new enemy, we've face him before."

"What? I don't understand."

"We've faced the parts that make him before at separate time during our lives. Gohan, he's being is made up of those evils we've faced at the turning points of our lives."

Gohan's mouth could've hit the floor is there was one and his eyes were almost as big as saucers.

"Oh my god, that means…"

"My brother, Frieza, Cell, Buu, they all make him. He is One."

Gohan was shaking in fear, disbelief and shock. This wasn't his worse nightmare, it was worse.

"But listen to me Gohan." Goku continued. "Just because he is made up of those we've battled before doesn't mean he can't be stopped. We've defeated each of them once before, we can do it again."

"H-H-How?" Gohan asked. "We've never had to face them all at once."

"That makes no difference Gohan. We've all become much stronger than before, grown up and changed into better people, especially you Gohan. You can win against him, but don't try alone. I can't be with you this time son. Until One is destroyed, I'll be like this. Don't be discouraged though. Vegeta is there, Piccolo, Gohan and Goten too. Everyone you need to help you is there."

"But dad!" Gohan protested. "I can't! I can't do it, not without you!"

"Gohan, you don't need me to win a fight." Goku replied. "You already have what you need."

Goku started wincing and Gohan moved forward again.

"Gohan, I can't stay any longer, the strain and pressure is getting too much for me to handle and I don't want to take the chance that One could find out what I'm doing."

As Gohan watched, the light began receding and Goku's form slowly began turning to a faint mist.

"Just trust in those around you, trust yourself and believe in yourself and you abilities, but most of all, trust your heart Gohan. I love you, my son."

"Dad! Dad please don't go! Don't leave me!" Gohan yelled, trying to move forward.

A massive gust of wind blasted him back, sending him to his knees and he raised his arms to his head again and kept trying to see his father.



Gohan shoot forward with a start and found himself face to face with floor. Muttering curses under his breath and rubbing his nose, Gohan picked himself up and sat back down in the seat next to his father's ever still form. He gazed at him for a few silent moments before he slipped his hand back into his father's and spoke softly in a whisper.
"I'll do as you say dad. I'll save you and make everything right again, I promise."

Awww, nice ending huh? Ha ha! Bet you didn't see that twist about the baddie coming eh? Hehehe, me is sneaky! Things are getting deeper. Will Gohan fulfil his promise? What will happen to Trunks and Goten? What step will One take next? R&R! ^-^