Bleach/Dance of the Vampire Bund crossover- was requested by Black Sun Upon An Icy Sky way back in March.
I don't own BLEACH or Dance in the Vampire Bund.
Though Mina Tepes' bravado doesn't show it, she fears two things, having to conceive by way of one of the three clan heads and the vampire hunters of the GOTEI 13.
A/N– Maybe a little OOC in some parts and lemons will abound. Follows the anime storyline.
Due to the outward appearance of Mina Tepes, may have some lolicon type lemons (let's remember she is of age she just doesn't like her grown up look. Watch the anime or read the manga peeps!). You've been warned.
The boy knelt effortlessly on the branch of a tree; a hand draped across his bent knee while the other laid lightly by his side steadying himself. He was hidden in the thick foliage. His chest was bare, so were his feet, only a pair of old jeans that clung loosely to his slender hips, threatening to reveal his aching manhood, adorned him.
It was better that way, wearing as little as possible, should he have to fight. Less to keep track of, less to get bloody. Little if nothing to trace back to him.
He had buried himself underground while the sun still shown, so there was dirt in his spiky orange hair and a light dusting of it over his body. He hated having to do that but this wasn't his hunting ground, he had no base so he wanted to stay outside and ready, it was such a hassle to walk the streets to his destination without a shirt on. It called unwanted attention and unnecessary distractions.
The animals had deserted the area sometime ago, knowing that a predator was in their midst. He could hear them restless, pacing, wondering when he would make his move. He was hunting, and woodland creatures were not his prey
Though he just continued to wait, he had been there for some time now, motionless, except for his eyes that scanned the area unceasingly. His nose waited for a change in the wind while his ears waited for the slightest sound.
The moon shone brightly in the sky, of course a blood moon, he smiled at the fitting node from his mistress. His senses were prickling to life the darker it got, his breathing calm and deep.
Of all the changes in him, all the changes he hated; He hated that he loved the heightened senses the most. They gave him a false sense of belonging. They made him feel so alive, when he surely wasn't.
Every night was the same tormenting pleasure, like a lover you despise but can never say no to. The sunset stirred him, aroused him.
His heavy lashes brushed his cheeks as he closed his amber eyes and sniffed the air. A long deep whiff. He could smell the blood pumping in all the life forms around him, but he was only interested in certain ones.
He took another deep breath, this time it felt like smelling 'her'. Intoxicating. He could smell her from where he was even now though he was a couple of hundred miles away in Nagoya hunting. He knew he would never lose her scent no matter how far away she was.
Knowing he shouldn't, he closed his eyes focusing on her. She was probably studying by now. He smiled in spite of himself picturing her pouring over her books like a little demon. That defiant strand of raven hair always in her face. Those huge soulful deep blue eyes he never tired staring into, eyes that calmed him. Even now just thinking of her he felt a sense of peace flutter through him.
She was trying to get into a new school that had been built in Tokyo. He had assured her she'd have no problem, but she wouldn't relax until she got her acceptance letter. He planned to follow her there once she got accepted. He was already thinking of excuses to tell her once he did.
He hated being away from Karakura too long. She was too wild, too pig headed, too rational to believe in things that go bump in the night; and that's what put her at risk. And it was those things that he vowed to protect her from. Protect them all from. It was too late for him, but not them.
He could rest easy knowing 'they' would keep an eye out for her and the twins too. They knew he was hunting but they didn't ask questions. Always pretending not to notice when he left and not asking questions when he came back. It was better for them all that way should the Gotei 13 come calling; and as soon as quarry was dead, he could rest. Rest with her.
He clinched his jaw, shaking his head at the nonsensical thought. That was a dream, a stupid, childish dream that teen romance novels were made of. He was much too old for that now though he didn't look it.
Real monsters didn't have a chance at love, at life. His life had been over for some time now, there was absolutely no way of going back. And he would never let her know about him, ever. The look on her face that first time, many years ago, almost killed him.
He felt sick to his stomach remembering. Shame washing over him like a huge wave. The hurt was almost unbearable; his clawed hand gripped his bare chest as he dug his nails into his skin hoping to rip out his own heart to stop the aching.
After several tortuous moments, he finally refocused his thoughts to the task at hand. He knew that continuing to think about her in any capacity threatened to cloud his resolve to hunt tonight.
He let his lungs fill with air once more. Letting his nocturnal mistress comfort him now. He'd let himself relish the monster he was for a few hours.
He loved the way the night smelled when the sun sunk below the horizon, like he was given a reprieve, a whole new lifetime to live again.
Then that familiar feeling, the one he had tried to ignore for decades but had long since given up trying to deny, the one that started in his groin, like being touched by the most beautiful woman, her hands stroking his body as his other senses came to life.
His manhood stiffened immediately. His was heart pounding in his chest. His blood seemed to dance in his veins. His hair stood on end at the slightest breeze, his ears picking up the most intimate conversations, or the slightest noises sounding like a bomb going off. He could see the smallest details on an insect or for miles around. Then the taste, that warm, deep metallic taste he craved. The taste that he rarely let himself indulge in so savagely except on nights like this. He loved to roll it over his tongue, savoring the saltiness. Everyone's was different. But seldom did he have a meal he didn't enjoy.
He licked his lips absently, flicking his tongue over his bared fangs. He was getting hungry, but he'd feed soon enough.
Then, he heard it in the distance, there was a car engine, a luxury car. A Mercedes perhaps, he heard the doors open. It was still several miles away from him and the sounds so faint only he could hear it. A lifeless smile spread across his face. Others were hunting and they weren't playing fair. He heard whimpering and crying. Girls, young girls. His muscles stiffened.
His prey. The ones who had taken him so long ago. The ones that had made him do so many ugly, perverse, inhuman things. A lump built in his throat quickly replaced by growing rage as his slender muscles seemed to double in size.
They weren't his main target but they all were enemies. And they all had to die.
He slipped from the tree, landing soundlessly. His nostrils flared as blood filled the air. But it was slight. They were cutting the girls. The smell was blossoming in the air like the droplets of blood he imagined blooming on the young female skin.
He could hear the whimpers and sobs from them. He couldn't wait any longer. He'd stop this now.
He moved through the trees at an astonishing speed. The goddess of flash had taught him well. And the pervert had taught him stealth. He was behind the cackling group of vampires in no time.
Just as his senses had told him.
There were just four of them. Four vampires, the engine on the blacked out Mercedes was still running as they had the five school girls, hands tied behind their backs, grouped on the ground in the headlights of the car, to keep them disoriented. The girls were scared out of their minds, anguished contorted expressions as tears streaming down their bloody faces. Their mouth gagged with various items.
Why were these vampires in Japan? The boy had no idea. But it saved him a plane ride. He recognized one, his face slender, drawn in, with huge eyes and his dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. He was a lieutenant, at least he had been, and he was probably higher up the food chain now. Which meant that once he was gone he would be missed. Childers was his name, at least when the boy had known him. He looked like a weasel.
Bringing his attention back to the young girls he took notice that they looked barely over 14. The boy's eyes narrowed. The sick bastards had probably taken them from a school and were thinking of setting them lose to hunt. Didn't they ever get tired of that game?
Another vampire with long blonde hair, growled at the group of helpless girls while baring his teeth. They screamed in unison. One girl passing out. The four vampires laughed and snickered at their victims. A stout vampire grabbed at a cowering girl, taking a handful of her hair and easily lifting her from the ground to dangle in front of him. He held out his index finger, his fingernail long and razor sharp like a talon, and drug it across the girl's fair skin from her collarbone down across her chest, ripping her clothes and skin like tissue paper, stopping just as he got to her ribs. Blood poured from the wound. The girl screamed in pain into the ball gag in her mouth, her legs kicking wildly.
Suddenly she was sprayed with a geyser of blood as she fell to the ground. Terrified screams erupted from the females.
"Oi, Groff. Oi what's the matter?" Childers asked looking in disbelief.
The three vampires watched in shock as the stout Groff struggled to hold his head to his neck while blood sprayed in every direction. The blood sucking predators immediately realized they were the prey and tried to focus past the screaming girls at their feet.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The blonde haired vampire said raising his hand to strike at the girls, but his hand never made it down to connect with any of them. It took him several moments to register the pain of his arm being ripped from his body.
He turned slowly eyes wide open as his own blood showered over him and the now horrified teenagers. His newly emancipated arm landed on the hood of the car with a forceful thud that dented the metal. His head quickly followed.
"What the fuck? WHO'S THERE?" Childers shouted into the dark, his hands developing long and clawed as his body also began to grow with frightening speed, ready to fight. Blood from the headless vampires sprayed in the air and was falling like rain on them. The other vampire looked around frightened and began backing away heading to the car. He was still very young and had come out with 3 much stronger and powerful vampire's two of which had been killed with ease. He knew he was no match for what lay in the darkness.
He turned heading to the driver's side when suddenly he was staring into the golden eyes of his assailant, his throat ripped out before he could even scream.
The girls blinded by the headlights screamed at the unknown as Childers still unaware his last companion was dead, continued to shout curses into the darkness.
"Yes I do." The boy said calmly appearing in front of Childers, a cold smile rolling across his blood splattered face. The boy's tall lean silhouette was accentuated by the moonlight. Childers's eyes widened as he took a step back.
"Y-you. I know you…..But I thought….You were ….dead."
"No, but you are."
THANK YOU FOR READING, please review... ;) XD