The Slap

Tori Vega: Currently outside Beck's RV FREAKING OUT cause I have no idea what to say……

Mood: Desperate

Beck's POV

Opening up his slap account the most recent post imminently popped up. Since Tori's was the most recently posted (as always) hers was at the top of the page. Re-reading it, he knew he had to look outside his own RV just to verify that its contents were true. Of course she would be standing right outside pacing back and forth in an attempt to sum up the exact same courage that had allowed her to come here in the first place. He sighed in pure frustration knowing exactly why Tori would come out here at this time of night and he knew it was nothing he neither wanted nor was prepared to hear without losing all commpoiger and telling her a few things they'll probably both end up regretting in the end.

Getting up Beck went over to his refrigerator knowing that it would be awhile before Tori even got anywhere near his door. Beck had to rack his own brain to fide answers on what to say or more importantly do. The way he saw it he really only had two options. Lie his butt off while using every acting skill ever written or simply tell the truth. "Fuck it" Before either of them knew what was going on the door was open wide presenting a calm, not to mention quite amused at the moment, Beck staring straight at the one and very startled Tori Vega.

Tori's POV

Okay, understatement to say she was slightly startled. Tori was scared shitless. Especially when she saw the slight hint of frustration in Beck's eyes before he witness the very gracefully Tori Vega fall flat on her ass after hearing the door abruptly open without warning. The real reason she fell had more to do with how much hotter Beck seemed to look in the dimly lit LA sky then the evil door that did not warn that it was about to be open with a jerk by the one person she really wasn't prepared to talk to yet.

"You okay Tor" she quickly got up with any dignity she may still possess, which at the moment wasn't much "Yeah fine. Never been better" she continued to brush imaginary dust off her clothes as Beck stood there just watching her. Willing her to stop and look at him. She reluctantly obeyed "So you wanna come in or were you planning on me coming out as you paced back and forth hysterically outside my RV" "I wasn't hysteric. Maybe close to it but never hysteric" Beck chuckled in response before asking again "So in or out Vega" She looked down at her feet before taking a defiant step "In" was the last word spoken between the two before the RV door was closed for the rest of the night.

It was a full awkward moment before anyone said anything until Beck finally said something not being able to handle tenseness one second longer "Vega" It was lame he knew, but at the moment it was all he had. "Oliver" she said back in their quorcky teasing fashion. That didn't mean he couldn't hear the tenseness in her voice just as clearly as he saw it a few minutes ago. "So what can I do for you" Beck asked me as he set down on his orange cautions eating an apple like she saw him do plenty of times whenever she came to visit him. "You know I actually have a really good here other than to visit my supper cool best friend Beck Oliver" "Do tell" He simply eyed Tori over his apple as he let her continue with her ramble. Simply because it was a lot more entertaining than the uneditible disruption that was to come. "…this friend is so cool that he would never blow up on an incocent bystander that was simply trying to help out her friends and possibly sticky her nose where it didn't belong" "Hmmm. You'd think this friend would learn after the last time she tried to 'help'" "Well seeing how it worked so well last time she thought she'd give it another try" Beck shock his head knowing she'd never wanna know the reason behind it being over this time a probably everyone time they 'broke up' since one Tori Vega walked into his life. Plus he didn't wanna put that on her especially not when all she wanted from him was a best friend. Any other day or night he would play that part to a T but not tonight. If Tori knew any of this she would have said something right then and there. Possibly what he wanted to hear possibly what he didn't. Cause while she may feel one way she was determined to make herself feel another. Biting her lip Tori took a step toward Beck and set down next to him. "She really does miss you Beck and she knows she was stupid" Tori could feel Beck looking at her but she knew if she looked her mettle thick exterior would quickly crumble leaving her completely vulnerable to her true feelings and begging for Beck to just get over any stupid new fight Jade and him have come up with this time because every second she was alone with him like this she couldn't help but wonder why the hell she wasn't in his arms. Fuck Tori are you seriously thinking about that right now while he's like two inches away from you. If you wanna get through this in one piece banish any thoughts of Beck right now cause him and you are never going to happen. As if to infasise his point Beck stood up walking to the other side of the room fiddling with an old retro styled radio across the room. Which wasn't very far away considering they were in a RV! But it was still a good enough distance way that Tori could let out a sigh of relief… least that's what she told herself it was even though her heart was squeezing in determination to tell her the truth.

Beck's POV

Turning and switching knobs, Beck finally found his regular fuzz in. It became clearer as he slowly turned the dial in the direction the station had been found. It wasn't until she had put her hand on his shoulder that he knew Tori was behind him. He swiftly turned around not even listening to the song that had just come on even though it fit his situation perfectly. "Tor…" "You never responded …to anything..I ..I said" Tori said hesitantly as she looked at Beck's face which was still cast down "With good reason" he said as he tried to make a B line back to his bed or even outside anything that just wasn't so close.. "No. Tell me" he forgot how stubborn she could become sometimes. He rolled his eyes in frustration. She would never want him the way he wanted her. He itched to touch her, feel her, make love to her. God I have to get out of here before I do something we'll both regret. This time he successfully made it around her and was heading straight for the door before he heard Tori call out his name in pure desperation.

"Beck" Tori didn't know what she was doing she just knew she couldn't let him walk out that door, it was written all over her face that she just wanted him to stay but as what was the question. It was time Beck found out. Turning around he took strides to Tori until she was pushed against his RV wall with Beck's arms on guard on both sides of her body. "Tell me the truth Tori why do you want me to stay. And don't you dare say 'so you can get me back with Jade'"

Tori's POV

He was so close that if she was on her toes her lips would be pressed against his for the second time. She didn't know what to say, all she knew is that she couldn't let him walk away not now not ever. So she simply said what came to her head first "I don't know okay! All I know is that I can't let you walk out that door. All I know is that I can't ever see you walk away from me especially not with that look on your face" " What look" he asked dumbly "That look that you want nothing to do with me ever again. That look that I make your life a whole lot harder than it already is and its best if you just get rid of me as soon as possible" "THAT'S NOT TRUE" "I don't even know why I'm here anymore. This was obviously a big mistake and Jade just really needs to deal with her own problems…" "Tori" She was off on one of her rants that took her forever to shut up. He didn't have forever so he took his hands off the wall and gently grabbed Tori by both her arms bring her into a kiss that he hoped would show everything that he hasn't been able to say for so long.

He pulled her even closer sending shivers through her entire body. She could tell his lips wanted to savor every aspect of her from her lips to her thighs and on if they had be aloud. A low frustrated growl was heard as he reluctantly pulled away from his prisoner. Tori smiled up at him with flushed apple cheeks and swollen lips that he longed to touch again but he knew he had to talk to her before they did anything else. Tori was lead over to Beck's bed that had small pillows on it making it look more like a small couch then a bed now. "We need to talk"