Disclaimer: don't own anything

"blah blah blah" Japanese

"blah blah blah" Japanese whisper

"Blah blah blah" English

"Blah blah blah" English whisper


Green eyes open up to the world.

In a Japanese house the sounds of one of it's two teenage occupants were preparing for the school day.

Harry slowly got up from his bed. Unlike it's Japanese counterparts Harry's bed was a simple yet somewhat large queen sized four-poster bed. Despite it's size the red-gold antique piece of furniture fir quite snugly into the room. Originally a blank space in the house due for demolition, it was re-purpose as a bedroom for the currently 16-year old wizard. 10 by 15 meter room it was tastefully decorated with odd ornaments and plants. Depending on one's vantage point the room would seem to have a different theme in it's decoration. Colored in a variations of red, gold and green it exuded a homely feel.

The bed faced a Japanese sliding door that took up the whole wall on one side of the bed there was a mirror and a simple rack to hang some of his clothes while he changes his outfits along with Alistair, the sorting hat, something Harry wears when ever possible in it's disguised form or failing which brings it anywhere it goes. On the other side of the bed was a window that looks over the garden. Even than Harry could hear the birds chirping along with the sound of rushing water. A small desk was placed under the window accompanied with a comfortable chair. The left half of the sliding door was block by an enormous closet meant to prevent someone from accidentally peeking on him while he changes. There was also a large bookcase covering the adjacent walls. It was filled with enough books collected in the last 6 years while he was here.

Despite being in the morning, the lack of sleep did not bother Harry at all. Harry smoothly slid out from under the covers and quickly donned a sweater and some thick woolen pants. Despite having lived in the Emiya household for 6 years he still preferred thick warm clothing whenever the temperature drops below pleasantly cold. It was an odd habit he guessed.

Quietly exiting the room and slipping past Shirou undetected he headed towards the kitchen. While not being his chore he still liked to prepare some of the meals. Although he does it during the wee hours of the morning in order to avoid Shirou or Sakura from helping.

Deciding to cook an English breakfast he went and prepared the frying pan and some of the eggs that he needed to cook with. He even prepared some of his homemade patties along with home baked bread.

"Good morning"

Harry turned around and greeted a slightly flustered Sakura with a Sirius-ed styled smile.

"Good morning to you too, Sakura. Rest for a while before you go wake Shirou up"

Harry motioned Sakura to a chair before preparing a glass of pumpkin juice for her.

" So what made you decide to run here today? You do know that we don't mind if you took your time to get here don't you. Even Shirou would like it if you still came and did nothing."said Harry as he handed the juice to the now stuttering girl.

" B-uu-tttt I waa-waaant to ma-m-aaa-kkke bbb-rree-ak-fast before you today" answer Sakura who recovered from Harry's teasing halfway through her answer.

Harry just shook his head and went back to cooking after a few minutes of companionable silence, Sakura went to wake Shirou up. Mumbling on how lucky Shirou was, Harry finished his cooking just as Taiga arrived.

"So I see you still like to cook this type of food huh Harry. You should at the least cook more native cuisine before you cook this kind of fatty food you know." despite her somewhat rebuking words the sight of her drooling over the food took most of the edge of her remark.

" Well if you hate it so much then don't just it eat. " Harry said as he finished cleaning up the dishes.

"Waah I'm sorry. Please don't make me go hungry."Taiga was at this point literally begging the cook with those sad puppy dog eyes.

"uhhhuuhh" yawned Shirou as he entered the dining room " Come on Fuji-nee can't you act like a responsible adult for once"

Before Taiga could reply Sakura interjected with "But taiga sensei is a responsible adult. Maybe we may have never seen her act like one but maybe when she isn't around us she could have pretend she was an adult." by the end of Sakura's sentence, Taiga had those melancholy aura surrounding her while crying tears of sadness. The only thing wrong with this picture was the fact that she was already stuffing herself with food with extraordinary quickness.

Knowing that they would not get another reply out of her while she was recovering from her wounded pride, all three teenagers sat down at the dining table and slowly eat through the mountain of food made by Harry.

At the end of breakfast with half an hour and a half left before their school starts at 10. am. Taiga and Shirou went and cleaned up the remains of the breakfast while Sakura aided by Harry prepared the bentos for school.

Once done the four of them left for their school on foot at a leisurely pace

" So Hari-kunI was wondering did you decide on your goals yet. You always seem so carefree like you know what your doing you know." said a rather nervous Sakura.

"After my last life I kinda doubt I wanna actually work"

" Nope I have no clue on any, and I mean ANY of my future goals. "

"That is a bit irresponsible you know Harry-kun, After all even if you are rich from all those investment you made me do you still need something productive to do with your time. Even though I may never need to work for the rest of my life due to my grandfather's wealth I still chose to be a teacher." taiga replied

" You don't know anything Fuji-nee. This guy here can is one of laziest bastards on earth. I never seen him study before and I know for a fact that he is almost as good as Rin. He doesn't even have problems picking up gi..." Shirou suddenly stopped when he saw Rin's patented smile on Harry's face.

" It doesn't matter to me so much Taiga-san. I don't actually like to work. If I want to do something 'productive' I would do it without getting any rewards. Kind of like the suicide monkey next to me."

Despite being reassured by Harry, Taiga still could not help but feel as though something would go wrong. As Shirou, Sakura and Harry were having a conversation between themselves. Taiga could not helped but think upon Shirou's mental condition.

A few years back, when Harry and Shirou were 12, Harry found out about Shirou's dream and a few weeks later his personality. It disturbed him so much he pressured her into taking Shirou to a psychiatrist. After a few sessions the psychiatrist concluded that not only had Survivor's guilt at a frightening level but in addition to that had an obsessive behavior towards emulating his father. That sealed Taiga's decision and from then on up till today Shirou started having weekly meetings and counseling sessions with his psychiatrist.

Still even she had to admit that even after all that therapy session. Shirou still hadn't kicked out his saving people thing. But thank god he only does that in moderation. Even his abysmal school results has improve.

"Huh" Taiga snapped out of her musing in front of the Fuyuki private high school. She looked around her but she just could not find her three charges. So shrugging to herself she calmly went to her station in the school.

" Bye senpais" Sakura departed from the group as she made her way to her year one class., Bowing as she bid farewell.

"You know you should really consider going on a date with her Shirou. After all she is the second most sought after girl in school. " Harry was nonchalantly walking to their classroom. With a satchel over his shoulder and his confident and graceful walk one would think that he just asked about the weather judging by his near total calm as he uttered that particular sentence.

Shirou on the other hand reacted like Harry expected. " Do you think that I will be accepted if I became her boyfriend. I don't think that the trou..."

Harry cut him off with a mere wave of his hand. "Do you think that what you care is relevant to whether she accepts you. Remember in the end she is her own person. In the end it is her decision to ma. I am tired of you two constantly treading around each other in woolen socks. If you like her go date her and give her a chance to make that choice. After all it has been months since she ask you out on that date and you still haven't given her a reply."

"But she would get hurt if I am not good enough"

" She is already hurting you idiot. Every time you delay your answer she starts thinking she isn't good enough for you and that is torture for her." By this time Shirou had a grimace on his face while the serene expression on Harry's never left him.

The two journeyed into the classroom and into their places without so much as another word. For the rest of the day the two of them went about their usual classes and subsequently their own respective school time hobbies in between classes.

Shirou immersed himself with helping others although he took care not to come anywhere near Sakura. Harry on the other hand went looking for Taiga so that he could bother her with enough extra credit work to triple her workload. Using occlumency to give pseudo photographic memory, Harry also went about correcting Taiga's English in order to make Taiga exasperated.

At the end of the school day Harry was about to leave for home when he bump into Rin at the fron gates. Noticing what Rin was glaring at he stopped to say

" You know glaring at the school would not actually make your problems go away."

Rin didn't even react to that. Years of witty banter and at times extreme flirting has made her somewhat immune to Harry's exasperating conversation style.

" No it doesn't, but it still helps me feel better. Though I wonder how would you know mister perfect"

Harry just chuckled. "Maybe I do . Maybe I don't. But out of curiosity would you mind telling me if this problem involves me in some way."

Rin just shook her head as she glared at the school.

Knowing he wouldn't get a straight answer he merely uttered a quick sayonara and left for home.

Arriving at his house, he quickly went in and prepared a Japanese dinner, even though it wasn't as good as Sakura's he still laid out the table and went to take a shower before Shirou comes back, talking with Alistair on everything and nothing.

Even after he finished his bath, he put Alistair who was in his night cap form back on his head and his pajamas. Noting the fact that Shirou was later than usual Harry went on ahead with eating his meal. He was pondering his 6 year question of whether or not he should tell his friends about his status as a wizard from another dimension while he ate. Nevertheless his environmental consciousness never falter and he heard the main door closing.

Turning around he said " Well what kept you out this time- What the Bloody hell happened to you"

Harry just noticed that while Shirou came back home his chest was covered in blood directly over his heart.

" Hari-kun" Shirou weakly said "no need to get upset I'm still alive after all"

This did not stop Harry from grabbing his arm and hoisting it above his shoulders. While walking to the kitchen to find some bandages in order for Harry to patch Shirou up, in his panicked Harry faltered in his translation charm and promptly ignored Shirou's proclamation of him been attacked.

Harry only stopped when he realised that Shirou had absolutely no wounds. Thinking back he knew there was a murderer killing people with a bladed weapon. Still it made no sense that Shirou had no wounds despite the hole in his clothes. Filing that thought for later he was about to ask Shirou a question before someone with a foreign ascent interrupted them.

" Well here I was chasing some useless prey and now I stumbled upon a man I already killed." Said a grinning man in blue.

Without hesitation Shirou shoved Harry behind him while Harry in turn took off Alistair and mentally prepared to summon Vincere, the sword of Gryfindor.

Jumping to the right conclusion Shirou despite his trembling stared the murderer in the eyes and said. " Leave him alone, I am the one you want"

" Sorry, no can do. Since you led me here and he saw me I have to get rid of him. But hey at least when you die you can honestly say that I killed you twice". During this small rant Shirou inched away from Harry, hoping to buy Harry some time. After all he was a mage while Harry was some normal person.

" So since you would probably fight harder if you friend is dieing lets eve..." A this point while the man was facing away from Harry, Harry took his chance. In a split second he drew Vincere and attempt to inflict one mere cut on the man. Despite his skills as an expert swordsman, despite his advantage of surprise, he still did not manage to inflict that one wound needed to poison the man.

The sound of a holy sword striking the demonic lance seemed like the sound of judgment, echoing throughout the night, signaling the start of a bloody fight.

" My,my and here I thought you were useless" grinning demonically the man continued " I don't care what kind of magic your using but you seem to know what your doing. My master told me to avoid other Masters but he said nothing about fighting about other magi.

"Magi?" Harry wondered why he used that particular word. Narrowing his eyes he quickly changed the angle of his blade and slide it down the shaft to the tip hoping to catch the leotard wearing spearman off guard. However luck was not on his slide and the spearman with a quick spin manage to kick Harry into a corner with no where to run. Only Harry's experience kept him from sustaining broken bones from that kick.

" My, you are one tough nut aren't you. I am going to enjoy our fight. By the way I'm Lancer" gesturing one hand to Shirou he said " Well since I'm busy you should just scram kid"

With a wooden bokken in his hand Shirou was about to attack when Harry, without taking his eyes of Lancer, said

" Go now Shirou"

" But.."

"That guy has a bloody spear while I have a sword. You have a WOODEN BOKKEN. Make yourself useful and go find some help"

Taking one last glance at Harry. Shirou turned tail and ran.

" Now kid why aren't you willing to have some extra help."

Initiating a Legimency probe Harry started to skim Lancer surface thoughts. " Thank god I still remember how to do this."

Not even phased Harry merely raised his sword and took a stance.

" I like you kid. To bad I have to kill you now." And so the fight started.

8 minutes later with Shirou currently rummaging through his shed looking for something to fight Lancer of with. Now Shirou was no idiot, the moment he laid eyes on Lancer's fight with the red cloaked guy he knew they weren't human. Knowing that he resolved to avoid getting any more people from getting killed. The police would still have to fight an inhuman killeer and pulling his defenseless neighbors would be worse. So as he was searching for a weapon he couldn't help but question on how Harry was able to get a sword so fast. Where the sword came from was another question he resolved to ask Harry the moment they were safe. So deep was he in his thoughts that he did not notice the circle forming around him


Shirou jerked his head up as a now bleeding Harry was sent flying through the door and through some inhuman will he still managed to stay up on his feet. Lancer then walked in despite his skills he still suffered from a broken arm and a twisted shoulder. Still he looked much better than Harry.

" So the little rat is hiding out here was he." shrugging his shoulders as best he could he merely smiled and raise his spear with his one remaining arm " It's been fun but now it's time for you to say good bye. Know that you were killed by a heroic spirit and enjoy that fact." but before he or Harry could react Shirou made his choice and dashed forth pulling Harry out of the way. Lancer without hesitation batted Shirou into the wall. With the composure of someone killing a fly he lift his spear and aimed it at Shirou's chest.

"This is a demonic spear. As long as it still exist wound's it inflicts will never go away." Lancer said this as Harry tried to get rid of the bleeding wound above his eyes.

" Damn it got to do something." Knowing he could not kill the servant Harry hoped to null the spears power with his ultimate holy spell.

"Volo custodes" whispered Harry, crouching on the floor, bloodied and with only his sword for support, his heart still filled with hope. The three of them never noticing the summoning circle until all was said and done.

A/n Well everyone meet mister plot tiger. It was bugging me for weeks to write it down

PLease Review. I know that as it is unbeta'd. it will be flawed but i won't know until you tell me.












Peace to you alll :)9