Hey it's Rogue the creator of Chronicles of new hyrule and LOZ: TDP and a few other things! I hope you enjoy this :)
Tatl: Rogue 2k8 does not own LOZ or LOTR... thank you.
"Hey Saria" Link said
"Oh, hey Link... um... what's up?"
"Oh, I am going to the temple of time, I was wondering if you want to come, talk to the others if you want?"
Saria never missed an opportunity to leave the forest, and be with Link of course "sure Link" she said
(Saria and Link are in their early teens, as Saria is now a sage and... well screw it! Saria CAN age but is 13 and Link is 14)
"Ok then, let's go"
Saria smiled "sure thing"
An hour later at the temple...
"Where is everyone?" Saria asked
"I dunno"
Link entered the room behind the sacred stones, where the Master Sword was and noticed it tilted out of place a bit, and then realised...
"Oh crap! This better not be like 4 swords!"
The sword broke free of the pedestal and a blue light engulfed Saria and Link...
"Oww, Saria... where are we?"
Saria got up and looked around "i... don't know"
"Now then... where shall I start... ah yes; concerning... Hobbits. Hobbits have been living and farming middle earth in the four Farthings of the Shire for many hundreds of years, quite content to ignore and be ignored by the world of the big folk- Middle-earth being, after all, full of strange creatures beyond count. Hobbits must seem of little importance, being neither renowned as great warriors, nor counted among the very wise"
*rap, rap, rap*
"Frodo! Someone at the door!"
"In fact, it has been remarked by some that the Hobbits' only real passion is for food. A rather unfair observation, as we have also developed a keen interest in the brewing of ales and the smoking of pipe weed. But where our hearts truly lie, is in peace and quiet, and good tilled earth. For all hobbits share a love of things that grow... And yes, no doubt, to others our ways may seem quaint. But today, of all days, it is brought home to me, it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life."
*Rap rap rap rap*
"FRODO! The door!"
"Sticklebacks! Where is that boy! FRODO!"
Frodo was sitting under a tree reading a book when he heard humming and singing from the road.
Frodo smiled and ran towards the sound...
"The road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the road has gone,
And I follow if I can..." sang the voice
"Frodo emerged from the forest and said "You're late!"
"A wizard is never late Frodo Baggins, nor is he early, he arrives preciously when he means to" said the man with a stern face, but they both began to laugh
"It's wonderful to see you Gandalf!" said Frodo and jumped onto the cart and gave the old man a hug.
"Oh! You didn't think I'd miss your old Uncle Bilbo's birthday...? So, how is the old rascal? I hear it's going to be a party of special magnificence." Gandalf said
"You know Bilbo. He's got the whole place in an uproar" Frodo replied
"Well, that should please him!" Gandalf chuckled
"Half the shire's been invited. And the rest are showing up anyways"
They both laughed
"and so Life in the shire goes on, very much as it has this past age... full of its own comings and goings. With change coming slowly, if it comes at all. For things are made to endure in the Shire, passing for one generation to the next. There's always been a Baggins, living here under the hill, in Bag End... and there always will be..." Bilbo voiced over in thought (if you know the movie you know what I am talking about)
Meanwhile, back with Link and Saria...
"Hey Saria... do you hear that?"
Saria began to hum the tune of an old man that could be heard in the distance. "Yeah, I wonder who it is?"
Link led Saria up a hill and as they emerged to find a Old Man in a cart with a little boy next to him
Link and Saria stared at these queer folk for a while until the old man and kid noticed them
"ELVES! In the Shire!" Exclaimed the kid
"Yes... It would seem so" said the old man.
"I- I'm sorry? Asked Saria
"Elves. You are elves are you not?" Said the kid
"Well, I'm not, I'm Hylian, my name is Link" Replied Link
"I've never heard of a Hylian before" Said the old man "Then I assume you are the same as your friend" The old man pointed to Saria
"No, I am a Kokiri, and eternal Child of the forest, Call me Saria"
"Hmmm, well, I am Gandalf the Grey, a wizard and a human" Said Gandalf
"And I'm a Hobbit, Baggins, Frodo Baggins" said Frodo
Link jumped down and walked up next to the cart "Nice to meet you, do you know how to get to castle town from here?"
"Castle town? Never heard of it" Gandalf said
"Wh-What? Then where are we?"
"You really don't know?"
"No sir"
"Well then, this is Middle-Earth, the Shire to be more precise, Hobbiton to be even more so."
"That is where I come from" Said Frodo
"Interesting, I have never heard of the Shire"
"Few people have"
"Um... Mr. Grey" Said Saria
"Please just call me Gandalf"
"Um... ok, Gandalf, I don't think we come from the same places, we are new here as it seems and hove no clue where to go."
"Well, if you want I could take you into Hobbiton?"
"That would be much obliged"
"Ok, Gandalf, now where were we?"
"Oh I really don't know..."
"Oh yes! Before you came along we Bagginses were very well thought of." Frodo said
"Indeed?" Gandalf questioned
"Never had any adventures or did anything unexpected"
"If you're referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved. All I did was give you uncle a little nudge out of the door."
"Wait! Dragon?" Saria exclaimed
"Whatever you did, you've been officially labelled a disturber of the peace." Frodo continued, ignoring Saria's outburst.
"Oh really?"
The cart drove by an old hobbit's house and the man gave him a grudging look, then all of a sudden Hobbitlings came down from the hills and chased the cart shouting at Gandalf; "Gandalf! Gandalf! Fireworks! Gandalf, Fireworks"
But the cart kept its path
"Awwww" all the kids sighed
Gandalf cracked a smile and let loose a sparkling firework like butterflies
"It's like magic?" Link muttered
"I am a wizard, Master. Link" Gandalf said
"No need for formalities sir" Link said slightly pleased
"Gandalf, I'm glad your back" Frodo said, and just as he was about to jump off the cart Gandalf called
"Wait, Frodo, as you may have heard these two are new here, so could you show them around?"
"Sure Gandalf, Link and... Saria was it? Follow me"
Link and Saria followed Frodo off the cart and into one of the more populated areas
"What is this place?" Link asked
"Oh, this is the Green Dragon inn; me and my friends hang out here"
Link looked over the place and said "I am assuming you're not a kid then?"
"No I am in my... 30's... 40's" (I don't remember)
"By Din! Seriously!"
"Yes, what about you? Maybe a couple hundred years old I'd say?"
"Nooo, I'm 14 and Saria is 13" Link said
"Really? But you look so, elfish"
"Well, actually Link is... it's a long story, but Link is actually 16 or 17 mentally and I am physically 13 but mentally around... oh, over 550 years old"
"Oh my." Frodo said
Saria shrugged and all three of them entered the inn
There Frodo met with some of his friends.
"Well, H'lo there Frodo" Said a Hobbit with curly brown hair (yeah that sums it up) "and who might these be?"
"Oh, These are Link, a Hylian and Saria, A Kokiri" Frodo explained
"Oh then, nice to meet you, I'm Meriadoc Brandybuck, but just call me Merry and these are Peregrin Took, or Pippin or Pip if you want, and this one here is Sam Gamgee"
"Nice to meet you likewise" Link said
"Can I interest you in some Green Dragon ale?" Pippin asked
Link looked at it "um... I'm a little young you know"
"nonsense! I see even Hobbitlings drink this stuff" Pip replied
"Well..." Link mumbled
"Oh, quit being a wuss Link, I'll try first if you want"
Saria had a sip and winced as the bitter taste entered her mouth "Gah" *hack, hack, cough* *shutters*
"Strong huh?" Sam asked
Saria sat down "Just a smidge"
Link laughed a bit and sat down next to her and had a try...
Meahnwhile again!
It was dark out by the time Gandalf had finished talking to Bilbo and the two were hanging out on the hill overlooking the party area.
"Old Toby. The finest weed in the Southfarthing" Bilbo boasted and blew a ring of smoke
Gandalf took a long tug and blew a full rigged ship which sailed through the ring.
"Ahh! Gandalf, my old friend. This will be a night to remember!"
Later at the party...
Frodo and Sam were at the dances and Sam had gotten cold feet about asking a certain Rosie for a dance, when Frodo pushed him at Rosie and they took off. Frodo couldn't help but laugh.
Bilbo was telling his story to some Hobbitlings about his adventure before (The Hobbit).
Gandalf was setting off fireworks, one of which exploded into an umbrella of white spears and flew across the lakes and hills of the shire.
Link and Saria were both sitting at a table with there heads on the tops.
"Oww, my head... why did you listen to that Merry?" Link asked
Saria responded with "Well, I wasn't the one who had three mugs"
"Shut up!" Link shouted, resulting with both of them holding their heads
And Merry and Pippin where up to their old tricks...
"No, no, the big one, big one!" Merry said
Pippin held up a huge firework that looked like a lobster and got off the cart and ran into a tent and lit it.
"you're supposed to stick it in the ground!" Merry said
"It is in the ground" Pip came back and tossed the work at Merry
"No, outside!" Merry said and pushed it back
"It was your idea!" pip replied and pushed it back as it went off, and they both fell over covered in soot.
The work went up, burning the tent up as it went before finally exploding into a huge dragon, getting the attention of all the hobbits and the others.
Just then the dragon turned around and flew over the party.
"Bilbo! Watch out for the dragon!" Frodo yelled
"Dragon! Nonsense there hasn't been a dragon in these parts since-" he was cut off as Frodo pushed him over and the dragon flew over them and over the lake and finally exploding into a massive explosion, causing cheers to erupt from the hobbits... And Saria and Link to fall over in pain holding their heads...
"That was good..." Admitted Merry
"Let's get another one!" Pip suggested, just as Gandalf appeared behind them and took them by the ears.
"Meriadoc Brandybuck... and Peregrin Took I have some work for you..." he said as he put Merry and Pippin to work washing dishes.
"Speech!" Yelled a bunch of hobbits as Bilbo walked up to the stage
"Hello! My dear friends, bagginess, Tooks, Brandybucks, Bracegirdles, Proudfoots!" Bilbo shouted
"Proudfeet!" Yelled a rather fat Proudfoot hobbit, emitting a laugh from the rest of the party
"Today is my 111th birthday!"
Everyone cheered
"Still, it doesn't seem enough to live among such fine hobbits"
More cheers
"Alas, I don't know half of you as well as I would like, and I certainly don't like you as half as well as you deserve"
Gandalf smirked
Link and Saria were confused...
"I'm sad to announce... that this is the end... I am going now... and I bid you all a very fond farewell... goodbye" Bilbo said as he disappeared
This caused a rousing of the hobbits present...
Gandalf and Link and Saria shot up and ran towards Bilbo's house. By the time they got there Bilbo was just about to walk in.
And as he did "I suppose you think that was very clever" Gandalf said
"Oh, C'mon Gandalf! It was just a bit of fun! D-Did you see their faces!" Bilbo laughed
"There are many magic rings in this world Bilbo none of which should be used so lightly!"
"Oh, I suppose you right, as usual... you will keep an eye on Frodo won't you?"
"Two eyes... as long as I can spare them"
"What about this ring of yours, is it staying too?"
"Yes, yes, it's in an envelope on the mantle place... oh wait no, it's here in my pocket... it's a funny thing really... after all I found it... why shouldn't I keep it" Bilbo's voice suddenly changed
"I think you should leave the ring behind" Gandalf said
"Grrrr. It's mine, it came to me! It's mine! Mine... my precious"
"Precious? It's been called that before, but not by you..."
Gandalf and Bilbo got into a fight and Bilbo finally spat "you want it for your own!"
Bilbo saddened by what he had done went to Gandalf for a hug
"Your right Gandalf... the ring will go to Frodo... well, now... it is late and the road is long I must get going..."
"Bilbo... the ring is still in your pocket..."
"Oh, yes right" Bilbo admitted and pulled out a golden ring and slowly dropped it on the floor, and with that he left humming the same song Gandalf had hummed when he first arrived...
Gandalf stared at the ring and went to touch it but backed away slowly as he saw a vision...
"Gandalf...?" Link asked. But he didn't reply and instead sat down by the fireplace
Link looked at the ring and had a strange attraction to it... he slowly reached out for it picking it up and caressing it.
Saria noticed Link's eyes where a bit glazed... she could feel the ring's magic.
"Link!" Saria shouted and quickly snatched the ring away and placed it on the mantle sill and scolded Link "Link, that ring is evil... I can feel it... I never want to see you touching that thing again!"
"Y-yes Saria" Link stuttered after realising what had happened...
Then Frodo barged in the door "Bilbo! Bilbo!" he shouted "He's gone isn't he... I always knew he was talking about it... but I didn't actually think he would go through..." he then noticed the ring on the mantle.
"Bilbo's ring..." Gandalf said "He has left you it and all of Bag End" he took an envelope and had Frodo place it inside it and close it, he then put a wax seal on it to keep it shut. "It's your now..."
"Look now Frodo, I must go to Gondor to seek out information"
"But you've only just arrived!"
"I will be back, but until then do me a favour."
"Yes Gandalf..."
"Keep it secret... keep it safe" He pointed at the ring "Link, Saria... I expect you to watch over Frodo while I am gone... hopefully then I will have some answers to this riddle"
Saria followed Gandalf outside a bit "Gandalf... you can trust me, the ring's magic has no effect on me... but Link..."
"Is being drawn to it?"
"Keep an eye on him then as well, it's for his own good"
"Yes Gandalf..."
"I will be back in a few weeks... stay on your toes"
And Gandalf rode off leaving Saria, protecting the ring against not only its original owners... but also her best friend...