A/N: this is alternate universe, seeing as Terry and the X-men could never truly co-exist due to the time difference. Ah well, it's all good in the fanfic world. Oh, and Lance doesn't get along with any of the X-men in this, just for laughs


Disclaimer: unfortunately, I don't own 'em. Too bad so sad.

Chapter 1

"Terry, sweetie, its time for breakfast. Matt's already up," the familiar voice of Mary McGinnis reached the sleeping boy's ears.

"He's my new role model," Terry mumbled as he rolled over.

"Ter, get up, I'm not joking. I will not have you late for your first day at a new school," his mother was standing in the doorway by this point. "Up. Now," she demanded. Terry finally heaved himself out of bed and his mother left the room. It was weird to wake up in this new place, almost like the day he woke up in his mother's apartment after…after his father had been killed. The night after he was Batman. Leaving Gotham was hard; Max and Dana were in tears about it and his fellow classmates were defiantly disappointed, but the worst was leaving Bruce Wayne…And Batman. Terry loved his nightly career: seeking out "bad guys" and bringing justice. It was just the cure for his previous juvenile behavior. Even though he loved being Batman with a passion, he was willing to give that up…the real issue was leaving Bruce alone. Before Terry had inadvertently become Batman, Bruce had lived for so many years alone with only his memories. To be isolated for so long without many friends must have been a nightmare for the old man. Bruce would never admit that he enjoyed Terry's company, but the youth knew it was there. The former Batman had gradually become casual with Terry, and the boy feared that Bruce would have to live in darkness once again.

"Terry, if I have to tell you one more time, you'll be sorry!" His mom called.

"I'm coming mom! God…" he added under his breath. He got ready for school wearing his usual black shirt and pants, finishing off the outfit with his signature brown jacket. As he looked at the clock next to his bed, he swore under his breath and ran to the kitchen. Once there he devoured the toast and orange juice, kissed his mom goodbye and wished her luck on her new job.

Out of breath and late, Terry ran up to the main office of his new high school. Stopping in front of the door, he took a moment to compose himself, but soon he knocked on the door.

"Come in," the voice answered. Terry did so.

"Ah, you must be Terrence McGinnis," she said.

"Oh, you can call me Terry," he said timidly. Timidly? He thought to himself. Since when have I been timid?

"Well, since it's your first day, I'll excuse your tardiness. Here is your class schedule. You'll have a host student who has all of the same classes," she went to the intercom button. "Mr. Greer, will you send Scott Summers to the office? Thank you." She turned back to Terry. "Scott will be with you in a moment. Do you have any questions?"

"Um, no ma'am," Terry said. As he finished speaking, the door opened and closed behind him. Turning around, Terry saw the guy who would apparently lead him around. The youth was about Terry's height with brown hair. He was wearing sunglasses and the moment was almost too good to pass up.

"Is it really so sunny in Bayville?" Terry questioned jokingly. The youth just looked at the new kid and introduced himself.

"I'm Scott Summers. You must be…Terrence? Where are you from?" Scott said.

"Actually, it's Terry, and I'm from Gotham," Terry replied. He was kind of getting frustrated at this Scott Summers. Maybe it wasn't even Scott he was frustrated at, but it was always nice to blame people. When he was Batman…You know what, Terry, you're not Batman. That life is over.

"Well, you boys had better be heading to class, I don't ant to interrupt your studies," the principal intervened. The two boys acknowledged her and left the office. Once in the hallway, Scott spoke.

"So, Gotham, eh? Isn't that where Batman is?" Scott asked, trying to make friendly conversation.

"Was," Terry said under his breath.

"Hm?" countered Scott.

"Yeah, he lives there," said Terry. There was a moment of awkward silence, but they soon reached their classroom.

As the two boys walked into the classroom, the teacher was in mid- sentence. He stopped and turned to the youths, then turned back to the class.

"Class," he said, "As I was telling you, we have a new student today. His name is Terrence-" the teacher was cut short by Terry saying something softly. "What?" the teacher said politely.

"It's Terry," the black-haired youth said.

"Ah, yes, Terry McGinnis. Terry is from Gotham City, but I'll let him say a few words about himself and you all can ask questions after class. Terry?" The teacher moved over a bit so Terry could have center stage.

"Yeah," Terry started out. "I'm Terry McGinnis, I'm from Gotham and I'm pretty much here against my will." The boy ended his brief introduction and looked at the teacher for further instructions.

"That was…wonderful, Terry. You may now take your seat next to Scott." The black-haired boy did so and the morning passed by uneventfully.

Eventually, after what seemed like ages of excruciatingly boring classes, the lunch bell rang.

"Finally," Terry muttered. Scott approached the new student and invited him to eat with him and his friends. Whether the principal required this offer or not Terry didn't care to find out.

Not knowing whether the cafeteria food was edible, Terry brought his own lunch, a mistake that would hardly be repeated again. The food at this school was notably better than the food at his other school. Terry now knew for certain that this suburb school was funded, however subtly, better than his old school. Scott purchased his meal and guided Terry to a table where other kids were sitting. Terry sat down to the left of Scott and the new kid surveyed the others around him. To the sunglasses-clad boy's immediate right there sat a girl with bright red hair. She smiled at Terry and introduced herself as Jean Grey. Next to her was a guy with black, chin-length hair who introduced himself (in a German-sounding accent) as Kurt Wagner. Next to Kurt was Kitty Pride, next to her was Evan Daniels and sitting next to him with black lipstick and a streak of dye in her hair was Rogue. Terry felt more at ease. This school's not as preppy as I would've guessed, thought Terry.

The Gotham boy had barely finished his sandwich when a greasy looking guy approached the table.

"Hey, Kitty, what's up?" the boy said.

"Go away, Lance! Can't you see I'm eating?" Kitty said, obviously irritated. Lance closed in, putting his arm around the girl.

"Come on, baby, I know a little spot behind the vending machines that would be perfect," he said sleazily. Terry got out of his seat and went to Kitty's defense.

"Come on, man, can't you see that she doesn't want make out with you? Get serious, who would?" Lance looked up at the speaker.

"Hey, you're the new kid. What are you doing, hanging out with losers like these? What's your name…Terrence?" the boy said, obviously trying to instigate something.

"My name is 'Terry' and if someone calls me 'Terrence' again, I will subject them to physical pain." Terry's statement was almost too much for Lance to ignore.

"What's wrong, Terrence," he said. That was it.

Terry's first day at a new school and he's already fighting…*sigh* what will become of him? Perhaps some positive or constructive feedback will persuade me to write more! I would really appreciate your comments and no, this isn't one of those scams to get reviews, but I want to really know if anyone cares if I continue. Happy Reading!