Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Eyeshield21

Warnings: cursing (duh,) yaoi, eventual semi-graphic male/male scenes, bdsm, Dom!Sena sub!Harry, Clichéd HP plot devices

Unexpected - When Sean was in elementary school he joined a program to receive a penpal from another country to spread cultural awareness and help him learn English. While most students stopped when their teachers no longer translated for them he and his penpal became great friends. His penpal's name? Harry Potter.

AN: Don't think I mentioned it but the Sena/Harry is per-established at this point, I will however later do flashbacks and reminiscing references of their previous visits. Thus giving me more room to jump around and play.

Also Voldie died at the Ministry battle, he won't be showing up, in case anyone is wondering.

and i give up on editing this chapter, its as good as its going to get with my current writing skills, lol


Chapter Two: Who's that guy Sena jumped? ~or~ Something Hiruma didn't know.

After a minute of ignoring the feeling of being stared at while enjoying holding his Harry, Sena finally comes out of his shock, unknowing that he has perfect timing as a certain Commander from Hell's trigger finger was getting rather twitchy. He quickly pulls back, letting his hands drag down the other boy's chest and starts firing off questions in rapid succession. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back in school already? Why didn't you tell me you were coming to visit? How long are you staying? You're not in any trouble are you? Why aren't you answering me? Wha… Hey is that a Deimon uniform?"

The questions finally taper off as he notices Harry picking up the garment bag he had dropped, all the while still smiling fondly at the shorter boy… Speaking of.. "You had another growth spurt." grumbles out poor little Sena while he lamented internally. 'I use to be the taller one.'

He notes that his teammates are staring at him and realizes he habitably slipped into the game Harry and he use to play. When they first met and had little experience speaking each other's language they decided to get practice by switching back and forth every other sentence.

"Which question would you like answered first my Prince?" Harry asks in English.

Sena can't help but let out a "Hiiiii" and slaps a hand over Harry's now mischievous smile, while blushing. The "Huh, Huuh, HUUUUH?" in the background letting him know that even THEY could understand the nickname. He glances quickly at his friends, "Inside joke." he says with a small nervous smile… still blushing… and ignoring the cackling from off to the side. 'Technically true.' He thinks while removing his hand from Harry's mouth and sending him a small glare saying, 'Fix this.'

Just as the other boy opens his mouth to answer Mamori loses her patience and blurts out, "Sena who is this?"

"Err, umm" Sena stumbles out once he realizes what type of position he is in. Having been so comfortable with all his friends he almost forget that no one knows about Harry even though the other has been a part of his life for years. Noticing Harry's amused expression he silently promises 'I'll get you back for this,' before turning around to face his honorary sister and attempts to pretend nothing is out of the ordinary, "Well, you remember Mamori-nee, Harry is my penpal." He then goes through introductions for everyone; even if Harry would probably recognize them from photos it's the polite thing to do.

Mamori looks at them both confused, it had been years since the penpal program after all. Finally recognition shows on her face before swiftly going back to confusion. "But Sena that was in elementary school, I didn't think you still wrote to each other," Sena could hear the slight hurt in her voice for not having known something that has been going on for so long and he can't help but feel guilty knowing more information was just going to make her feel worse.

Always being able to read Sena so well, Harry speaks up probably hoping to ease the blow, this time making sure to speak in Japanese. "Actually we were both rather secretive about it; after all it was nice getting to talk to someone of a similar life that I never had to worry about beating me up." Then smiles charmingly and leans a bent arm on Sena's shoulder. Harry ignores the disbelieving looks that the confident looking boy in front of them was bullied as much as their running back. Sena can't really blame them, Harry has changed a lot since they were little, but after dealing with everything in his life that's not too surprising, and if he didn't adjust he probably would be dead by now.

Monta is the one that pops up wondering, "How'd you recognize him MAX fast if he's only your penpal,, or tell how much he grew?" He always has been oddly perceptive at times.

Sena can't help but flinch at the question, and spies Hiruma taking notes in his Devil's Handbook. "eheheh… well... H-h-harry has actually visited a few times before." Nervously he explains while rubbing the back of his head, secretly taking comfort of Harry standing beside him. He always feels so much more confident around him.

… And they are all staring at him surprised again, 'What? It's that shocking I have another actual friend? Or is it that I have a close enough friend that he doesn't mind traveling so far to visit?' he morosely wonders.


Harry was getting tired of the mini inquisitional squad towards Sena and wary of the light "kekeke" of the still note taking quarterback, he strategically adjusts his garment bag to give everyone something else to focus on. He is pretty sure Hiruma already knows why he has the uniform, after all it's not often someone transfers in mid school year. He has surely had to have heard of a foreigner making some donations to help the process go faster.

He watches as Sena gasps as it finally clicks in his brain why he would be carrying one of their school uniforms. Harry can't help but feel smug at the surprised and extremely happy face of the smaller boy. It had taken allot of work to transfer his schooling to not only Japan but into a self study program. They tested him in everything, apparently not trusting in Britain's OWLs. They also helped him catch up in his muggle schooling, one of the reasons it taken him extra time to finally get here.

"How did y-" Sena cuts off as the Blond Devil finally gets tired of the interruption of his team's practice and starts shooting at everyone while yelling, "Stop slacking and get back to fucking training!"

Harry chuckles as he has to catch his balance when Sena runs back onto the field, probably from reflex alone. Even Mamori wanders off to go back to recording their times some other random data, occasionally shooting Harry curious looks. When he finally glances back over Hiruma is staring at him calculatingly. "You wouldn't happen to know why one of the fucking Shrimp's neighbors decided to move out over night this week?"

Harry is a tad surprised that the demon would be watching even the neighbors of his teammates but fully supports any amount of paranoia as long as it's for the safety of Sena. "He may have gotten a once in a good job offer that paid to move his family with him to Australia, but required him to be leave right away." Harry lightly smirks; the answering smile vaguely reminding him of his last meeting with Griphook before leaving Britain. The wizard wonders if he just made a new friend.

As Hiruma wanders back off to… supervise his teammates. Harry drops down on the hill by the field watching as everyone works on drills. His eyes may-or-maynot have slipped too many times to a certain players ass. 'Why had Sena never sent me a photo of him in uniform from the back?' he can't help but whimper internally.

It was so nice to see Sena again after over a year, having not been able to meet up this past summer. He didn't even get to exchange as many emails since he stayed at Grimmauld Place and therefore couldn't use his laptop. At least Sena had the death march to distract him, it would have ruined the surprise if he had to try to explain why he couldn't visit.

There was an amazing amount of paperwork to do to not only move Sirius, Remus and himself but actually switching citizenship as well; it's no wonder wizards rarely permanently move so far. 'You would think magic would make things easier not excruciatingly more complicated.' He even had to transfer his Gringotts branch, something he hopes to never have to do again in his life. They had fortunately managed to get Harry emancipated so he could take care of everything himself, he really isn't sure he would have been able to trust Sirius to handle things. 'It was all worth it to know that now there is absolutely no way I could be forced to go back.'

Harry had originally planned to just look for a house for sale/rent near Sena's but the area was shockingly full so he had to... work that out. While he had bought the place for all three of them Harry was rarely expecting to see the other two, as both of them had apparently wanted to travel. 'Although it's probably more Sirius traveling and Remus feeling bad for anyone with the misfortune to have to deal with Sirius,' Harry chuckles to himself. His Godfather had been trapped or hiding for so long and now can go nearly anywhere he wants.

As a whistle blows.. 'Or was that a rocket launcher being shot?' *BOOM* 'Rocket launcher.' Harry glances back up and sees Mamori had somehow walked all the way over to him without him noticing. 'Must have been zoning out longer then I thought.' "You can wait for Sena at the club house if you would like. Everyone else is done but Hiruma is having him run extra laps so he will be just a little longer." She informs him.

He gets up and follows after her, quirking his lips at the sign on the building. As he is laying down his bag and taking a seat he realizes that Mamori is getting reading to start asking questions again. Hoping to hold her off awhile more he speaks up first, "I would really rather catch up with Sena if you don't mind, I'm sure we can both answer your questions later. I will be going to school here from now on after all." 'Hopefully a calm statement will settle her enough for now and not attack me with that broom about Sena's chastity or something,' Harry jokes to himself, 'Wonder how long it will take people to figure it out. With my luck Hiruma already caught me ogling.'

Lady fortune must have smiled today as Mamori just gives him a small smile, nods her head and politely responds, "It was nice to meet you." She then wanders off to help put everything up and get ready to leave, kindly encouraging Monta, who was also waiting for Sena, to do the same.

When a good portion of the team has already left, after shooting him curious looks, Hiruma walks in popping his gum and sits at his laptop. Sena comes in couple minutes behind him panting; he throws a small smile towards Harry and walks off to the locker room to change. Musashi soon wanders out in normal clothes taking a seat near Hiruma and Harry tries to remember if all the other players left already. 'Screw it.' "That everyone but Sena?" He questions while cocking an eyebrow. He had been practicing that look since he saw Snape do it in first year. The Blond just lets out a cackle so Harry takes that as a yes and heads into the locker room; he never was the patient one of the pair.

Sadly when Harry enters Sena is already dressed and is sitting down tying his shoes. 'Aww took too long.' he pouts to himself and sighs out loud taking a seat on the opposite bench facing the other. He watches as Sena looks up at him from under his bangs and smirk, causing Harry to shiver. He has always loved that expression, it just seems so out of place from the normal innocent cherub he shows everyone else.

Too fast to see Sena suddenly stands up, reaches for the front of Harry's shirt and drags him off the bench. Harry can't help but hiss out in pain when his knees hit the hard floor while reflexively putting his hands on Sena's waist to try to find his balance. Before he has time to adjust another hand grabs his hair, pulling it hard to angle his head back and lips slam down on his into a harsh kiss. Harry groans at the sensation; it had been so long since they had last seen each other, touched each other… tasted each other.


As Sena kissed the other boy he feels a tension leave that he didn't even realize was there for the past year. He had been dying to do this since he saw his trouble magnet of a boyfriend on the field but was able to keep enough control of himself to at least know that that was a bad idea. 'Well for now anyways... Maybe after the Christmas Bowl?' He wonders to himself. 'Wonder if Hiruma installed cameras inside the locker room? Oh, well.'


Next Chapter: Dose Mom know? ~or~ The Talk.


AN: well if anyone is a cannon-nazi, yes I did change the locker room, technically there's not any room between the benches.. lets just pretend the room is wider ^_^

Hiruma certainly cackled allot in this chapter... but he does that allot in my mind so that's not very surprising. I still need to work on my characterizations of most of the other ES21 characters so there's not too much from them yet. Then again its Harry and Sena's POV and they are currently too wrapped up in being near each other again. Chapter four is already planned for a flashback so if there's something specific you want to see request it now.