Dear readers, this is an experimental fic. Do leave a review an let me know what your opinion is. I do not have a perminate plan for this fic. I only just started it yesterday.

If you do want me to continue, do voice out. Otherwise, well you get the point.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

July 31, 1991

This is the beginning. I felt the compulsion to start a journal entry for a new journal this day. It is the start of a new life for me. At precisely zero hour this morning a magical personnel came into my life. It is also the exact time of my birth eleven years ago. Hadgrid was the person name. He was a big man. If I were to describe him, I would say that he has an unkempt appearance. I was swiftly rushed away to the magical civilization of the British Isle. It came to my attention that I was a famous in this magical community. I found that out the hard way. People really should keep their hands to themselves.

Diagon Alley was very...magical. I was ushered to the Gringotts Wizarding Bank that was run by Goblins. They looked mean and short. No offense to Goblins or anything. I have a vault there apparently. Uhm, I really should go back and get more information. The Goblin name that I remember was Griphook. He provided me service today. It was kind of weird how he looked at me when I thanked him for helping me. He looked flabbergasted when I spoke his name. That is something to think about.

I met a magical child at Madame Malkin's Robe for all Occasion. He was a snob, but he was beautiful. I couldn't help it. There was just something that tugged at my heart when I was near him. When I look at him, I do not really see what he physically look like. I saw his magical essence. Okay fine, I do see what I looked like; but at the same time, I see the glow of his magic. It encased my whole being as soon as we locked eyes. I do not think that he was aware of this phenomenon. I only subconsciously listened to his words. I filed them away for later analysis. I just paraphrased what he was saying and from what I can recall... I will just summarize that he has a very snobby personality. He seemed to be a very spoil child. I do hope that he will grow out of that soon. Only time will tell, I guess.

The highlight of the day was when I'd gotten my wand. It is a wonderful medium for focus magic magic usage. My return to my reluctant home was heartbreaking to me. I have always wanted to come home to a warm welcoming. Instead, I was received with un-acknowledgment. Ever since my arrival here, I was received with dislike. Upon my fourth birthday, I found out why. The amulet I wore that was invisibility and untouchable to everyone else but me kept me safe. It prevented physical harm on my person but there was nothing to be done on mental safety.

Look how weak I am. I could not confine the bitter chuckle that left my lips or the silent tears that are smearing this parchment. Harry Potter, I hate this name. At the same time however, this name is a perfect cover for me. I do not want my true name to be abuse and dirtied by the unworthy. One day, I look forward to the day I will find someone...

August 1, 1991

I returned to Diagon Alley today. It was so different to be melted in the crowd. I went as myself. It is the perfect disguise. No one have the knowledge of my true identity. I have to say, I felt very prideful. I revisited Gringotts. It would seem that magical creatures are harder to fool. They are too in tune with Natural Magic. I have a magical guardian. I wish for bad fortune to rain on him. That man need to disappear already. He had lived for too long if he thinks that it is within his right to weaved out my life. That's Fate job. That bumblebee not only stole from me but also tried to trap me in a marriage contract with some chick. That is just so wrong.

I have seen what would happen if I do not possess my amulet. This only happen on Hallow Eve, the time when spiritual magic is at its strongest. Dumbledore wanted me to be weak willed. He left me to be abuse! Who in good conscious would leave a baby out on the door step on a British November evening? What happen to 'Do to others as thee would do to thee self?' If that man ever talk to me about love and self sacrifice, he better hope that he has death insurance. I would summon Satan himself if that man so much as utter something corny like 'for the greater good.' Okay, maybe not that drastic of a measure but I will do something about it.

I'm rambling. Getting back track, I had a fun day with all things considered. I was very proud of myself for not dramatically over reacting with the ugly revelation. I only added some characters to the ornate chair of Ragnok's office. I also had it charged to Bumblebee vault, hehehehe. The stolen money was compensated by Bumblebee's stocks and interest from his savings. He would never find out. It was a good thing that he only had access to my trust vault.

I'm rich! I still have not gotten over that little tidbit. I went from a poor, neglected orphan to a really loaded one. Who would have thought. I sure didn't. I had a be late birthday shopping spree. It was awesome. I do live in one of the golden triangle of Europe. I took advantage of this and went all out. I have never own so many clothing. I hired a goblin escort. Goblin magic was very convenience for my shopping purpose today. There is this glamor spell that cast an illusion for appearance. I do have to keep up the charade and bye majority male clothing. There are only a few pieces that cannot be mistaken for male clothe. My 3 silk dresses for example. What would I do once my menstrual cycle begin? I would so have to go back to the bookstore soon.

My owl was not very happy when I got home. She was mad at me for leaving her behind. I did explain to her that it would cause to much unwanted attention if I were to bring a nocturnal animal with me while shopping at non magical stores. She is a sly little bird. Being all innocent with her snow white feathers and big ember eyes. She looked all mugged when I gave in and gave her treats as an apology. She sure did a good job at hiding it but I'm not just anyone. You do not grow up neglected as I do with out honing life skills.

August 30, 1991

Oh my gosh! I cannot belief those people. Savior! Savior? How in the name of all intellectual logic could one child be in charge of saving adults? Are they so weak and pathetic that they cannot even say the guy's name? You-know-who, you-know-who what? No! I don't know who. What I do know is that you people are pathetic for just saying it. That guy have already won half the battles just by installing fear through his name. I gotta say, that is no small feat.

I'm getting off track; lets go back to the beginning.

I finally got the chance to go back to Diagon Alley once more. I waited until I have more than one reason before making this trip. I have finish all of my school books and is over have way through with my extra reading materials. So I went back to the D. Alley today. It was so crowded. People were doing last minutes school shopping and such. I was resting at an ice cream parlour, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. I over heard obsessive gossips about me. These people were so, are so PATHETIC!

You know what; I will not give the honor to theses thoughts by allowing them to occupy my mind.

I'm so excited! School term begin tomorrow. From tomorrow on, I will truly be able to live Magic!

For those how skipped my introduction, i just want to let you know that if you want this fic to continue do let me know.

Just to be clear, this fic is not a yaoi.