Hey guys, I've decided to write some more, school has been really busy lately, -_- but I hope you guys know that I appreciate that you stick with me through it all…xD

On with the chapter…

SRW: Chapter 3

Toshiro was just walking along, and minding his own business on his way to find some food when a body fell out of the sky and landed on top of him. Luckily, he was able to catch the person, without getting crushed himself.

Oddly enough, it was Akemi he found in his arms, and it was in that moment that he realized that it felt so right to have her in his arms.

Akemi POV

Oh My God… I landed on my taicho! I didn't mean to, I just slipped… Why is he looking at me like that? His icily beautiful turquoise eyes look like they're seeing my very soul. So I did what any girl would have done in my situation, I blushed and turned away.

Neutral POV

By now, both parties were blushing up a storm.

Toshiro had set Akemi down gently and was looking anywhere but at her. While Akemi herself couldn't help but look away too.

She couldn't help but feel like these feelings for her commanding officer were more than mildly inappropriate.

Suddenly, Toshiro tried to break the ice by asking; Kuroyuki, would you like to come have a snack with me?", immediately after asking, his face flushed and he looked away as he berated himself thinking; 'why would she want to go, it was dumb to ask'.

It was at that opportune moment that Akemi's stomach growled loudly. Now with both parties blushing, Akemi agreed. "I'd love to taicho"

Graciously, not wanting any rank barriers between them, the white haired male said; "Please, call me Toshiro".

"Only if you call me Akemi…" she shyly replied.

"So where are we going? And what are we eating?" Akemi asked curiously.

"What do you want to eat?" Toshiro shot back in reply.


"Alright, I guess we can, there's a good watermelon shop around here somewhere" Toshiro said.

Akemi froze for a second, this felt strangely like a major case of déjà-vu. A vision of her snowy haired taicho saying that before flashed through her mind. Suddenly, multiple memories assaulted her senses all at once as her world went black.

The brunette beauty was caught by her taicho as she fell, saving her from a nasty fall.

Just then, Unohona-taicho walked in, as the rest of the healers scurried out to find someone else to help.

"How is she?" Toshiro asked worriedly.

"She should be fine. It seems like her condition is taking a turn for the better. She has recently experienced an influx of memories that rendered her unconscious."

"Oh. So she should remember me soon?" Toshiro asked

"Hopefully." Unohana replied while checking Akemi's vital signs.

"Kuroyuki-san? Try to wake up please." She said.

As Akemi slowly inched towards consciousness and her eyes fluttered open, Toshiro breathed a sigh of relief. He had been so worried while the healers of the 4th division looked her over.

As soon as Akemi was able to sit up, and had drank some water, Unohana left so they could speak together alone. She really did have high hopes for the pair, the SWA was in the middle of forming a fan club for them after all.

"How are you feeling?" Toshiro asked worriedly, needing to hear her voice and her reassurance that she was okay.

"I feel pretty okay, aside from the fact that my head feels like someone stomped on it with steel toed boots." Akemi said, while rubbing her temples.

"So, like we normally do after a long day of paperwork." Toshiro said dryly.

His reward was a chuckle from her, along with a bright smile.

"Taicho?" Akemi asked.

"Its Toshiro remember?" he said.

"Toshiro, have I ever brought you to in Hokuton?" Akemi inquired.

"Once, long ago." He answered, nostalgically in the memories of his time there with Akemi.

"I had a dream about it while I was asleep-err-unconscious. I didn't know that was a memory…" she said puzzled, but quickly brushed away the thought. Continuing, she asked; "I'm going there tomorrow for a couple days. Would you like to come?"

"Sure. Our paperwork is done for the week. I'll see you at the gate tomorrow?"

"See you then." Akemi said before uncharacteristically giving him a peck on the cheek.

The peck made him blush before he nodded to her and jumped out the window and disappeared in a Shunpo.

So um… the story should wrap up at chapter 5? I won't tell you how it ends though… Drop a review and tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading.