Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Eyeshield21

Warnings: cursing (duh,) yaoi, eventual semi-detailed male/male scenes, bdsm, Dom!Sena sub!Harry

Unexpected - When Sean was in elementary school he joined a program to receive a penpal from another country to spread cultural awareness and help him learn English. While most students stopped when their teachers no longer translated for them he and his penpal became great friends. His penpal's name? Harry Potter.



It was a nice day out, the sky was bright and cloudless, sounds of birds were chirping, children laughing, and gunshots and explosions filled the air. The Devil Bats were unsurprisingly spending their Saturday afternoon being tortu... err… training, with a game upcoming the next week no one expected anything less from the hard working team.

A figured walked slowly towards the violent sounds carrying a garment bag over his shoulder. The teenager had dark hair, bright green eyes and a famous, or infamous depending on your point of view, scar on his forehead. He couldn't help smiling as he caught sight of the small football player with a 21 on his jersey. The stranger probably would have stood there for forever following the running-back with his eyes if he hadn't been spotted by a rather demonic blond caption.

Bullets shot the ground near his feet causing him to jump back quickly giving out a startled yelp as he heard a gravely yell, "Who the fuck are you!" This of course caught the attention of the rest of the field, causing them to look around and spot the intruder. They were further surprised when a stunned but familiar voiced shouted out, "Harry!" Everyone turned to number 21 as he dropped his helmet and ran full tilt to the newly named person, leaving a trail of dust and dirt in the air behind him.

As Harry saw the speeding boy running towards him he reflexively dropped the garment bag, adjusted his feet, and started to hold out his arms. Just in time as well it seems, as the human missile hit him in the chest wrapping its arms around his neck. Harry let out a grunt as he spun around with the impact so as to lessen the blow and not go tumbling onto the ground. He closed his eyes and hugged the other boy just as tightly smiling and whispering into smaller ear, "Sena."



AN: sorry for how long this note will be, they won't be this long again, real chapters will also be longer. To start, im not a writer, ive always been more of a visual artist and crafter. I suck at grammar and spelling and always have. So why am I writing a fanfic? Well I occasionally have things pop into my head I would LOVE to read and this particular one was getting more detailed then they usually do in my mind. So what better way to get it out and save it then to attempt to write it.

I will admit now that I doubt this will every end up a 'complete' story. I will try my best however. If I do decide to give up I will make a chapter with all my 'notes' and let anyone who wants to, to adopt the whole/part of the story. In fact I welcome people to use any my ideas in their own, there are not enough HPxES21 xovers out there (of course non-xovers are ok as well). Just let me know so I can read it!

Feel free to point out any grammar/spelling/etc mistakes for me to fix or offer up ideas for what you want to happen.

This story will have a Dominate!Sena, yes you read that right, this of course will only be in reference to his relationship with Harry. It however does not mean either one is going to be the seme/uke all the time, that will actually switch off.

Any side/background pairings have not been decided on, nor has when specifically this is timeline wise. Currently it is at least some point after Sena revealed himself as Eyeshield. HP timeline is set after 5th year and harry is already 16. (assuming the death march was during the july-aug break, and the game against Bando is sep/oct some point) once I find the time to sit down and try to figure out the ES21 time line properly(since I can't find it online) I'll continue this story, may take a month as I have a busy couple weeks coming up.

Any major HP canon plot changes with be reveled next chapter and smaller ones as the story goes along. I have not decided if harry will actually be on the football team, if he will it will be a small roll probably a generic linebacker where the 'extra' players tend to be and never shown. He will not affect any cannon game outcome either way. The only 'major' ES21 change is Sena is actually good at English from being penpals/friends with Harry since he was little.