Thanks, guys, for telling me that mostly all of you wanted Option B!

As I said, this chappie shall be EXTRA long. First, I would like to thank everybody who reviewed (wow I sound like I'm giving a speech). Even the people who didn't review, but read the story (you know who you are…) are AMAZING!

Disclaimer: What do you think?

On with the last chapter:

Hamilton's POV

I just had the weirdest dream EVER. It involved Sinead, a Hummer, and a…burrito microwave? Huh, it had to be the fungus growing on my lucky football. I was just rubbing my eyes, getting ready to freshen up, when a rapid knock came from outside.

"Get up Hammer! Go to the Command Center immediately!" Dan's muffled voice was heard.

Ugh. I had to get up. "Okay…" I fell backwards into the bed and started to drift off when Dan brought me back to reality.

"I heard that. You better get up or I'm coming inside!"

That woke me up faster than a bucket of cold water. Nobody, I mean nobody, could see me in my pajamas-my outer space footie pajamas.

What? They're comfy. Don't judge me…

Anyways, I dashed to my dresser and began to change.

"Coming!" I yelled frantically. I changed into my "real men" pajamas right as Dan came bursting through the door.

"Rise and shine, dude," he said casually. It seemed like he caught a glimpse of my pajamas before I closed the drawer because he was smirking.

"Um…why are you smirking?" I asked suspiciously.

"No reason. Oh yea, could you do me a favor and wake Sinead up?"

"NO!" I shouted louder than I meant to. I did not plan on seeing her anytime soon.

"Why? Do you have a problem?" Dan asked, deepening the smirk. "Let me guess, you had a dream?"

I raised an eyebrow. "How'd you know?"

"I'll explain at the Command Center. Just go straight there."

"Alright." As he walked out, I wondered what was going on. And something told me that he wasn't smirking about the pajamas….


"Everybody had a strange dream tonight, right?" Dan asked.

"Yes…," the rest of us replied, not knowing where this was going.

"Well it's because we've created this box. It's not just a box, it's a dream box. The dreams you guys had were the creation of me…" everyone looked around puzzled. We were struggling to process this into our sleepy brains.

"…and Fiske. We were testing this out to make sure it functions properly. In fact, the results were better than we expected! Many of you seemed quite satisfied, but puzzled about your dreams. That's more than what we hoped for! We didn't tell you guys because we wanted to see and record your reactions. We can now use this new weapon against our enemies: the Vespers."

"Yes," a vaguely familiar voice said from behind us. Startled, we all jumped. We turned around, and Fiske was waving at us from a computer. "Hello, kids!"

"Uncle Fiske!" Amy shouted with pleasure. She seemed delighted to see her beloved uncle once again.

"Hello!" the rest of us said back to the elderly man.

"I am very sorry if you feel betrayed in any way for what we did to you," he solemnly said.

"No, no," Sinead spoke up. "It was quite fine. After all, the dreams weren't all that bad."

Dan raised an eyebrow.

"What was your dream about?" I wondered.

"A science fair. Winning it," she replied quickly, looking at the floor.

In a split second, Natalie and Ian said "Liar."

Dan cut in. "Okay, let's not get into arguments about this."

"Right," Fiske told us. "All that matters is that it's all over, and now you're free to enjoy your vacation." He smiled and shut the computer down, without giving us a chance to say goodbye.

We all stared at the blank computer screen.

"Well, I guess there's no other option than to PARTAY, dawgs!" Jonah said enthusiastically, snapping us out of our daydreams. "Let's hit the beach!"


Soo…how was it? This story had a weak plot, so I'll try harder on my next story, which will be a collection of drabbles. Check it out because it'll be up soon!

Everyone who read this story is great, and I appreciate all the reviews I got!...Wait, I already said that… hahah.

Yay! This story is officially done, guys!
