He threw down the letter angrily and slammed his fist through the wall.

No one did something like that to something of his. No one.

Quickly picking up his pen, he wrote a quickly reply and gave it to the owl to take back.

He changed into some clothes for the day and packed a small bag to take with him; everything inside it would be important.

Throwing it into the back of his car, he sped out of his driveway.

Pounding on the door, he waited impatiently for it to be pulled open.

When it was, a panting man with choppy blond hair was staring at him.

"F-Francis?" he asked, very confused. The man didn't visit him often. "Wh-What are you doing here?"

Said man pushed his way into the house.

"I need you to get me to your school!"

Arthur was confused.

"What school?"

Francis's eyes narrowed at him.

"The one that you send your witches and wizards too."

Arthur's eyes widened.

"H-How do-?"

"It doesn't matter how I know! Just get me there! Now!"

Nodding fearfully, Arthur led him to the basement and pulled out a small box.

"Here. This will let you see the castle."

He sprinkled some of the powder over the Frenchman.

Out of the corner of his eye, Francis saw a small animal pop into existence. It seemed to have wings which kept it in the air and was mint green. Was this the thing that Arthur always claimed he was talking to?

Shaking the thought from his mind, Francis turned back to Arthur.

"Can I get into the castle now?"

Arthur nodded.

"It will allow you to see it. And Uni will help you get there."

Francis raised an eyebrow.


The Englishman pointed behind him and he turned to see a unicorn staring at him.

"What nonsense is this? Why can I see all of your imaginary friends?"

"They aren't imaginary! I told you they were real! That powder made you able to see them as well as the castle." He shooed him towards the door. "Now go. You said this was urgent so just let Uni take you to the castle."

Francis hurried outside and looked at the unicorn.

"Get me to the castle," he instructed it.

Lily was sitting with Severus, talking to him quietly.

The door was flung open and they both jumped.

"Hey! Can't you see we're having a conversation?!" Lily yelled at the boy who had come in.

"There's a crazy guy at the gates! He's trying to get in but he doesn't know any magic!"

"What does he want?"

"Not sure. But he's got wavy blond hair and a French accent." The boy laughed. "The stupid frog can't get in!"

Severus's head snapped up.

"W-What?!" He jumped to his feet. "You said he's at the gate right?!" The boy nodded. "I have to go!"

He tore out of the room, Lily trying to keep up with him.

"What's the matter Severus?" she asked between pants.

"I think Francis is here!" he shouted back, skidding around a corner. "And if he is here, then that might be a bad thing!"

Lily followed him closely as they ran towards the front of the castle.

As Severus had thought, Francis was repeatedly attacking the gate, trying to force his way in.

He ran up to the gate, pushing students and teachers out of the way as he reached the enraged Frenchman.

"Francis!" he called. "Francis!"

Said man stopped his movements and looked around, recognizing the voice.

"Severus?" he called back, confused. "Where are you?"

The boy forced his way to the front of the curious crowd and reached his hand through the bars of the gate.

"Francis, you need to go home."

"No! Not until I find the boys that attacked you!"

"Why do you care?! You probably have some pretty girl or boy back home and you're just screwing with me because you think it's funny! You just picked on me like they did because I was young and stupid!"

Francis stared at him in shock.

"Who has been filling your head with such thoughts, mon cher?! Was it those salaud garcons?!"

"No! I figured it out on my own! It was so obvious and I was so-!"

He was cut off as a hand behind his head pulled him forward and Francis kissed him firmly.

Soon the need for air arose yet Francis still didn't pull away.

When Snape's head started to swim, Francis finally ended the kiss.

"All those thoughts are gone now," he said quietly, cupping the boy's face. "None of them are true. Je promets. I promise."

Snape looked down, blushing a little.

Slowly, the crowd around them dispersed and one of the professors opened the gate to let the man inside.

He nodded in thanks to her before kneeling down in front of Snape and making him look at him.

"Mon amour, I want you to listen to me. You are my only one. Don't let anyone tell you differently. While you are away at school, I do anything I can to help myself busy because if I'm not busy I'm just sitting there waiting for you to come back. Je t'aime mon cher. I love you. I mean it."

Snape's eyes filled with tears and he clutched around Francis's neck tightly.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I love you too."

Francis held him close and let him let his feelings out.

"I'm not going to let you get hurt again. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you. And I promise to get those boys back for what they did."

Snape shook his head.

"No. Just let it go. I just want to be with you right now."


They simply sat together on the grass until they fell asleep.

AN: I finally finished it! :D It took over a year but it's done! And I'm so proud of it!

But yes, Francis does love Snape and will always come to his rescue because he loves him.

I hope you liked it!

Oh and sweetfoxgirl13? I believe you owe me 2 cookies since I have updated twice since you asked me for more. So...*holds out hand* They better be sugar.