Jacob POV

I can honestly say I was starting to get scared out of my mind when it was nearing ten and Nova wasn't home yet. This wasn't like her. I called her twice and texted her five or six times, but still nothing. I could only think the worse had happened. Maybe the prom stuff caught on fire again and she was trapped. Or worse she could be with a boy. I remember what it was like to be a teen. I remember when I would take Bella's phone and put it in the glove box. At first it was just because I wanted to talk to her some more before Edward pulled her away. However, we always seemed to end up laying in the back seat. "Damnit Nova." I said as I heard the front door open. "Where the hell were you?" I asked her.

"I was working on the prom decorations." She answered as she dropped her bag on the floor.

"Oh." I said as I took a step back.

"Sorry, daddy we just had a ton of work to get done." She said as she walked towards the kitchen.

"We?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Mason and I. We are what is left of the prom committee." She answered as she looked at me.

"Mason Raven. The guy with the motorcycle." I said as I looked at her.

"Yeah, Principal Morgan thought that he needed something to do and I needed help." She said as she looked at me. I don't know why, but at that moment I just saw Bella telling me this. Just like she used to tell Charlie about our fishing trips. "I am sorry, it won't happen again." She said with a smile.

"Okay, well get to bed." I said as I looked at her. "You have school tomorrow."

"I will as soon as I eat." She said as she put a TV dinner in the microwave. Then she walked over to the mail pile on the counter. She flipped through throwing one by one down until she got to the end of the stack. I saw what it was. The return address was in Chicago, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. That is Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen. She opened up the letter. It was a card that read "Coagulations Graduate." I watched as a letter fell out of the card. "I am going to bed." She said as she took the letter and card with her.

"What about dinner?" I asked her.

"Trash it." She said as walked away.

"Nova!" I called after her. "Goodnight." I whispered as she walked away. I could only wonder what Bella had to say to the daughter she walked away from. I still remember that night she left. I was sitting in our room holding Nova. She was so little and beautiful. "I love you." I told the child in my arms as she closed her eyes. Bella just came running in the room. She walked over to the closet and grabbed a bag. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked her as she stuffed her stuff in it.

"This isn't me, Jake. I was never this person." She said as she opened the window and tossed the bag out. That is when I saw the Volvo sitting in my driveway.

"No, you would leave your daughter for him." I said as I looked at her.

"I love him. You and her you're just mistakes." She said as she walked towards the door. She stopped and took off the bracelet I had given her for her eighteenth birthday. "Here this way she can remember me." She said as she put it on the nightstand. I always wondered if I had fought her more if she would have stayed, but in my heart I knew that wasn't true. She was going to leave that night; I just made it easier on both of us. I just looked up the staircase and prayed that Nova knew how much I loved her. I had worked so hard to give her all I could. I tried my best to make mother's days and other things so much easier. And all of my work could be uprooted in one letter. This sucks ass. Then again Bella did always suck the life out of me.