More Than Twins

A Lucky Star Fanfiction

After Heavy Consideration

Author's Notes: Well everyone, here you are. I've decided that since this was originally going to be a oneshot, I'm going to end the story here. At least for now. Maybe if you guys want me to continue this badly enough, I'll come back to it some other time. Until then though, I'd like to get working on that Lucky Star/Dead Space crossover. Anyways, here's the current finale to More than Twins. Enjoy the crap out of it.

"Tsukasa, what are we going to do about this?" Kagami asked as she paced back and forth in her room.

"I- I don't know." Tsukasa said. "I didn't think this would ever happen. Even if it did, I was never sure how it would work out." She admitted.

"So wait, you've thought about this before?" Kagami asked.

"Yeah. You're so beautiful, and you're always there for me." Tsukasa said. "I thought there was something wrong with me at first, but now I feel comfortable with this." She said.

"Well at least one of us is." Kagami muttered.

Tsukasa looked like she had just been struck. "I'm sorry sis. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." She said sadly. "I can't help that I fell in love with you for real." She said as she sobbed once.

Kagami was on her in a moment with a hug. "Tsukasa, please don't cry." Kagami said compassionately. "It isn't the fact that you love me that way that bothers me." Kagami said. "It's the fact that I feel the same way for you that I don't get. We're sisters. Twins even! How can we possibly love each other this way?"

"I don't know." Tsukasa said with a sniffle. "I don't really understand it either, but it is what it is I suppose. I'm sorry."

"Tsukasa, stop apologizing." Kagami said. "We both feel this way, so it was bound to happen eventually. What matters now is what we do from here on." Kagami said confidently.

"How are we going to tell our family?" Tsukasa asked, sniffling loudly again.

"We aren't." Kagami said sternly. "Definitely not yet anyways. Not until we have to."

"But we're telling Kona-chan and Yuki-chan." Tsukasa said.

"Right, but they'll be more likely to understand." Kagami said. "Miyuki because she's so nice, and Konata because well… She's weird, so she doesn't really have a right to judge." Kagami said flatly.

"Well, I guess that makes sense." Tsukasa said as she wiped her eyes.

"So when did you start feeling this way?" Kagami asked cautiously.

"Well. I've felt something more between us for a while now." Tsukasa said. "I just never really thought you would feel the same way."

"Yeah. Me neither." Kagami said thoughtfully.

"So when did you start realizing your feelings too sis?" Tsukasa asked.

"Well, I hadn't really given it much thought until I walked in on you the other night." Kagami said. "I… I heard you moan my name when you were doing… that." She said nervously, beginning to blush almost as much as her younger twin. "I think that's when I really started to consider the possibility."

"So you just started thinking like this a couple of nights ago?" Tsukasa asked sadly.

"Well, yeah. But I feel like there was this little thing for a while now. It was quiet, but it was there." Kagami said. "It just finally spoke up the other night when I walked in on you."

"Well," Tsukasa said, "I suppose you were usually the first one to ask to bathe together now that I think of it." Tsukasa said with a giggle.

"I guess it was an unconscious urge of mine then." Kagami said. "Now it's a conscious one though." She said as she pulled her younger twin into a kiss.

"Mm. Kagami." Tsukasa said as she separated her lips from her sister's. "What about when the rest of our family finds out?" She asked, causing Kagami to flinch. "I don't really think that they'll accept this." She said sadly.

"Tsukasa, I'm supposed to be the downer, not you." Kagami said sadly. "I don't really know about that. Our family is really accepting, but there's got to be a limit." She said. "I think that if we tell anyone in our family, it would have to be either Inori or mom."

"Why not Matsuri or dad?" Tsukasa asked.

"Okay, I'll pretend you didn't just ask me why we shouldn't tell Matsuri about this." Kagami said flatly.

"Fair enough." Tsukasa admitted. "But what about dad?"

"I don't know. I just have a weird feeling that mom would understand better. Maybe its because she's a girl too, but I just feel like it would be easier talking to her about this than dad."

"I guess I see your point." Tsukasa said. "So when will we tell them?"

"I think we should try to wait as long as we can." Kagami said. "Until then, I guess we'll just have to really keep it down at night." Kagami said slyly.

"Onee-chan, you're making me blush!" Tsukasa exclaimed just before Kagami pulled her into another kiss.

Unfortunately, neither of them heard the bedroom door slide open.

"Oh boy…" Someone said just before the twins heard a loud gasp followed by a loud thud. Startled, they jumped apart and saw Inori and Miyuki standing in the doorway, and Konata face down on the floor.

"Inori!" Kagami exclaimed. "This isn't what it looks like!"

"Quiet down!" Inori whispered as she picked up Konata and put her down on the bed. "Do you want mom and dad to hear you?" She asked.

"N- No." Kagami said nervously.

"Takara-san, please close the door and lock it." Inori commanded.

"Uh, right." Miyuki said as she closed the bedroom door. She was still obviously in shock from what she had seen, and was likely the source of the gasp.

"Okay you two, how long has this been going on?" Inori asked, looking Kagami in the eyes.

"W- What do you mean?" Kagami stuttered. "N- Nothing's-"

"Just last night." Tsukasa said suddenly, cutting Kagami off.

"Tsukasa!" Kagami exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Kagami, but there's really no point in denying it now." Tsukasa said with tears in her eyes.

Kagami sighed in defeat. "I guess you're right." Kagami said. "So, what happens now Inori?"

"What happens now?" Inori asked. "What do you think? I'm going to help you through this." She said kindly. "You know, right after she wakes up." She said, motioning nervously to Konata.

"What happened to her?" Kagami asked.

"I think I passed out." Konata said as she groggily got up. "Weird. That only happens either when I see something so weird that I can't process it, or something so moe that my brain just sort of shuts down." Then Konata noticed how close together Kagami and Tsukasa were. "Okay. Too moe and my brain shut down. Gotchya." Konata said with a thumbs-up as she rubbed her forehead with her other hand.

"Wait, don't you mean the weird thing?" Kagami asked.

"Nope. Too moe. Read some of the doujins that I have, and you'll understand." Konata said, waving her hand dismissively.

"Right. Not going to pursue that line of conversation any further." Kagami said, terrible images running through her head.

"So what do you think of this Yuki-chan?" Tsukasa asked innocently.

"Well, this kind of thing isn't entirely unheard of." Miyuki said. "In fact, sibling sexual attraction isn't particularly rare. Uncommon perhaps, but certainly not unheard of."

"Really? So we aren't weird or anything?" Tsukasa asked.

"Of course not." Inori said sympathetically. "In fact, I know how you feel."

"W- What?" Kagami asked.

"Yeah." Inori said. "When Matsuri and I were your age just a few years ago, we did the same exact thing."

"So you and Matsuri are in love?" Tsukasa asked.

"In love? No, of course not." Inori said. "There's a difference between love and curiosity." She said. "It's completely natural to be curious about your bodies and experiment a little bit."

"But what if we're in love?" Tsukasa asked.

"I'm sorry Tsukasa, but I don't think you are." Inori said.

"Unfortunately, I have to agree with your older sister on this matter." Miyuki said. "I think you're just going through a confusing part of your lives right now, and you think that it's love. I'm sorry."

"Yuki-chan… How can you say that?" Tsukasa said, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Miyuki felt like she was being run through with a spear seeing Tsukasa like that. "I'm sorry Tsukasa-san. All I can do is promise two things."

"What's that?" Tsukasa asked.

"Firstly, I swear that I won't tell anyone." Miyuki said as she turned to leave.

"Wait!" Tsukasa cried. "What's the other thing?" She asked.

"If you ever want help, come and see me. I'll be there for you." Miyuki said. "Someone lock the door behind me please." Miyuki said as she unbolted the door and left. Konata got up and locked the door behind her.

"I can't believe this." Kagami said.

"I think that both of you should look inside yourselves before you take this thing any further." Inori said. "I won't tell anyone either, and I'm sure Izumi-san won't either. Right?"

"Of course not." Konata said. "Do what you want girls." She said. "Just make sure it's what you really want." Konata said.

"You're telling me you agree with them too Konata?" Kagami asked in disbelief.

"I'll make the same promises to you that Miyuki made to Tsu-chan." Konata said. "I'll see you guys later." She said as she and Inori both left the room.

"Hey sis…" Tsukasa said. "Maybe they're right. Especially Inori since she's been through it before. Maybe we should talk about this whole thing a bit more." Tsukasa said.

Kagami just sighed and sat down on the bed. "Alright. Lets talk." She said as she made room on the bed for Tsukasa.


"Miyuki, there's someone here to see you. She says that she'd like to spend the night." Yukari called as Miyuki came down the stairs in her pajamas.

"Who is it mother?" She asked.

"Hi there Yuki-chan." Tsukasa said timidly as she made her way to the stairs.

"Tsukasa-san? You're going to spend the night here?" Miyuki asked. "I wish I had known beforehand. I would have prepared sleeping arrangements for you." She said.

"That's alright Yuki-chan" Tsukasa said as she followed her friend up the stairs.

"So where is Kagami-san?" Miyuki asked.

"Oh. She's spending the night at Kona-chan's house tonight." Tsukasa said with a sigh.

"Really? Did something happen after I left?" Miyuki asked as they arrived in Miyuki's bedroom.

"Well, we sat down and had a chat about us." Tsukasa said. "Then we had a talk with mom about what we were going through. After that, we decided that you were all right." She said. "I just really need some help tonight." Tsukasa said.

"Well you came over pretty late." Miyuki said. "I was actually about to get ready for bed." She said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll just sleep on the floor." Tsukasa said. "We can talk in the morning though, right?"

"Don't be silly Tsukasa-san." Miyuki said as she got in bed and made room for Tsukasa. Though given the size of Miyuki's bed, this wasn't a difficult accomplishment. "There's plenty of room, so you can sleep here with me." Miyuki said kindly with a smile.

"O- Okay." Tsukasa said nervously as she got in bed with Miyuki.

Tsukasa was caught by surprise when she felt Miyuki's arms wrap around her body and hold her close. "Yuki-chan? What are you doing?"

"To be honest, when I saw you and Kagami kissing… I was kind of jealous." Miyuki said.

"Yuki-chan…" Tsukasa whispered.

"Actually, I was very jealous." Miyuki said as she quickly fell asleep with Tsukasa in her arms.

"Yuki-chan…" Tsukasa whispered again as she felt herself growing warmer as she fell asleep as well.

"Dammit Konata, let go of me!" Kagami exclaimed as Konata wrapped her arms around Kagami.

"Hey, it's your own fault for not giving me enough time to set up your sleeping area." Konata said in her own defense.

"Yeah right. Since when do you sleep anyways?" Kagami asked as she began to blush.

"Since you came here all sad and vulnerable looking for help. So tsundere!" Konata exclaimed as she held her friend more tightly. "Plus, it just seems to make sense given the mood in the house already." Konata said.

"What does that mean?" Kagami asked.

"Yutaka asked me today how to admit her love for Minami." Konata said.

"No way!" Kagami exclaimed.

"Shhh!" Konata shushed Kagami. "Not so loud! They're in the next room trying to sleep!" Konata whispered. You especially don't wanna wake up my dad. If he wakes up and checks on either of these rooms, nobody will ever hear the end of it." Konata said with a yawn.

"Great." Kagami said flatly as Konata fell asleep. "Still, things could be worse I suppose." Kagami said as she allowed sleep to take her as well.

Author's Notes: Well, there you have it. I know, this probably isn't what you expected, but I don't honestly see KagaKasa ever working realistically. As much as I love me a little Hiiragicest, I can't bring myself to have a long term happy ending with them. So I went TsuYuki/KonaKaga with it. :P

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the ride for what it was worth. Expect more from me in the very near future.

Look forward to it!