Title: One Last Job

Author: Lady Starhawk

Summary: Future Fic. Eliot's past and present collide. Boondock Saints/Leverage crossover.

Notes: Thanks to SuperShineyGirl for the inspiration (this is her fault) and WinchesterWench for the read through.

Disclaimer: Anything you recognize isn't mine. I'm just taking them out for a spin.

Warning: Character Death.


Connor and Murphy lowered Nathan Ford to his knees and began the prayer. Eliot stood in front of his former friend, a look of pity on his face. Even now Nate thought he could con him.

"And Shepherds we shall be"

"Eliot, don't do this. I haven't done anything wrong."

"For thee, my Lord, For thee."

"All I have ever wanted was to help people."

"Power hath descended forth from thy hand,"

"I have enough influence and control to take care of people, to make the big corporations pay."

"Our feet shall swiftly carry out thy command."

"You don't understand, after you all left me, I had to form a new team, find new people, but nobody was as good as we once were. They kept making mistakes and getting hurt. I needed more power to be able to help more people."

"So we shall flow a river forth to thee,"

"I never hurt any innocents Eliot, I did it all to help people."

Eliot moved around behind Nate, between the brothers, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions Nate."

"And teeming with souls shall it ever be."

"Then I guess I'll be seeing you soon Eliot."

"In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti"

Eliot bowed his head, "Amen."