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Jillian went to work later that night. She was working for almost two hours when she turned from the coffee counter and saw Andrew walking in. He smiled and nodded his head towards her. Her heart jumped into her throat as he walked over to his normal booth. As he slipped into it, she tried hard not to smile. She picked up a cup and grabbed some creamers before she headed over to him.

" Hey." He said as she set the cup down.

" What are you doing here?" Jillian asked.

" Isn't this where we started our relationship, I mean really?" He asked. She set out the creamers then started pouring his coffee. " Is there a better place to restart it?"

" So you're just going to keep coming here then? Are you going to be waiting for me outside when I get done working?" She asked as she leaned against the table.

" Would you like me too?" Andrew asked. They looked at each other for a few minutes before she spoke.

" I think I would." She said honestly. He smiled as he took a hold of his cup.

" Then yeah, I'll be there." Andrew said. She smiled and nodded. She patted his shoulder before she walked away.

Andrew stayed there for a few hours before he stood up to leave. Jillian came over to him to tell him bye. He was surprised when she hugged him. He sighed and smiled as he hugged her back. He was finally having some faith that they were going to be able to work out their relationship. He wasn't going to push her, he was going to let this move at her pace. He was just glad for the chance to be with her again.

" I will see you at four." She said as she pulled away. He nodded.

" Yeah, you will." He said. Jillian brought her hand to his chest. She took a hold of his shirt and pulled him closer to her. She kissed him softly before she let him go. It was quick, closed mouth kiss but it sent a shock wave through him. He brought his hand to her neck and pulled her back to him. He kissed her hard, still keeping their mouths closed. She brought her hands to his chest.

" Andrew, I'm at work." She whispered against his mouth. He pulled away then.

" Yeah, I'm sorry." He said.


Andrew was leaning against the light post when she came outside after work. He was smoking like he always did when she got done working. She took a hold of her bag strap and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. He pushed away from the pole when she reached him. She held out her hand. He took her hand and they started home without talking. After a while she let go of his hand, looped her arm around his so they could walk slower together.

" I don't want to start over." She said. " I really don't. I have thought about it, all night and I made up my mind. I want you to move back into my room."

" Are you sure?" Andrew asked. His heart was pounding, he hadn't expected to hear that from her.

" You and I aren't that different. We both kept things from each other to protect ourselves. I can't judge you for it. I kept my mother's death from you, you kept your past from me. We are even. As long as you never go back to your old ways, we can be together. But know that if I find out you are conning again, I'm out. I will leave and never look back." She said.

" I get it. So where do we go from here?" He asked. Jillian sighed and rested her head against his arm.

" Well, I thought we'd go home, you'd pack up your clothes and bring them back into my room then have some quick make up sex. Jeff's going to be getting up soon so it's going to have to be fast but maybe we could sneak away sometime during the day and have some real make up sex." She said. Andrew grinned.

" Yeah, I'm all for make up sex." He said. She laughed and pulled away to look at him.

" I figured as much." She said. He shrugged.

" Can't really blame me. Who in their right mind who pass up hot make-up sex with their girlfriend? No one." He said as he pulled his arm from hers. He put it around her shoulders and pulled her against him. He kissed her temple. She put her arm around his waist and they walked the rest of the way home in silence.

When they got back to the house, Jillian dropped her bag on the coffee table then took his hand and started pulling him towards the back of the house. Andrew asked her about getting his clothes but she gave him the option of getting his clothes or going to the barn and having sex with her. He squeezed her hand and started pulling them faster to the backyard. Jillian laughed. As soon as they reached the barn, he had his hands all over her and they were kissing.

The End