A/N: Hi everybody! So a little idea popped into my brain while I was listening to some music, and trying to think up some ideas for my other stories, and my idea was, well that really sucks with what went down with the little "choice" Sookie made during the season finale. I mean come on, Bill did have his chance, and Eric really hasn't yet. So as I was yelling at the TV for her to turn around and give Eric a big smooch right there, part of me also thought about what must have been going through Eric's mind during that moment. From the range of emotions played in his face, I thought it would be a great idea to write a story in his point of view from that moment. This may be a one shot, or a story. That is your guys decision, so review and tell me if you want to keep it a one shot, or for me to continue to play around with it, and see where it goes as a story. OK, enough with me rambling, and time for the story, I hope you guys like it, and remember to review. Love you all :D

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters, but I wish I did…. *wink*

"I can't stand this anymore", Sookie got up and stared at Bill and I, "it's like being ripped in half. No matter what I do, somebody I love gets hurt", I stayed quiet, allowing her to vent, but Bill stood up.

"Sookie, I just want for you to be happy", he paused, "and if being with Eric makes you happy", he swallowed, and I waited for what Bill had to say, "Then you have my blessing", I looked over to Sookie with hopeful eyes. This could be it, we could be happy, no Bill to mess things up. She could love me, and I could love her.

"See", I put my hand on her cheek, feeling the smooth, velvety skin, "its okay, Sookie. Bill's fine with it", hope filled my voice so much, that in any other moment then this I would be disgusted with myself, but right now I was too focused on Sookie to care about any of that. I saw the uncertainty in her eyes, and I knew I had to do something to convince her, "Bill had his chance. He blew it. He, he lied to you".

"To protect me", I was losing her, "and I lied to him to protect you, and you've lied to both of us so many times, we can count", I removed my hand from her cheek and she backed away, "what a mess", she walked over to Bill, and got closer to him, and I could feel my heart slowly start to break. This weakness, how to it get to me so completely. Allowing myself to feel such feelings for her, I should be ashamed of myself. I wanted to turn it all off, to go back to much simpler times, where I didn't give a shit, but I couldn't. I would never be able to go back to that, whether it was because Sookie had such a hold on me, or it was just that fact that I didn't want to be that anymore. I looked back over to Sookie and Bill, and heard the words that made my anger and hurt all the worse. "I forgive you", and then I tried to tune them out, I couldn't listen to her say all her love for him, and him declare it back to her. He has lied, cheated, and almost killed her more than once, yet she always goes back to him. I wanted to yell at her, call her stupid for trusting him, yet I couldn't, because I know if I did that I would lose her. I would rather her be happy, and willing to talk to me, then be pissed off, and never speak to me again. It sounded like such a human thing for me to say, or think, but I just want her to be happy. As long as she is happy, then I am happy as well. I was broken from my train of thought when I heard Sookie start to back away from Bill.

"I know. And that just makes this harder", she looked over to me, and I could see the tears filling up into her eyes. She started to walk over to me, and my eyes widened. My heart sang with content, and happiness, was she really going to pick me? "If I'm really honest, it wasn't just goofy innocent Eric I fell for. As vicious and untrustworthy as you can be", she paused, "there's a goodness in you that breaks my heart, because a part of me has always wanted you", I smiled softly at her and got closer to her. I could make her happy; I could let her live the life she always wanted. I could love her emotionally and physically for as long as she would want me to, and if she would let me, I would turn her, she would only have to ask. Most vampire couples do not make it very long, but we could be different. Our love would be celebrated every day, and people who were loyal to me, and owed me fealty, would also owe the same to her. She would always be mine, and I would always be hers.

"You won't be sorry", I said softly to her, and it was the truth. She started to cry, and I just wanted to kiss them away, and start our life together. I have never felt so human, but when I was with her, I was proud to feel this way, for it proved to me that she was the only one who could make me feel this way. It was true I wasn't the same Eric, but when I was with her, I didn't want to be the old Eric. I just wanted her.

"I already am", I felt like the air had just been punched out of me, as she let some distance come between us, "the time we had together was unforgettable, but it, it's over", she backed away, and I felt my heart fully break. I had to do something, there had to be a way. I couldn't let her end this, end us like this.

"No, wait. It doesn't have to be", all of my thoughts about us, our life together, and our love was slipping through my fingers, and I just couldn't let it go like this. I wasn't going to take this sitting down, I would fight for us.

"There is only one way I see this ending", she cried, and took a breath, "and it's me walking away with neither of you", I tried to get closer to her, and reach out to her.

"Don't do this", I started to feel tears of my own coming up, but I held them down. I wouldn't let her see me cry.

"Sookie", Bill whispered. I almost forgot he was here, and I really wish that wasn't the case. Without him being here, this probably wouldn't have ever happened. Without him ever being involved in her life, we could be happy, but if he wasn't ever in her life, I probably wouldn't have ever met her.

"This is the hardest decision I have ever had to make", she cried harder, and I wanted to comfort her, but I was frozen, "but I know it's the right one for all of us. And so please", she backed away farther from us, "don't try to stop me, either of you"; she walked over to the door and stopped, before opening it, and walking outside. I could hear that she was just on the other side of the door, and I heard her cry. I felt her sadness, and pain through the bond, and it meshed with my own. I finally let someone in, after over a thousand years, and this is what happened. Feelings only make things worse, now I know why I chose not to feel them. For over a thousand years, I spent it fucking and killing, fucking and killing, and then she walks into my bar that one night. At first it started off as just a curiosity, wondering how the fuck she knew about the cops, and then it developed into something more, much more. My feelings for her really started in Dallas, when she stayed with Godric. That proved to me that not only was she brave, and compassionate, but that she cared enough for me and my maker to stay with him in his final moments, when I could not. As I got to know her better, I realized there was so much more to this woman, then I would have ever guessed. She was smart, stubborn, and extremely loyal to the ones she loved, and I respected her all the more. When Russell wanted to kill me, and take her, the last thing I would ever do, if that was my last moment, would to protect her. I had already gotten my revenge on him, and I was fully ready to die, but then Pam came up with her solution to use Sookie. I would never have given her to Russell, but knowing there was a way where I could save her, and end him, I went through with the plan. As I lied there, in the sun, getting ready to die, Sookie still saved me. I knew in that moment, that she had more feelings for me, then she cared to admit. When we kissed for the first time, I felt the passion, and lust, and the bud of new love, that it overwhelmed me at first, but when she ended it, I was more than disappointed. When she disappeared for that year, it was the hardest and longest year I would ever have to go through. I barely slept, or ate, and I didn't have sex for that whole year. Pam was so worried for me, that she almost tried to force me to fuck someone, but I ordered her away, and continued my search for Sookie. It wasn't that I didn't want to have sex with anyone, in fact I was very horny, and I could have fucked someone for a week straight, but I didn't want anyone but Sookie, and I would never admit that to Pam, or anyone for that matter. When I felt our bond spring to life, and I felt her back, safe, and unharmed, I wanted to run to her right away, but the sun prevented me from doing any of that. I felt her sadness, and grief that day as well, and it prevented me from getting any real sleep after that. I knew she was alive, and it sickened me to see everyone that ever claimed to love her, just give up. When I saw her for the first time, after that year, it made all my feelings for her hit me ten times harder than I could ever have imagined. It pained me to know that she did not want to be mine, but I am anything, if not persistent, and I knew how to wait. She would be mine, and I wouldn't let anything come between me and that goal. When the witch cursed me, I have never been so happy in my entire existence. She made me feel like a better man, and to know that she loved me, and still loved me, made me even happier. What I said while I was cursed was the truth, I didn't want my memories back, and I was different. I still am different, and I almost regret getting my memories back. They help me in the vampire world, but it cost me. It cost me Sookie, and for that, I would never truly be happy, until I have her, once again in my arms. I wanted to feel her under me, see the love in her eyes that I saw while I was cursed, and hear her say my name in pleasure, while she climaxed. I would not give up, but for now I had to. I would respect her choice to give her space, and time, but that did not mean I would wait forever. I will have her, and she will be mine. I so desperately wanted to put back up that wall that I have been building up for all these years, but I couldn't. I was different, and so was my wall. I could put it back up, but there would be one tiny flaw, that there was a lock in it, and the only person that had the key would be her. It would always be her.

A/N: So….. What do you guys think? Leave a review, and tell me your thoughts about it. I welcome all reviews, I know in some areas it may sound a little OOC for Eric, but I truly do think that he has changed in such a drastic way when it comes to Sookie, and his feelings for her. Yet again, I am such a hopeless romantic, tee-hee. So tell me if you guys like it, and I may turn it into a full story, but I don't know, like I said before, it's your choice. Everyone always has a choice :D Peace and True blood to all :D