
So it Begins

Sitting in her ready room Captain Janeway was reading reports on their latest failed try to get back to earth. Well failed wasn't the right word they were now only 15,000 light-years from Federation space, The Borg crippled and they now had technology equal if not superior to the Borg. She laughed out loud as the imagined that the Admirals at Starfleet Command were probably alternately dancing in joy and deciding if they should court martial her or give her a commendation after their latest data transfer. Sighing she started reading B'Elanna's latest engineering report and repairs were going well an...

Her Comm chirped with Harry's worried voice "Captain Priority one communication LIVE from Admirals Paris and Neychayev at Starfleet Command "hmm Harry must share her worries and wondering how they managed a live transmission? "Hmmm put them through Ensign"

She was a little shocked as she was met by the beaming faces of her superiors. Neychayev spoke first "Kathryn Janeway you have probably broken more protocols than any Captain since James T Kirk himself gotten out of more jams than He Picard and Sisko could ever imagine and now THISSSSS! I mean how could you I wanna ring your neck I wanna hug you I just cannot believe it! Technology to fight the Borg and not only that but a trans warp Hub obliterated, the Queen dead and the collective in chaos its more than we ever dreamed, how can we ever thank you and your crew" she trialed off obviously overcome.

Kathryn who was very shocked at Neychayev very uncharacteristic display just managed to get in "My crew" before she was interrupted.

Owen interrupted "Kathryn all Maquis who joined Starfleet they have had all charges dropped in light of the war with the Dominion (I mean they were doing what we should have done in the first place only the ones who went rogue are still in prison" now that includes your crew since both the Cardassian and the Betazoid are dead. Myself and Alynna here personally had the Commander of Starfleet Authorize all the promotions and make all field Commissions you have given Permanent, so don't worry about that, in fact that gives us a problem. Your first officer was Promoted to captain the week before he resigned his commission now that it is considered reactivated, it allowed us to force the Starfleet Commanders Hand" now Kathryn gulped but was intrigued.

Speaking as one both Alynna and Owen spoke " Kathryn Janeway you are one of Starfleet's finest officers your name will line our history with the likes of Kirk , Picard and Archer you have performed way above the call of duty time and time again and in the finest of Starfleet traditions you have gone further, seen and dealt with more than we could possibly Imagine We henceforth Promote you to the position of Vice Admiral and authorize the immediate Promotion of Captain Chakotay to fleet Captain". They both paused as the both took on a more business like persona and Owen spoke. "Now Kathryn I am so proud of you and I know your father would be too hear what you have achieved is remarkable, now I know you must be bursting to inform Chakotay of his promotion and many others that are long overdue but we have much more to discuss".

Again Alynna Interrupted "There will be a Formal Promotion Ceremony held live to the entire Federation via the Midas Array in a weeks' time. Owen has been promoted to fleet Admiral like myself. We are to be the commanders of the (Voyager Project) Kathryn and you are to be our Second we will be studying the data you sent us and will be recreating as much as we can before you get voyager Home some of your smaller upgrades are being applied as we speak. Now I'm sure with all the advances you have made you will be home within the year and then..."

Kathryn still in disbelieve that it had all happened. She had been in conference with Alynna and Owen for over six hours Starfleet had really done it for them. She took a steadying gulp of burning black coffee, just the way she liked it, took a moment to appreciate what had happened and requested a new Admiral's Jacket for herself complete with rank pips as she put the jacket on and thought on how to proceed, she wondered just what the voyager rumor mill had played out while she was busy. Smiling as she thought about it but was sure some they would tell or rather her Helmsman could be counted on to let slip within her earshot. using her Comm " Captain Chakotay please report to my ready room" smirking as she made it a ship wide call now that was sure to have the ship buzzing in less time than it took Tom to go from impulse to warp. (Well an Admiral had to have her fun somehow).

Smiling as a very confused and Chakotay entered her ready room and then the look of astonishment upon noticing her new rank. Upon making the link the to her recent Communiqué he smiled and congratulated her "Thank you Captain (upon seeing his confused look she elaborated) Starfleet command have realized there mistakes with the Maquis and in light of the current war taken back any Starfleet officer and many remaining Maquis have taken up posts hence your commission being formally being reinstated to your previous rank, Now I have wanted for so long to give you the recognition you so deserved for your dedication your selflessness and service to me our crew and Starfleet I henceforth Promote you to the Rank of Fleet Captain" Kathryn hugged him after fixing his new rank to his uniform seeing as he was speechless she continued " Now I am sure you agree there are some very much overdue promotions due to be handed out but first I have to brief you on what happens now". Kathryn Grinned as she knew Chakotay would be dumfounded with what she had to say.

Three hours later the rest of the senior crew were making their way to the briefing room. "Just why in the name of Kayless could she not wait to a reasonable hour it's 0300. I just got Miral down to sleep at 0100". Yawning both Harry and Tom just nodded in agreement as Tuvok as usual just quirked his eyebrow at them as Seven the Doctor, Sam and Icheb just smiled being on duty just now anyway. Little did they know that they'd be just as wide awake and alert in two minutes as when red alert was called. Noticing B'Elanna's worried face Sam said "Don't worry B'Elanna Naomi will take good care of little Miral and Ensign Bateheart is listening in them on the Comm next door" Feeling a Little better B'Elanna nodded and continued on.

Entering the Briefing room first Tuvok in most unvulcan like manner stumbled upon noticing his longtime friends uniform causing a laugh as Kathryn and Chakotay asked Tuvok if he was okay? Nodding and saying "Congratulations Admiral Janeway I am most proud to see this day, one that may I add should have come much sooner" Nodding at Kathryn's Shocked face for a Vulcan rarely gave such praise as Tuvok continued "Fleet Captain Chakotay I'm glad to see your commission reinstated with a well-deserved promotion" blinking at the High Praise Kathryn and Chakotay Beckoned the rest of their shocked senior staff into the room of course Tom in his usual Fashion "Well it looks Like the rumor mill might just be a few light years of here"

Smiling Kathryn Spoke "That will do Tom. Now as you can all see I have been promoted to Admiral and Chakotay here has rightfully so had his Commission re-instated. I know you must all be bursting to hear our new Orders but First I want to hand out Some Promotions but first I should say all field Commissions and lost commissions have been reinstated. Annika Hansen first of all I want to promote you from crewman to Lieutenant in the four years since you became a member of this crew you have grown in to a wonderful person and an exceptional officer". As Kathryn fitted the pips to sevens collar the ex-Borg Seemed rather overcome but did manager to utter a small "Thank you Admiral"

Smiling and turning to Harry " Harry when you came to me you were but a green Ensign fresh out of the academy I think I can safely say I have held you to stricter standards with you these past years I've both felt like a Mother and that you were my Protégé you have become a fine officer I expect great things From you. Harry Kim I Promote you to the Rank of Lieutenant Commander for your continued support and bravery and again and again performing above the call of duty I can safely say if you keep this up you will be a Commander by the Time we get home". Smiling as she Hugged in and gave him is new rank pip.

"Tom you are a new man when I think back seven years ago to seeing you now who would have thought you one of my most trusted officers a husband, father, trusted friend I don't know who is prouder myself or your father | (you know he Demanded I send him a family Portrait to hang in his Office and at Home). Thomas Eugene Paris for performing above and beyond the call of duty many times your list of merits is staggering I promote you to the Rank of Commander". Smirking at his shocked face she turned to his Wife.

"B'Elanna I think you journey has been one of the longest you have come a long way these past years I can safely say I call you a friend and trusted colleague when Chakotay first recommended you for Chief Engineer I thought he was mad but you proved yourself within the first day and have done so many times in the past seven years I can safely say your Engineering Prowess rivals that of the legendary Captain Scott. I fully believe that we would not be here today if you hadn't pulled off Some Scotty like miracles B'Elanna Torres-Paris for your services to this crew, performing above and beyond the call of duty I Promote you to the rank of Commander".

"Tuvok my trusted friend and Advisor I have relied on your Wisdom for many years and hope to do so for many more you have performed above and beyond the call of duty many times in your career you have even taken my responsibilities at one time Tuvok son of Talen I hereby Promote you to the Rank of Executive".

"Sam these past years I know you have had to become my unofficial Science officer although you were not the most experienced I knew you would be the best for Unwavering Loyalty and Preforming above and beyond the call off Duty I hereby Promote you to Lieutenant Commander and Chief Science officer".

"Doctor I think it's safe to say your journey has been the Longest you in essence are but a child but also as wise and cranky as the redoubtable Admiral McCoy you has gained so much and given so much you have become a valued and irreplaceable member of my crew and that is why you have been earned you commission many timed over Dr Smoss Zimmerman I hereby Grant you a commission to the Rank of Lieutenant and Chief Medical Officer".

"Icheb you have amazed me with your Skill and Knowledge you are a brilliant young man and you have proved yourself a Capable Officer your ingenuity and Logic will only prove to help you in your path while you still have much to learn Icheb Hansen while officially you have not been to the academy you are probably more knowledgeable than most graduates and will have learnt everything you need by the time we reach home. I am Proud to Grant you a Commission of Ensign assigned to the engineering Development Team.

Smiling as she surveyed her crew Kathryn spoke again " I can safely say I have one of the finest crews in Starfleet History if Admirals Paris and Neychayev are correct we are to go down in history with the likes of Archer, Picard, Kirk and there crews, I have faith in each and every one of you and that is why I know we will exceed Starfleet's expectations and be home within 6 months".

"Now I Know you have many questions and I will begin our briefing at 0600 that gives us enough time to freshen up and get ready for the day. Dismissed"