The cool fall air blew my hair behind me as I tried to get courage to knock on the door. This shouldn't be to hard. We've been friends forever and nothing could change that. But shouldn't he have come to see me first? Maybe he was wrapped up in something. I just have to knock on the door to find out.

I was having an inner battle, once I knock on that door there is no turning back. I had to or else I could never see him again.

I pulled my sweater down and loosened my scarf, then grasped the big brass knocker in my hand. It was smooth and familiar, I lightly tapped it on the door. It wasn't a loud noise but i knew it was heard. There was heavy footsteps then the door opened letting the homely scent of ginger waft through the air. I felt happy until I saw who stood in front of me.


"Joe," Joe had sounded shocked and surprised whereas I attempted to play it cool like it was no big deal that he broke my heart and left me for some slut who would give it away. Joe fixed his glasses and leaned against the doorway.

"So what are you doing here?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Just seeing if Nick was home." It seemed pathetic, and in his head where everything is about him he probably thought I was trying to make him jealous when really all I wanted was my friend back. Joe probably thought I was trying to go through all the brothers, until Kevin got married.

"No he's not." Joe gave a small smile and playfully punched my arm. "How have you been doing?"

"A lot better actually, thanks. Do you know where I could find Nick?"

"Erm no, I don't think so." Joe ran his hand through his hair looking away then quickly looking back as though he had a brilliant idea. "Hey you wanna go get some ice cream or something, let's celebrate!" His kindness and gentleness took me back to the good old times before sluts and lies and jealousy. Before rehab, times when I could depend on his warm smile and kind eyes. His loving heart and his promises.

"Um," I thought about it, it seemed harmless. But it could be a trick to hurt me again. But at the same time he may just be trying to apologize.

"Hey bro, I have writers block wanna come help? Ashley can come too-" I got on my tip toes to look over Joe's shoulder, not that it was necessary I knew it was Nick but it had been awhile. "Demi?" He seemed shocked.

"Nick! I was looking for you!" I exclaimed. Nick dropped his sheet on the counter and walked to me as quickly as he could embracing me tightly.

"I think I know where he is." Joe tried to joke but I ignored him. Hadn't been ten minutes and the lies had already begun. Joe was unbelievable.

"How are you?" Nick smiled, his smile was real and caring.

"I'm a whole lot better now," I smiled a real smile that I couldn't help but produce.

"So that song?" Joe asked, then got that 'I just had a brilliant idea' look in his eyes. "We could work on it together!"

"Nah, me and Demi gotta catch up but I'll be back later." Nick said grabbing his tan leather jacket off a rack and running down steps with my hand in his.

His hand was soft and warm, I wrapped my fingers around his tightly laughing as he forced me to move quickly.

"How have you been?" I asked as he paused by the garage.

"I've been managing making some changes." He said coolly as he waited for the garage door to open.

"Such as?" I questioned when he didn't continue. Nick waved for me to enter the garage as if it held the answers to all. I raised an eye brow and walked in my Ugg boots scraping the grey cement. I paused gasping. There was a lone jet black Hyosung 650. A silver helmet was dangling off the handle.

"No more Smart Car." He laughed grabbing a box with a think layer of dust off a shelf. He wiped the dust off as if he were in a movie filming a dramatic scene. "I got a little bit lonely when you went to rehab and I figured when you got back going for rides on this" He motioned to the bike. "would be fun." He lifted the lid and pulled out a black helmet, it was nothing special until he turned it. There were tumbling red peace signs and funky hearts then big sparkly letters spelt Demi. I smiled and held it with both my hands.

"Thank you so much," I laughed. He nodded like it was no big deal. He strutted over to his motorcycle and I followed. I set the helmet on my head and fumbled with strapping it up. Nick got his on no problem. When he saw me getting tangled and confused he came very close to me. My heart began to beat faster as he lifter by head up and began to tie my strings. We were close enough to kiss and when he looked into my eyes I thought we were about too. My lips parted making a small 'o' but I quickly licked them and looked away. When I looked back he was moving on to the foot holder things. He turned to me and smiled, he wiped his hands on his pants then helped me onto the bike. I squished myself into the back rest and used my hands to stay up there.

Nick threw his leg over the bike expertly and positioned himself correctly. He put his hands behind him and grabbed my arms then pulled my forward until our bodies were together. He wrapped my arms around him then held them there. My heart was beating do hard and loud I was sure he heard it or felt it beating against his back.

It has been do long since I have seen Nick. I missed him, he was the only person I had wanted to see the whole time I was in rehab. Before I went into rehab we almost had a thing. I kissed him once then everything fell apart. I figured him not coming to visit meant he wanted nothing to do with me. Nick seemed different then before I went into rehab he seemed to be more confident now and I haven't decided if that's a good or a bad thing. Yet he seemed the same as much as he seemed different. It was hard to explain. It was like he was trying to be somebody else yet still be him.

Nick began patting his coat looking for his keys. He swore under his breath then shoved his hands in his pockets.

"That helmet is gorgeous Demi." I turned and saw Joe twirling the keys around his index finger. "Nick you said you'd lend me and Ashley the bike later."

"No I didn't." Nick glared at Joe with hate. I've never seen Nick look at Joe like that. It was actually terrifying. Nick pulled his hand out of his pocket and he had a key. "I have a spare, Joe." He said not breaking his glare and shoving the key in the ignition. The motorcycle lit up then died. Nick muttered another curse word before getting off the bike. "One sec." He told me then grabbed Joe and pulled him out of the garage.

I could hear them argue but I couldn't make out their words. I got off the bike and began to undo Nick's handiwork. I set the helmet in the box and tried to reseal it so it looked like it had never been open. I set it carefully on the shelf making sure it was perfectly placed in the spot without dust. I was just OCD like that. There was a car door slam that made me jump and I turned in time to see Joe's candy red Ferrari speed out of the driveway and up the road. I'm pretty sure he left skid marks.

Nick came in the garage and threw his helmet across the floor with a crashing noise. He looked like he was about to explode. I stepped back as quietly as I could in fear I would make him more angry but I hit a weight and stumbled back. Nick was beside me in a flash holding me above the ground. I closed my eyes whispering apologies. When I opened my eyes I was standing upright and Nick had a wild look in his eyes. I felt like panicking and screaming that I didn't know this Nick, but something crazy happened. He shoved me against the garage wall and kissed me wildly but passionately, roughly but gently. His lips were a perfect match for mine and I melted into the kiss. His prodded my mouth open then gently massaged my tongue. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he used his to pin me to the wall. My lips had longed for his for a long, long time. They were finally getting they're craving and they couldn't help but meet his passion head on with theirs. I couldn't move my body but I really wanted to close the space between us. I tried to move and he used his body to stop me. There was no space between us, we were getting hot and heavy. Losing ourselves in lust. He pulled away and I took a deep breath. He began to kiss under my mouth, every time he pulled away he would say a word.

"Demi" He kissed my chin. "Say" The top of my neck. "That" The middle of my neck. "You" The lower part of my neck, I groaned as each kiss set my body on fire craving his. He ripped my old red knit sweater open. "Love" He kissed above my breast. "Me." The top of my breast. I was caught off guard, I did love him I wanted to be with him forever but I couldn't control my body. I was trying to get my words through as he sucked on my breast. I groaned. My legs were feeling like jelly. Nick was experienced at turning girls on and I was turned on a lot. His arms were the only thing keeping me up. I pushed through my hormones and lust and everything that made me lose my speech. I broke through my moans.

"I love you." I said breathlessly my voice sounded as though I hadn't used it in years. He came back up to my face and kissed me, nothing extravagant. Just a small kiss. He took my hand and led me out the garage door and up the pathway to his house. My legs slowly rebuilt their strength. I pulled my hand away from him and ran up beside him.

"So.." I began not knowing what to say. Nick looked upset and I hated seeing him upset. "What's wrong?" I asked touching his arm. He pulled away from me and sunk to the steps.

"I'm sorry," He said covering his face with his hands. I gaped, then sunk down beside him.


"Because I am being a heartless ass hole like Joe,"


"I'm pushing you around and controlling you like I own you."

"No your not, I do love you. I would have said it whether you told me to or not." I leaned my head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me near him.

"Why are you so nice?"

"I'm just in one of those moods." I smiled at him, he laughed a real laugh that I've been dying to hear. It's been so long and all he's been doing is fighting and making out since I got here. It was good to just hear him laugh. I shivered in the chilly air and remembered my sweater was on the garage floor or hanging on a loose nail. Nick shed his tan jacket and put i around my shoulders. It smelt like axe and green apples. I snuggled into him and he kissed the top of my head.

Joe's Ferrari pulled into the drive way and Nick's arm tightened around me protectively. He then rose from the step and pulled me up.

"Come on, let's go watch a movie in my room." Nick said still keeping a protective arm around me. I just nodded and walked with him.

"Hey Dem, don't let him push you around. If he gets outta line you call me." Joe yelled after me. I went to look back but Nick shook his head so I continued to just walk in silence.

This was just too weird. It wasn't the way of the Jonas, Kevin's the married one, Joe's the jerk, and Nick's the innocent one. They're different personalities are supposed to blend together to form the group that everybody loves. It was just wrong to think that Kevin was off having wild sex with Danielle, Joe was off getting in all the 'in' girl's pants and Nick was about ready to decapitate Joe and much worse things.