A/N: There is a book that is a collection of first kiss stories by many popular authors of today. For example Shannon and Dean Hale, Justine Larbalester, Sarah Mlynowski, and many others. The anthology is called First Kiss (Then Tell): A Collection of True Lip-Locked Moments edited by Cylin Busby. If you get a chance, read this book. It is great. Some stories really stuck with me, because they were sweet or just plain awful kisses that they make my first kiss not so bad. But there was one story that made me want to change the ending or add to it, because it was so saddening. The author herself wished for a different ending. But alas, we can't change reality, only dream up a new one. The story is called Bad Reputation by Cecil Castellucci.

I'll summarize the story in Twilight characters. This is the prequel to "Worth More than a Bad Reputation" and its sequel "Worth More than a Bad Rep too."

I don't own anything.


Isabella Swan was twelve years old and loved to hang out with her three friends. In school there was a boy named Jacob Black who along with his two buddies had a reputation for making trouble. One day after school Jacob came knocking at Bella's door asking if she wanted to come out to play. She agreed only because she was terrified to say no. They went to hang out on the island that divided the road. It was wide with a large rock hidden by several trees. It was a semi secluded getaway location amongst the buildings of her neighborhood. That's where he kissed her. They kissed until dinnertime when he left her with a "see ya." She was amazed by the whole experience. They never spoke at school, though he did stare at her from time to time. The after school kissing continued on for weeks and they both seemed to enjoy every one of them.

Jacob's thirteenth birthday came around and his family decided to make a big party. Bella was invited as well as many of the other kids at school. Her friends weren't nor did they desire the invitation. They didn't like Jacob or his troublesome friends. At the party, Jacob danced with every girl except for Bella. She settled with dancing with different members of his family. When she went off to the ladies room, he met her outside the restroom door. He led her to a dark hidden ballroom and there they shared a long kiss. She really loved his kisses and wondered if she was his secret girlfriend.

The next week there was a dance at the teen center and Bella went along with her friends. They sat on the side hoping some boys would ask them to dance. Unfortunately for them, it was Jacob and his two buds. Bella was more than happy to dance with Jacob, but her friends only agreed out of fear. Bella finally got her dance with Jacob and the smile they both shared was priceless.

Afterward, her friends wanted to go outside for some air. The boys joined them. While Jacob's friends chatted up with the girls, Jacob took Bella to a nearby tree. Hidden from the other's view they began making out. Regrettably, they were discovered by her friends. Jacob snuck off, leaving her to deal with her astonished confidants. She was so embarrassed by what they claimed it would do to her reputation. They didn't want to hang out with a girl with a bad reputation.

The next time Jacob came over after school, Bella pretended not to be home. Jacob rang the bell a few times then gave up. She cried. But she and Jacob never shared a kiss again.

A/N: Isn't that the saddest thing? Please review if you want me to continue.