I dont own any of the twilight characters, *cries*, except for Angel,

please read & review, i dont know if im any good at this, since its my first fanfic,so tell me what ya think Xoxo katie.

She never got to choose who she was and how she acted, no one does, yet people hated her for what she was, a monster, and a cruel half creature that shouldn't exist. Her ''species'' as the volturi call it, aren't welcomed into the vampire world, never has and never will be, her sister was the only half breed some vampires like, because of her fake innocent look she always put on when other vampires were around. Unlike Renesmee, Angel didn't try to be another copied person, like almost all teenagers were; she was who she was, even though everyone judged her about it, even her own family…

This is her story and her thoughts.

Renesmee Cullen my twin sister, was always the important one the one that mattered, ever since I could remember, I was always forgotten, unnoticed, even by my own parents, whether it was a gift or a curse I wasn't sure. I used to be too shy, I pretended like I didn't care if my family gave my sister gifts, or made her dresses and bought her a car for her birthday, or even the little things like when Alice would take her on shopping trips, or laughing with Renesmee at stupid things she did that were immature for her age. My father and mother would yell at me for taking just one of renesmee's shirts and whenever I got in trouble Renesmee would smirk cruelly at me. Then there was Jacob and his pack of mutts, they stank, and they growled at me, but not at Renesmee, it was clear to me that Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee, but she didn't know it yet.

The only wolf, maybe even any person that ever showed kindness to me was Seth Clearwater, he was my best friend, I realized the pack hated him when he wanted to come and see me, so I started to sneak out, rebel against my parents, the only thing that I enjoyed myself with was doing something I wasn't supposed to. I started skipping school a lot when I was 12 and of course Renesmee told my parents I wasn't at school, so I ended up being grounded for 2 months, all because the main reason I even went to school was to protect Renesmee. God I hated my family, I just really hated them, they didn't even seem to remember me, they hadn't even given me a name, Emmett decided to call me Blondie, but then again none of them ever needed to talk to me or wanted to.

By the age of thirteen, I built my own little house with the help of Emmett and Seth and i basically stayed there full time, apart from when I went hunting or went walking or running with Seth. When I turned 14 I had been intrigued with scene and emo culture, so I changed my whole look. Unlike Renesmee who was obviously beautiful in an unoriginal way, long dark brown\copper hair and big round brown eyes, slim body and full lips who dressed in pretty colourful clothes, I was pretty much the opposite, I had long blonde scene(different lengthed, awesome emo styled) hair, black tinged eyelashes that stood out against my pale skin, topaz eyes and a tall hourglass body. I liked wearing black and white outfits, I never ever left the house without my frilly small bows I wore in my hair as accessories, I adapted the whole emo theme with taste, getting specially designed clothes that looked like things out of vampire knight, or something like that…

I also had secrets, secrets that I didn't even tell Seth about, one of them being that I had an obsession with the volturi and the guard. I knew all their names off by heart, even though I'd never actually met them; I'd been hiding at home in a crib when my whole family and their friends went to protect Renesmee with their lives against the volturi. I had studied pictures and old paintings of them all, knowing them off by heart. The volturi were so bad-ass they were just like out of an awesome action\horror movie, Aro and the Witch Twins (who I envied) intrigued me so much that I was their own little stalker. The Witch Twins gifts were so… mesmerizing, being the opposite power of each other, Jane and Alec were probably the most feared vamps anywhere. Oh how I wanted to leave my family, join the volturi, I doubted they'd ever let me join them though. I thought I may have one gift that they might want, but I couldn't be sure because my family had never even bothered to ask or see if i had a gift. I seemed to always know ones intention whether it'd be the wolves or as I liked to call it my bloody Wolfpack and why they had visited or something simple like when Seth smiled out of the blue.

This is why I was surprised, when one night Seth came charging into my bedroom yelling out that the volturi were here. I gasped and got dressed into a knee-high black dress and black heeled boots and ran as fast as a hybrid can to the Cullen's house, I wanted to see the volturi in person so bad it hurt. Even though that sounded very fan crazy. I came to an abrupt stop, pausing just next to Seth's wolf form and hopped onto his back, so I could see where the volturi were coming from. I heard the Cullen's snarl and put Renesmee behind all of them, and the wolves tense up and growl. I widened my eyes at the sight before me, standing there were a whole group of black\grey cloaked figures, all looking like grim reapers, besides Aro, Marcus and Caius. They looked as paper thin as they had in the old painting of them and Carlisle but I knew they were much more dangerous than paper, one command and the Cullen's and the wolves would drop dead, no matter what gifts we had on our side, not with Alec and Janes powers against us at least. When I thought of them, somehow immediately all of them were hood-less and my breath hitched, standing there was all the important guard members id always wanted to meet. I scanned all of their beautiful deadly faces, meeting a pair of eyes; I'd never think I would've ever seen in real life, Alec volturi's dark red eyes…