my first ever house story also i am English so forgive me, this is set season three time doesn't follow episodes but house is living with wilson and no sam in the picture yet.

isa Cuddy the dean of medicine at PPTH sat behind her desk in her office, reading threw reports and filling out new legal forms thanks to House's latest medical diagnostic mystery. There was a knock on her door she looked up to see a man in a basic police office uniform and a woman in a pants suit.

"great what has he done now" Cuddy muttered to her self.

"come in"called Cuddy getting up from behind her desk and head towards the door to meet a new set of house trouble.

"what can I do for you officer?"asked Cuddy as they all sat down in the sofa area of her office.

" I am here about a certain Dr. Gregory House."said the police office. Of course you are. Thought Cuddy.

"what has he done?"asked Cuddy no need to sugar coat it she thought.

"its more my area now"said the woman taking over from the officer.

"hello I am Kristin Forge from child services"said the woman sticking her hand out to Cuddy who took it. Crap house you didn't touch a kid you didn't harm a kid. Crap I can't dig you out of this one. Thought Cuddy.

"should I call him down?"asked Cuddy.

"please"said the officer.

"house get down to my office now... no forget that come now I have an officer and CPS in my office... I know for a fact you are not in clinic right now so get here now"said Cuddy.

" he should be long about 10 minutes tops so what is this about?"asked Cuddy.

" a Abigail Jesse Blone-House is a subject to investigation a Mr Waterston a Drama teacher at the local school has filed a abuse report"said Kristin. HOUSE what did you do? Abuse really? Screamed Cuddy in her head.

"we do think abuse was a subject but at the moment in time the mother a Mrs Jamie Blone has decided she does not want to care for Abigail, whom by the way does not know what is going on at the moment she can not be removed from the home till a week or so unless the father takes her."said Kristin.

" how has this got to do with house?"asked Cuddy.

"well according to Mrs Blone a Mr Gregory House is said father, we ran DNA tests, Dr house's DNA has been on file since well his drug arrest a few years ago. Anyway it was a match he is in fact the father so we are here to come see if he will take Abigail into his care or if we put her in to the system"explained Kristin. What, oh god. Cuddy thought.


" Cuddy what do you want I have a very important meeting with coma guy at 9 cant believe you got me to come in at seven this morning.

"house sit"said Cuddy. This will not go well... please let it be a dream...will he keep Abigail or send her to the system...I wonder what she looks a father oh god. We the things going through Cuddy's head all the way through the explanation between house and officer Hall and Kristin Forge.

The officer and CPS walked out of Cuddy's office. House sat on the sofa for a few minutes before getting up he headed to the door but turned abruptly to face Cuddy who was also still sat on the sofa in shock.

" Cuddy do me a favour and don't tell anyone not even Wilson not yet anyway please"said house Cuddy could note the desperation in his voice so she nodded.

"thanks"he muttered.

"where are you going now?"asked Cuddy.

"clinic duty"said house before hobbling out.

I did not expect house to do that poor Abigail. Said Cuddy.

is Abigail in the system or not will house put her there and feel guilty and thats where the story will take off on or what plz review