Hey guys! I'm sorry for the long wait for the long awaited sequel to "Soulmate". Now, if you haven't read that yet, you should go read it first because it may be a bit confusing otherwise. Now, as we left off, yes Akemi has forgotten Toshiro! How will he make her fall in love with him again? Also, just because they're soulmates doesn't mean that Akemi will accept Toshiro right away. This story is really just them becoming closer and how they do it through fluffiness XD for the happy ending that you guys wanted. By the way, this story will be referred to as SRW. The chapters may or not be frequent because I have school, but most, if not all will be fairly short guys! Sorry, I'm not one of the authors who can write a lot at a time, I just do it when I feel like it, however much I want to. Well on with the chapter…Enjoy! Oh! And don't forget to review!

SRW: Chapter 1

Akemi POV

All I could see was darkness, and all that I could hear was the faint sound of voices. For a few moments, I struggled to open my eyes, and I was finally able to, I was greeted to a white ceiling and bright lights that made me groan and close my eyes. I tried to sit up, but my body felt so heavy, so very heavy. Suddenly, I felt arms gently supporting me and helping me sit up. As soon as I managed, the arms that had previously encircled me had pulled me onto their lap.

I freaked out and turned around to see who had dared to do such a strange thing to me. And my eyes met teal ones. His eyes were so vibrant and beautiful. I blinked and processed the rest of the man's features, he had snowy white hair and he was taller than me by a little bit, which wasn't saying much for his height. Somehow he seemed faintly familiar and yet I knew that I'd never met him before.

He too was wearing a hospital gown. Wait! A handsome stranger was holding me on his lap while we were both wearing nothing but hospital gowns.

So I did the only rational thing that I could think of, I started hyperventilating and asked him meekly who he was. I could only watch as he set me down beside him and looked at me in a kind of stunned horror.

Toshiro POV

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

The words echoed continuously through my head as I tried to figure out what to do next. I decided to do the safest thing and stay silent as I reached for the bell on her bedside table to call Unohana.

When Unohana started explaining to Akemi that she had amnesia, Akemi was calm and said that she couldn't have missed much, and the sad truth was that she had missed a lot.

Unohana then said to me; "Akemi's type of amnesia is called Traumatic amnesia, it happens when a hard blow to the head happens. When you brought her to me, she had a pretty severe concussion, which forced her into a coma to help her body recover."

Fearful of the answer, I asked her "Is the memory loss permanent?"

She answered grimly, "It might be."