This story is a sequel to my other story What Happens in Aruba, Stays in Aruba. While you might be able to slightly follow along in this story, I'd highly recommend reading the one before it, just to get a basis of what's happening, etc. But seriously, do whatever you want! haha
Again, thanks so much for all your guys support, I never imagined I'd be doing a sequel to one of my stories! Ahh, it's awesome. And without further a due please enjoy the very first chapter of What Happens in Rosewood, Stays in Rosewood.
xoxo Morgan
p.s. You'll most likely take note of when this is taking place, but if you're confused at all just let me know and I'll clarify it for you :)
What Happens in Rosewood, Stays in Rosewood
Chapter 1: Changes
(Aria's POV)
I buried my head in my hands, and let out a frustrated groan. It was 3:08 in the morning and all I wanted to do was sleep, all i've wanted to do for the last four months was sleep. My mom said I'd get used to it, guess she was all kinds of wrong.
I pulled out my phone and aimlessly surfed facebook as I tried to will Hayden back to sleep, which was proving to be somewhat successful tonight. As her eyes closed I couldn't help but stare at how perfect she was. Even though the last month of my pregnancy had been hell and her delivery was anything but great, I'd do it all again to have another baby just like her.
She was born on January 2, 2012, weighing 8 pounds, 3 ounces and was 21 inches long. She had a head full of black, brown hair from the moment she came out and her eyes were a gorgeous dark blue, a spitting image of Ezra. I'd been in labor for almost thirty hours when the doctor finally came in and told me it was time to push. You watch shows on child birth and all that fun stuff in school, and honestly, they don't do any justice. I always thought it'd be a few pushes and she'd be out. No, not at all. After nearly 2 hours she finally arrived, making her grand entrance into the world to a room full of family and a lobby full of friends.
We'd talked about what to name her a few times, thrown some names around, scratched some, and in the end decided on Hayden Maxine Fitz. It fit her too perfectly and everyone adored it.
When she was almost four weeks old I went back to school, which I was not too happy about. I never thought in a million years I'd be the girl that was satisfied enough and want to get my GED, not go back to school, but I just wanted to be with her all the time, I didn't want to miss a single beat of her life. My parents wouldn't have it though, and either would Ezra. So four weeks after she was born, much to my dismay, she was already getting accustomed to a babysitter.
To say that every aspect of my life has changed would be an understatement. It doesn't even feel like my life anymore, it just feels like I'm living in Hayden's world, 24/7. That's the thing when you have a kid, it's no longer about you, it's them and only them. It wasn't easy in the beginning to get used to, but now that we've settled into some sort of routine it's manageable. And Ezra, he's done more then I could have ever imagined, and I'll never be able to fully express my gratitude to him. If I need to do homework, he drops what he's doing, if I need a break, he's there, if I don't feel like getting up in the middle of the night, he'll get up. He's an unbelievable dad. Just the way he acts with her, you can tell how much he loves her. His eyes light up when he's with her, I don't think I've ever seen him so happy.
There was a soft knock on the frame of the door, Ezra's shadowy figure leaning up against it, "Why didn't you wake me?" He asked quietly, walking over to the ottoman that sat in front of the pink paisley printed rocking chair, and sat down.
I was in love with her nursery, it had almost become to an extent a peaceful oasis for me when I was stressed. Her furniture was a dark chocolate brown, and the walls were painted A deep shade of pink, almost hot pink, but with a tone of pale pink too. All her pink paisley bedding matched her rocking chair, and there was a million stuffed animals and gifts from friends and family. She was a very lucky little girl from day one. That might attribute to the fact that I already can't fit all her clothes into her closet.
I yawned while saying, "You were sleeping." He smiled slightly, a crocked grin, "So were you."
He scratched the top of his head, yawning too, "I didn't even hear her." Standing up, I kissed her forehead and quietly placed her back in her crib, praying she wouldn't wake up. She had been extra fussy during the night lately. Probably because she had just started sleeping in the crib and her own room a week or two ago. Before that she had been cradled up in a basinet next to our bed.
I felt his arms wrap around me and I leaned into him, closing my eyes. Silently he took my hand and guided me back into the bedroom. I crawled in before either of us could say a word and was a sleep within minutes.
I could hear the buzz of the alarm clock before I heard his voice telling me we had to get up. It was 5:30, standard wake up time in our household. It's unbelievable when I think that for the past two years I've been getting up at 6:45 for school, and now I've taken away 45 minutes. Thanks to Hayden.
"Aria..." His voice was calm and sweet, "Wakey, Wakey." I buried my head under the pillow, moaning loudly. He laid back down next to me, and stroked my back tenderly, "Come on... up and at 'em." I rolled over, mumbling "How can you be such a morning person?" He laughed at my incoherent sentence, "Wait, english please..." I slapped him playfully on his arm, "Shut up!"
Pointing to the doorway, he said, "I'm gonna go get that angel up? Feed her. I'll grab you in thirty minutes again?" Smiling I nodded and slid back under the covers, again grateful for having such a wonderful boyfriend.
The loud knock on the door woke me and I saw it was 6:30. Thanks for getting me up in a half and hour Ezra. I heard Autumn's voice before I could begin to process it would be her. She was early. Normally Ezra and I tried to leave by 7, 6:45 if we had to drop Hayden off at Autumn's, but most the time she came here.
"Autumn!" Ezra's voice was booming throughout the apartment.
Willing myself to get out of bed I slipped off my t-shirt and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and attempt to look somewhat decent for school. That's the other thing you never think about. You end up being so exhausted from constant baby care, that you could give two shits about what you look like. I was always always always the one to look cute for school, and while I still try to, there's a whole lot more sweat pant days.
I slipped on a floral printed tank top, along with an olive green cardigan and a pair of dark navy jeggings. My hair seemed to be everywhere so I quickly ran my fingers through it and french braided it to the side. Ezra walked in the room and asked me, "Quick coffee stop?" I nodded a million times saying, ''Yes, absolutely."
We said our good-byes, which never got any easier, and left.
Sitting in the car outside school we both sipped our coffee at a new record pace, a sure sign that we both needed that energy more then we thought. An everyday occurance in our now crazy lives.
Chapter 1 is done! They will for sure get longer, but I just couldn't wait to introduce you guys to Hayden and get your take on Ezra and Aria's life. As the story goes on you'll see more changes for sure. Let me know what you think, as always, and REVIEW!