The chaos of the night had died down but still lingered in the air the following morning.

At the jedi council meeting room. The jedi masters were all present except for Kit Fisto. The captains present were Ukitake, Unohana, Sajin, and Toshiro. As for the captains in the fight last night and for Shunsui they were still unaccounted for.

"I believe I heard some fighting last night." Said Ukitake to Mace."What was going on?" The masters looked to each other.

"Some of your co-workers were in Master Plo Koon's room last night and had a confrontation with him to which some of the masters rushed to the scene and too became involved in the confrontation."

"Well I do hope everyone is alright." Said Unohanna."If anyone needs treatment I'd be more than happy to help."

"Thank you ma'am but everyone has been attended to." Replied Mace Windu.

"What were they doing in Master Plo Koon's room?" asked Sajin.

"One was trying to steal his light saber." Told Obi-wan. The present captains looked to each other knowing who it was.

"Those four are selfish." Said Saesee Tiin."And think only of themselves. Because we rely on our selflessness and strength from others our minds are strong while theirs are one minded and weak. That is how we were able to beat them."

"You all seem nice though." Said Obi-wan.

"Well I just hope we can move past this." Said Ukitake."Like you said Master Mundi."

"That's right I did." Replied Ki-adi.

Just then the doors opened and the four captains from last night walked in. All became silent as tension filled the room. The only sounds heard were of the captain's feet hitting the ground as they walked to their seats, the eyes of those in the room following them. Then the four took their seats and immediately began grilling down those who they had fought last night.

Kenpachi stuck up a giant middle finger to Saesee Tiin.

"You wanna play like that?" shouted Saesee Tiin as he jumped to his feet.

"Bitch I'm ready for round three." Shouted Kenpachi as he did the same. Then the two drew out their weapons.

"Quiet." Shouted Mace."Listen." Then everyone in the room felt the energies they sensed. They were two very strong and powerful ones.

"It' Master Yoda and Head-Captain Yamamoto." Said Toshiro.

Everyone quickly went back to their seats and sat properly. The two energies kept coming closer and closer. As they did all could hear the sound of footsteps getting louder. Then they stopped before the door and after a few moments of silence the doors flew open.

Then there was the flamboyant Captain of squad eight Shunsui with Jedi Master Kit Fisto leaning on him.

Then the two walked into the room with smiles laughing about the night before.

"SKUMPS!" shouted Kit Fisto as he pumped his fist into the air."SKUMPS!"

"Easy now." Said Shunsui as Kit Fisto stumbled onto him. Kit Fisto responded with a mumble."You've had a rough one." Then he lifted Kit Fisto up and into his chair.

Then Kit Fisto rested his head on the back of his chair with drool coming out of his mouth and a glazed look in his eyes.

Then Shunsui took a seat next to the master, and when he looked up saw the eyes of everyone looking at him.

"What?" Shunsui asked. Just then the doors opened up and Master Yoda and Head-Captain Yamamoto walked in.

"Good morning everyone." Said Yamamoto.

"Good morning sir." Everyone replied. Kit Fisto snored loudly in his chair. Shunsui leaned over and gave him a slight nudge. Kit Fisto quickly woke.

"Skumps." He said with a pump of his fist again then he slammed back down in his chair.

Yoda and Yamamoto looked at the jedi with a cock brow but then looked away.

"So." Said Yoda."Learn anything from this experience have we?" Nobody answer as most of the Masters and Captains had argued the whole time.

But then Shunsui raised his hand."I've learned something Master Yoda." He said. Everyone turned to him."Since my time here thanks to the assistance of Jedi Master Kit Fisto." He said pointing to the half-sleeping half-drunk master next to him."I've learned a lot about our organizations and how similar we are. For instance the light saber is a crystal inside the sword and can cut threw pretty much anything, making the blade indestructible." Shunsui continued on in great detail about the jedi, their customs and values and explained to Kit Fisto(since he could not speak for himself) about the soul society while everyone listened jaw-dropped in awe as he been able to obtain this information but Yoda and Yamamoto listened intently as they were proud a friendship amongst their Masters and Captains had accord.

"It's good to know that something good came out of this." Said Yamamoto to Yoda.

"I agree." Said Yoda.

"But sadly my old friend." Said Yamamoto."I think it is time for us to leave." The Captains and Master shot up at hearing this, all for Shunsui and Kit Fisto who were generally disappointed.

"Very well." Replied Yoda. Then the old jedi got to his feet."Show you to the landing bed we will." Then Yamamoto followed Yoda out thinking their subordiantes would follow.

"Oh too bad."said Plo Koon as he stood up."But that's the way the cookie crumbles."

"See you all in hell." Said Kenpachi. But then the anger and negativity of the two groups were broken up by the hollering of Kit Fisto and Shunsui.

"I'm gonna miss you." Hollered Kit Fisto as he hugged Shunsui.

Then the two groups made their way to the port.

"Open a portal will." Said Yoda to Yamamoto."Go through it and take you home it will."

The Jedi and Masters who had argued the whole bid their opponent goodbye with the utmost grief.

But then Kit Fisto approached Shunsui.

"I enjoyed hanging out with you." Said Kit Fisto.

"I enjoyed your company to." Said Shunsui.

"Maybe we could meet up some time in your world and you can show me where you're from." Said Kit Fisto.

"I would like that very much." Said Shunsui."I can introduce you to Nanao."

"There is no way" spoke up Mayuri in Shunsui's ear."I am letting one of those goddamn-" but he was then cut off as Shunsui hit him in the face.

Yamamoto and Yoda chuckled at the sight then turned to each other.

"It was good seeing you again." Said Yamamoto to Yoda.

"Good seeing you as well." Replied Yoda as he held out his hand. Then Yamamoto bent down and covered the little green alien's hand in his.

"Goodbye old friend." He said as he did so."It's only a shame the third one couldn't be here."

"Third?" said everyone else in question. Then suddenly a portal opened next to them.

Then nine figures stepped out. They had similar weapons to the soul reapers but their weapons and clothing were much more medieval, they'd seem like they were on a journey. There were two men, one with a horn and shield the other had a more wilderness look. The tallest had fair blonde hair pointy ears and a bow and arrow. Five were shorter than the rest. Four wore no shoes and had hairy feet while one other was slightly taller than them but was still short. He wore bulky armor and wielded a battle axe and a beard covered his face. The last was an old man with grey clothing, a staff and a long grey beard.

"Late you are." Said Yoda.

"A wizard is never late." Said the old man."Nor is early, he arrives precisely when he means to."

Tension occurred between the three, Yoda Yamamoto and the old man. But then they all burst out into laughter together much to the confusion of their subordinates.

Then Yamamoto turned to the Soul Reaper Captains."We'll be staying here a few more days." He told.

"NO!" screamed the Master and Captains in unison, except for Shunsui and Kit Fisto.

The End