Well, now I'm on to Fablehaven. This is one of my favorite books. Another revised story...

I don't own anything from Fablehaven.


Two lithe bodies of cats, walking side by side, slunk through the trees. The first, a male, had a pale, cream-colored pelt, with darker flecks, and green eyes. The other, a female, had a dark brown pelt with black and tan stripes down her back and a white patch on her chest. She had amber eyes that glittered when she faced the setting sun.

(A.N: Seriously. No. I did not accidentally post a warriors story on the Fablehaven post. I promise, this is a Fablehaven FanFic.)

The pair approached a large yard, in the middle of the yard was a house. The house looked somewhat old, though sturdy. Many lights could be seen, shining through the windows of the bottom-floor windows. The second story had only four windows, two on each side of the house. All were darkened.

The cats looked at each other, then ahead. They walked into the yard. As they did, they felt the magic of a barrier try to press them back. The pair lowered their heads and pushed through. On the other side, they stopped to lick their ruffled fur back into place.

The cats advanced towards the house. The walked up to the door, looked at each other, and pushed through, just as they did the barrier surrounding the yard. The cats, leaving no evidence of their entrance into the house, slunk through the shadows on the edges of the room, unnoticed. From a corner of the room, they spied on the many people gathered in the room.

"I told you already! I don't know how I got here!" A beautiful girl with long dark hair, who seemed about 16 years old, shouted.

"Well... Who are you?" Warren glared at the girl from standing next to Vanessa. There was a threat in his voice, as if daring the girl to refuse to talk.

Vanessa placed her hand gently on Warren's shoulder. Warren glanced back at her and seemed to calm down. He turned to the girl again. Warren was clearly still mad, but his glare had softened.

"What's going on?" Seth, who was now 16, walked into the room. His gaze fell on everyone's face, except for the girl's, who had her back to him. As she turned, Seth's jaw dropped, and he stared at the girl.

Warren sighed and sat down on a nearby chair. "Where's Bracken when you need him?" Warren seemed to be the only person who didn't notice the eye contact between Seth and the girl.

"An-" Was all Seth managed before the girl shouted.

"SETH!" The girl jumped off the chair and wrapped her arms around Seth's neck in a hug before anyone could move to stop her. "I missed you so much!"

Seth stumbled backwards, but caught himself on the doorway. The girl's reaction to seeing Seth caught Warren's attention as well. The girl released her hold. Seth took a step back grabbed the girl by her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

"Is it really you?"

The girl looked amused and furious at the same time. "OF COURSE IT"S ME! YOU IDIOT!"

"Mrow." Came the meows of the two cats that were hiding in the corner of the room.

The girl's eyes turned to the shadows in the room. She glared around her. "Kira! Rice! You idiots! It's your guys' faults I'm here! Come here!"

"Mrow!" The two cats fled out the room, running right through it, the same way they entered.

"They can face demons, but they can't face their own charge." The girl mumbled under her breath. Then, she turned to Seth.

"I told you I'd see you again! I knew from the start who you were. I knew who you'd become. I had to leave because I had to wait for you to learn who you were. You know who you are now, so I came back!" The girl's eyes sparkled as she talked. Everyone else in the room stared at her. Seth stared at her, taking in everything he just heard.

"Anette! Why didn't you come back sooner?" Seth said after the girl finished talking.

"I would have if I could have!" Anette retorted.

"We're back!" Kendra called as she and Bracken entered the room.

Bracken and Kendra came in the house just at the right time to see Seth lean forward and press his lips to Anette's. She looked surprised, but returned the kiss. Bracken started laughing and Kendra's mouth dropped open.