AN: Hello everyone! This story is not dead! I've just been rather busy with school and life in general. I've also had a very severe case of writers block. Hopefully this is satisfactory for all of you reading this fic! Thank you for the reviews they helped push me out of my funk haha. I thought I would try something different, so this chapter is told from Quinn's point of view.


What is going on with me? How can I go from hating Berry one day to almost kissing her the next? Kissing her of all things! Don't even get me started on that stupid confrontation we had in the hallway. I couldn't snap at her or call her names; all I could to was gawk at her like some kind of idiot. Thank God she caught on to my cover when Puck walked in on us too. I can not go to school tomorrow, there's just no way it's going to happen. Stupid midget telling me she loves me, with her stupid sweaters and her big brown eyes that someone can just get lost in. Wait where did that come from? No, there's no way I'm falling for the midget. I'm just confused is all! Yeah, I'm confused. It's getting late, so I'll just go to bed, and sleep off my confusion. I'll be better in the morning!


Stupid alarm clocks not going off when they're supposed to! Stupid school for making me wake up at terrible hours! Stupid Rachel for making me this disheveled. Alright I need to calm down; I'm not going to let Berry of all people to get to me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. I exhaled slowly and opened my eyes. Much better, now I just need to get to school and survive this day. I can't let anyone know something is going on.

I walk up the steps to the school and look at the doors. I can do this; I'm Quinn Fabray leader of this school, not some loser who gets messed up from almost kissing some weird girl. I nod my head with a new found confidence and enter the building. I look around with a mean glare plastered on my face. I scan the hallway then start heading to my locker.


So far I've survived classes without anything happening. All I have to do now is survive glee practice. The bell rings signaling the end of class. I sigh through my nose and head to practice. I glanced in the choir room to see Berry at the piano. I narrowed my eyes; something wasn't right. She wasn't playing, or even singing. She was just – wait. Is she crying? I looked at Rachel and felt an aching in my chest. I sighed through my nose; I really did fall for her. I soften my gaze and enter the class room.

"Alright Berry, why are you crying?" My voice had no malice in it, yet Rachel still jumped. Rachel furiously wiped at her eyes then turned around to face me.

"Quinn, you're early!" I arch my eyebrow at her avoidance to my question. I sigh and sit next to her on the piano bench.

"Rachel, what's wrong?" I look straight into her eyes. She looks scared, and sad. It's funny how just a few days ago I would've enjoyed seeing this look on her face. Right now I only want to kiss her to make her feel better. Rachel looks at the keys on the piano.

"Nothing Quinn, I'm fine, really! Glee is about to start I better head to my seat." Rachel flashes me one of her famous smiles and she starts to get up. The smile's fake, and I hate it. I grab her wrist, stand up, and drag her to the nearest bathroom.

When I enter the bathroom with Rachel in tow there are a few girls in there as well. I growl at them to get out with my signature glare on my face. The bathroom clears within a couple of seconds. I look in the stalls to make sure it's completely empty, then go to the door and lock the bathroom. I look at Rachel and soften my gaze. She looks scared, and confused.

"Seriously Rachel, what's wrong?" I look at her my eyes pleading. She looks at me and her expression is unreadable. She sighs then glares at me. Okay now I'm the one who's confused.

"You want to know what's wrong Quinn? You are! You torture me day after day and I fall for you. I then say I love you. You then send me mixed signals. I'm sorry I'm upset but that's what happens when you're at the bottom of the social ladder and fall for the person who's at the top. I blame you entirely. You're just so perfect, and I know that under that glare you're the nicest person ever and –" I never knew how to stop her rants, well until now that is. Apparently you just have to kiss her. Her lips are soft and fit perfectly with mine. They aren't gross and sloppy like Finn's or rough and drunk like Puck's. You know that cliché movie thing where you see fireworks when you kiss that special someone? Well apparently that actually happens. I break the kiss and stare into her eyes.

"You never shut up do you Berry?" I smile at her and she smiles back. She pulls me in for another kiss. I put my hands on her hips and her hands get lost in my hair. I kiss her deeper, needing her to be close to me. I lick her bottom lip demanding entrance. Man, who knew Berry was a really good kisser? I break the kiss and stare deep into her eyes. I give her a genuine smile and she smiles back. I don't know what this means for us, or what's going to happen. I do have a baby to take care of. All I know is that I love her and she loves me. I guess we'll worry about all the details later.

AN: The end! Well what did you think of it? Sorry if the ending is rocky and/or abrupt. I'm thinking about doing an epilogue, possibly a sequel. Possibly even both haha! Let me know what I should do in the reviews yeah? Thanks for reading and reviewing!