I am woken by the ray of sun that breaks through the velvet curtains in the new room. I go to get up but see Gale right sitting at the foot of my bed.

"You okay?" He asks.

I remember my horrifying dreams about my father in the mine explosion last night and I quickly nod not wanting to relive it once again. I hop off the bed and stand near the window just looking out at the city that lies in front of me. It's so different from home. Shiny, whereas The Seam is dirty and black from all the coal dust it has collected over the years, alive, happy, whereas The Seam is sick and sad. There are people attired in ridiculous outfits, the streets seem to look like a rainbow has just thrown up on them. I shake my head in disgust for the people who have it so easy every day not having to worry about a thing in the world. As I defy the law everyday just to make sure my family doesn't starve to death, carrying what seems like the weight of the world on my shoulders.

I feel Gale's presence beside me and turn to face him. I look up into his eyes and don't really know what to say. I just lean my head against his chest and close my eyes, forgetting about everything for a second until someone twists the knob of the door. I quickly dash to my bed and act as though I haven't talked to Gale all morning. And it walks lover boy Owen.

"Oh you two seem to be having fun now don't you," he says with laughter.

Once no one replies he comes up and sits next to me. Gale clenches his fist and makes a move to walk over. I look at him and give him a warning look that says "don't worry I got this," At this moment I'm pretty sure if I let him Gale would rip Owen's head off but he listens and just stands by the window and turns his back. His shoulders are tense and rigid and his fists are clenched so tight his knuckles turn white.

"How'd you sleep?" says Owen.

"Fine, yourself?"

"Good," he says back and I feel the tension in the room multiply by the millionths. "Little lover boy didn't give you any problems now did he?"

"Well, you see we didn't really talk, I'd rather avoid him at all costs," I say laughing and touching his arm. I guess if this is the time to play it up I really should. I mean go big or, don't go home right?

"Good, hear that buddy?" He says looking over at Gale.

"Yeah trust me I feel the same way."

"Now good well the reason I was supposed to come up here was to tell you guys that you have a meeting with the president later."

Gale turns around quickly and my jaw drops. I try to hide the shock on my face as does Gale, but the president? What on earth does he want?

"Don't worry baby, I got you," Owen says planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks Ow," I say feeling a blush come on my cheeks, this is actually embarrassing for Gale to be watching this. But I guess that's a good thing because it must look that I blushed from his kiss. I make a mental note to scrub my right cheek until it burns.

"See you later," he says hopping of my bed and out the door with a wink.

After Owen leaves the room fills with awkwardness. I look over at Gale not too sure if he's mad but he stars cracking up laughing, so I guess that's a no.

"Wow that dude is really crzy," says Gale with a laugh.

"Ahah yeah, I know, but listen I'm kind of tired, wake me up in an hour?"

"Mhm, sure," says Gale with a smile.

I lay down and my eyes instantly close. My mind is taken over by dreams of the president.

Someone is shaking my shoulder in what feels like it's been 5 minutes but it's Gale so my hour must be up.

"Hey, it's been 2 hours but I hear people outside so I figured their taking us down so I figured I would wake you."

I sit up in my bed and stretch, "uggh, okay, thanks Gale."

Someone knocks on the door and I busy my self with re-brading my hair down my back. Gale looks out the window.

"Hi, my name is Chad, I'll be taking you to see the president."

I turn around surprised it's not Owen, and see a short and stout guy. With bright red hair and freckles.

I hop out of bed and follow in his direction. He opens a door and me and Gale step inside.

The inside of the room is amazing: grand carpets, chandeliers, tapestry, book cases, and a magnificently large mahogany desk sits in the center and behind it a man with white hair is turned with his back towards us.

He turns around and says, "Hello Katniss Everdeen and Gale Hawthorne, please take a seat."

Erm, awkward. Sorry terrible chapter haven't updated in so long. Uugh pisses me off. Sorry guys hopefully all my faithful readers and reviewers haven't given up in me! Um next chapter will be interesting I PROMISE, um PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE review and let me know your thoughts, Spring break so I should at least have the next chapter up within the week. THANKS TO ALL MY REVIEWERS LOVE ALL OF YOU!