Mind Unsound

Summary: Harriet Potter survived the killing curse, but not is all right with the world. She is soon taken by a rouge vampire where her abnormal abilities soon grow before a fateful meeting with a certain organization. Harry Potter / Hellsing / F.E.A.R crossover, with Alma-like abilities from Harriet (Femharry)

Disclaimer: I do not own this. All characters places and abilities belong to their respective owners. Please don't sue me.


With a flash of green and the sound of distance tortured screams, it was all over. Voldemort, one of the greatest dark wizards ever to haunt the earth was defeated, leaving being the only survivor of the dreaded killing curse, the one year old Harriet Potter.

Politicians, philosophers, and scientist alike have since debated and examined these events and the events of Harriet's life to try to figure out how this seemingly impossible feat was performed. One prevailing theory is that it was some forum of protection spell cast on the young girl by her mother just before she died combined with some sort of unique ability inside Harriet all along that allowed her to negate the affects of the soul-tearing Avada Kedavra Curse. Some say it was a miracle, divine protection from God to save the child and to cast out the evil of Voldemort. And still others speculate that the curse actually did killed the child, but some sort of spirit or devil entered into her corpse and took over her body.

Whatever the reason for her survival, the two things that everyone can agree is that after the spell that was meant to kill her failed, it somehow backfired and temporarily banished Voldemort, destroying his body and forcing his soul to wander the dark corners of the earth until it was found again. And the second thing is that when the spell hit her, something inside Harriet was unlocked, unique in its potency and its potential for devastating use...


Rubeus Hagrid sat next to the crib in the children's wing of the Fourth Floor of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Inside was an awake, but for the moment quiet Harriet Potter. Besides the small lightning bolt shaped scar across her forehead the Healers could find nothing wrong with the child who less than half a day before was struck by a curse that should have ripped the soul from her body.

Per Dumbledore's orders, Hagrid waited with the child to keep any unfriendly visitors at bay and when he gave him the word that everything was ready, Hagrid would take Harriet to her new home with her Aunt and Uncle.

"Everything is going to all right, you'll see" said the half giant with tears in this eyes and Harriet looked up at him from the crib.

"Soon Dumbledore will give me the word and them I will be taking you to your new family. It's your Aunt and Uncle on your mother's side, so I guess that makes them Muggles. Now nothing's wrong with that, mind you, and I am sure they are nice people. They even have a son around your age from what I hear, so you will have someone to play with. Dumbledore would never purposely put you in a bad home. Everything will be all right, you'll see..."

Hagrid was silent for a moment, the truth was he didn't know what kind of reception waited for young Harriet at her only living relatives' house. Lily never talked about them much and when she did it was to say that she and her sister had a falling out, one that became even worse once their parents died and they both married their respective husbands.

As Hagrid watched Harriet in her crib, he also kept one eye on the door, making sure that no one except the healers ever got close to the girl.

Already there had been attempts to get the girl by the press, well wishers, sight seers, two people who wanted a 'sample' of Harriet for god knows what reasons, and even one Death Eater trying to get to her. As much as he would hate to see her go, Hagrid knew the sooner Harriet was behind the blood wards of her relative's house, the better.

So he waited and kept watch over the child.


Elsewhere around the world wizards everywhere were either celebrating the apparent death of Lord Voldemort or morning his passing. But while the average citizen celebrate, multiple shadow organizations took stock of the situation and began to prepare for new eventualities.

To the average Muggle, there is no such thing as magic and monsters are safely locked away in their works of fiction. To the average wizard or witch, while there are things that go bump in the night, they are all safely contained, for the most part, by the multiple different magical authorities to keep people safe while not exterminating whole races.

The truth, as it usually is in such cases, is far less simple.

While the different magical authorities do try to keep magical creatures in check, they are not the only ones. Since ancient times these monsters, be it werewolves, vampires, hags, dark wizards, or any number of other monsters, have preyed upon humanity. And since muggles represent a overwhelming majority, most of the victims of these monsters are muggles, not wizards.

As such many different organizations have both risen and been destroyed in the sole pursuit of hunting down and destroying these monsters that threaten humanity.

Well aware and working with the magical community, these organizations use the best in both muggles science and technology and wizarding magic to fight these threats to. Since the 8th century A.D. the largest and most powerful of such organizations, in Europe at least, has been the Vatican's section 13, the Iscariot organization. But there are other ancient organizations around the world.

In China there is the Dùn (Shield) Organization, there is the Islamic Order of Demon Hunters, and in Japan the is the secretive Society of Life. Each of these organizations actively hunts down and eliminates supernatural threats using both mundane and magical means.

And in the recent couple of centuries other organizations have resent to prominence, such as the Hellsing Organization in the United Kingdome and many places formerly part of the British Empire. There is also the F.E.A.R Unit, a mixed group from all branches of the Unites States Military pulse members from the CIA, FBI and law enforcement, and in Russia there is the First Squad which, like the F.E.A.R Unit, draws members from the Russian military, intelligence organizations, and law enforcement.

As the news spread these organizations began to reassess priority targets and attempt to figure out who or what might fill the power vacuum Voldemort left behind. But one thing each of these organizations shared was that they all now knew the name Harriet Potter.

And it wasn't just the forces of good that knew her name.

Other powerful dark wizards, monsters, and shadow organizations also began to make their moves and take stock of the situation, each attempting to move into the power vacuum and if possible, use the child to their own ends.


The sun was just beginning to set when Hagrid received word from Dumbledore.

Everything was in place at the Dursley house and it was time to bring Harriet to her new family.

Scooping up the girl in one hand and wrapping her in a blanket, Hagrid quickly made his way out of the hospital and down to the parking lot where Sirius's motorcycle waited.

Quickly making sure everything was good with the bike and that Harriet was secure, he took off with a roar into the air heading towards number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging Surrey.

They would never make it.

The wreckage of the bike as well as his dismembered skeletal remains would be found a year later just a few miles south of the hospital, as for Harriet, nothing would be heard of her for seven years...