Summary: Sequel to Ending Envy. Ratchet has convinced himself that it was a mistake, that it was nothing more than a meaningless one night stand. Chromia & Ironhide are determined to prove it's not, but it seems that a little help might be required.

Warning: It's M for a reason. Will contain smut and mech/mech, mech/femme as well as a threesome. You have been warned. Non-sticky, plug and play.

Disclaimer: If I owned it... well.. I wouldn't be writing fanfiction about it.

AN: There wasn't supposed to be a sequel, but the bunnies bit me... hard. You don't need to read Ending Envy to be able to follow this fic, it should be able to stand on it's own.

The chapters will be rather short, but I should have one out every couple of days until it's done.

Special thanks to crescent-moon-demon for betaing this.

Denial, Not just a river in Egypt.

Ratchet came out of recharge slowly with the feeling that something just wasn't quite right. He kept his optics shuttered and froze as he felt arms slowly pulling away from behind him, even as someone snuggled closer into his chest. 'Just what the slag happened yesterday?'

"Hmm... 'Hide..? Something the matter?" It was all he could do to keep from cringing as he recognized the still tired sounding voice of Chromia. Ironhide was going to kill him, he was sure of that. He was so focused on the fact he had Chromia cuddling against his chest, he completely missed Ironhide's quiet apology.

"Go back into recharge love." He pressed a light kiss on her helm and then did the same with Ratchet. "I just have the early morning patrol, I'll be back in a few..." Chromia let out a muttered, "Mmm.. Kay...," and promptly slipped back into recharge as Ironhide left for his shift.

The memory of the previous night came back to Ratchet in a rush, and he suppressed a sigh. There was no way it was anything more than a one time deal, no matter how much he may wish it otherwise. A little while later, when he finally dared to unshutter his optics, he glanced around the room before carefully untangling himself from Chromia and quickly vacating the room. He really didn't need to hear them say it was a mistake, and that it never should have happened.

Ironhide returned after his shift with three energon cubes, and was surprised to find Chromia sitting alone on the edge of their berth and frowning. He shook his head and sat down next to her, handing her a cube and then putting the third on the berth before taking a sip from his own.

"He snuck out huh?" Chromia nodded at his question then leaned up against him, and just stared at her cube, pouting slightly. "I know you said he'd try and convince himself it was just..." Her voice trailed off and she let out a small sound of frustration. "He's a stubborn, thick helmed, aft."

Ironhide chuckled and pulled her into a one armed hug. "Just means we can't give up. We'll get through to him somehow."