AN: Final Tally for Life Among the Distant Stars:


62 pages of lined paper
44 pages in Microsoft Word
17, 350 words

...thus making it the longest single thing I've ever written.

As such, I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who's read the story, especially those who followed it from the beginning. You people are what keep me going even when I would rather be on Tumblr all day. ;D

I would also like to thank SwiftStarLight on DeviantArt and Cylon One over here for being fantastic editors and catching all my silly mistakes. Without you, this probably would never make it past the EQD prereaders.

Thanks to all you guys, you're beautiful and awesome and such.


There IS a sequel coming: Time Crisis. However, it is going to be a while off. I've been planning it for a good long time now, and I'm still not 100% certain on a lot of the details. I ask you to PLEASE be patient while I work it out. The story WILL be written, trust me!

With that, I leave you to your Memorial Day weekend. Have a good one!