"Because Your Kiss..."

It was the day after Hyde's birthday party, and everyone was sitting around the basement.

"Well, I've got to go get ready for work..." Jackie said, pulling herself up from the couch.

"Yeah, don't make out with your boss, okay?" Kelso spit back sarcastically.

Jackie's eyes flashed; she was so sick and *tired* of him throwing that in her face when he'd done *so* much *worse* so *many* more *times*!

"Oh, really, Michael? It... bothers you me kissing another guy?" she asked, her voice oozing with cold, fake sweetness, as was her smile.

"Yes, duh."

"Oh, but it was alright for *you* to boink half the tramps in Wisconsin?" she asked him pointedly, the same cold, fakely sweet tone.

"Well... yeah!" he burst out. "I mean---"

"Oh, that's *exactly* what you meant!" she snapped. "We are through; and, you know what, Michael Aaron Kelso?"

"W-what?" Kelso stammered; the look in her eyes was actually starting to scare him now...

"This!" she snapped, walking back towards the couch.

First, she grabbed Eric by the head and kissed him lightly. Then, she grabbed Fez by the shirt-front and kissed him softly. Then, she got to Hyde's chair, and straddled his lap, wrapping her arms around him as she kissed him passionately.

At first, Hyde was just in shock by it all, but, after like a nano-second, he slipped his hands up instinctivly to rub her bac and knot into her thick, silken, raven locks. He moaned into her mouth as she ground against him.

Jackie stumbled off his lap, looking dizzy.

"I... yes... work now..." she muttered, dazedly.

She gave Hyde a half-sleepy-half-appraising look, one like she'd never given Kelso, causing Kelso's eyes to widen in anger.

"Gotta go." she said, running up the stairs.

Donna looked at Hyde in shock.


"Jackie kissed me!" Fez exclaimed happily.

"So what? She *straddled* Hyde?"

"She was just tryin' to make me jealous... you-you know that, right?" Kelso said in a doubtful tone.

"Yah, whatever..." Hyde shrugged carelessly, standing up.

Donna and Eric started laughing.

"WHAT???!!!" Hyde burst out, annoyed.

"Someone's wearing boxers..." Eric sing-songed.

Hyde looked at him like he was nuts.

"What the hell, Erica?"

"Well, aren't you?" he persisted.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I don't wear *any*. Geez... Donna, I think since he broke up with you he shows interests in all the wrong things... Why don't you call up Buddy, see what he's up to?" Hyde sneered.

But, Donna and Fez started laughing.

"Okay, did you guys make special brownies and not tell me?"

"Hyde, "Little Steven" is... awake?" Fez pointed out.

And, Hyde looked down at himself to see it was quite... evident the effect she had on him.

"HYDE!" Kelso burst out.

"Shut up before I kick your ass. And, that includes all of you." he scowled, stomping into his room.