We do not own Sailor Moon.
I do thank all the readers who read and review this story. I hope you enjoy what is to come.

Rage billowed around the prince as he walked with purpose towards his father's study. It was a foreign concept to the well-mannered prince, the idea that he was the bastard son of the king. An illegitimate heir. If such a thing was discovered the reign of his family line would end with his father as no true heir had been born. A sad thought and all for the sake of appearance and proper breeding.

Without invitation Endymion entered his father's domain and marched to the writing desk where his father was carefully studying his latest proclamations.

"Father, there is a small matter I wish to discuss." He stated firmly and waited for his father's eyes to raise in question. When they did not, Endymion carried forth with his question. "Very well, what is the name of my true mother?"

The king, being a man of diligence, paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. He then straightened in his chair and looked at his son with surprise in his eyes. "Forgive me Endymion, perhaps I have not heard you correctly?"

"I believe you heard the bulk of the matter." Endymion challenged then reiterated. "I asked of you the name of my true mother." This time the prince's words reached the kings ear with force causing the color to drain from his visage.

"Lily." The king spoke softly and looked towards the large window that cast a soft glow over the room. "Where have you heard talk of my Lily?" The king then questioned, his eyes like that of a serpent ready to strike.

"Father, not all secrets remain as such. The truth is always revealed. This truth has a convenience to it does it not? You have stood in front of me and with your own words, have forbidden me the woman I truly love. I do not understand how you can condemn what you so readily had. Why will you not allow Serenity and I to be wed? She will be a fair and just queen, her years of servitude has given her knowledge and wisdom beyond her years father."

"The people of this kingdom will never accept your Serenity Endymion. I have not forbidden her, I have simply forbidden a marriage to her. You may have her as I had Lily. It is of no man's business who a maid beds and no one will question a king as long as he has a queen by his side." The king stated firmly.

"That is not the root of the matter father! Do not feel that you will play me a fool!" Endymion cried angrily.

"Endymion, you are naïve as I once was. Marriages have become something foreign in this modern age. Only peasants marry for what you may call love but that is not how we decide our marriages. Endymion, a marriage is not about love, it is about making a smart match for ruling. There must be two sides of a coin and love is blind to such practical arrangements." The king sighed. "It is far better to enter into a business accord with a woman you do not know or love, than to enter with a woman you are afraid of losing. Marriages try the soul Endymion. You must know that. I had many happy years with Lily and as she was my maid no one questioned us being together often. No one suspected anything indecent. Only Gaia knew of the truth.

"Ann would never allow me to be as free as Gaia has allowed you to be, you must sense that?" Endymion defended. "Ann is a choice that I cannot live with father, I will not. I would sooner flee than have that woman as my wife."

The king smiled at his son softly, an amusement shone in his eyes. "You are so like your mother in spirit. Lily was ostentatious at best. I imagine she was meant for royalty however, she preferred her life simple. She favored being dressed as a peasant as the clothes are less restricting. That is what she would insist. I can see her in you Endymion, my only son." The man emphasized the last part of what he said.

"I cannot change what is to happen. Ann is to be your bride and no change shall be made. Unless the girl meets an untimely demise, and I doubt she will, she will be your bride. Do listen to me, I may not be the grandiose king this kingdom needs but I am wise." The king paused. "I am sorry about your Serenity. I understand she has been reassigned. If you had heeded my warnings to you she would still be beside you."

Endymion heard the truth in his father's words and felt guilt descend on him. The king had warned him not to make advances on Serenity until after the marriage was made. He had not listened and Serenity would pay the price. "When I find her, she will become my wife. I assure you of that." Endymion stated coldly and stepped out of the study.

Walking through the halls Endymion collided with a body. "Endymion! I am just on my way to the queen now. We are to arrange the proceedings. I would like for you to attend." Ann smiled up at him.

Without acknowledging her presence he simply stepped around her without comment. He would not speak to her, nor acknowledge her at all. He cared not what she would think of him for she was insignificant.

Ann simply stared after him with a troubled expression. Would he always act so cold towards her? She did not know and she only hoped he was vexed. Surely he would recover soon. Without another thought she continued to the veranda where the queen had requested they meet. Her father was awaiting her arrival and announced that the queen would be tardy.

"Father, I am thankful for your presence. I must tell you, Endymion is in a horrid state. He acts as though I am not in his presence when I am. Sending Serenity away has affected him greatly." Ann frowned deeply.

"Ann, do not contort your face in such a fashion. Your skin will crease if you continue." The duke scolded then paused. "It does not matter if Endymion is cold to you. You shall have him and be queen. Do not ask for more." He added making her frown again. "Serenity is of no concern. Prince Endymion will accept this marriage as is his duty. He will be your husband and in time, he will relinquish his memory of Serenity."

"I only hope you to be correct father. I do not wish to live as a stranger beside him." She sighed and sat in a chair. "I do not care for what the queen has said, Endymion will love me."

"Love. Yes, he will love you." The duke smirked coyly. "You must understand Ann, men do not love as women do. You believe that love is something you feel within your heart, believe me child, it is not." The duke chuckled. "I have made my fortunes selling love, fleeting moment of desire and lust. A man will love any woman who offers herself, but not as she will love him."

Ann simply stared at her father. What was he saying? Was he honestly proclaiming that love for men was nothing more than physical contact? The thought was scandalous! How could the same idea be so different to men and women?

"You look at me as if I do not understand what love is?" The duke laughed heartily. "I told you child, I know love. I understand what the prince saw in Serenity. I will tell you, if you wish?" He glanced at his daughter and could see her interest. "You and she are different creatures, understand that. You are strong and intelligent where Serenity is foolish and soft. She is meek and quiet. Mystery, my dear girl, is what surrounds her. In addition, Serenity is a fair beauty. You hold an exotic taste to you where Serenity is like a delicate flower. She is alluring to all the senses Ann. I can say this because I too have desired her." The duke laced his fingers together and watched as Ann looked at him with surprise. "Delicate and lovely, Serenity is alluring to those who seek power Ann. She can be controlled, manipulated and molded into whatever I want her to be. You are a woman set in her ways and convictions. You will please yourself when given the opportunity where Serenity seeks to please others."

Ann glared at her father as she saw his eyes darken with lust as he spoke of her hand maid. Her own father was proclaiming that Serenity was more beautiful and alluring than she. How could he say such things to her?

"Men are drawn to pleasure Ann, if you want your prince to be consumed by you then you must seek to please him. That is what Serenity is to men. She is something for pleasure and that is what she will be. I will fetch a grand sum of gold for her." The duke looked far away in demeanor and grew quiet with his thoughts. Ann could not help but feel happy by what he had said. She did not like Serenity and selling her for what she was, a bit of flesh, completed her in some way.


Molly stepped into Serenity's room and found her staring at the large painting with sadness in her eyes. Molly could not help but look at the image. She was familiar with it, it was a painting that all the woman had seen before. This was the first evening room, it was named the crimson room but it had earned another name. This was the room the women called the tarnished room.

Molly remembered the fated night she spent in this room. Remembered the painting. She had not known when she had first saw the image, that it was a prediction of what was to come. The painting depicted a woman, mostly undressed, laying upon a pile of red cloth. Tears streak her face as she looks up toward some unknown point. Sadness is in her eyes, and it is not wonder why she is thus for a man grasps her tightly, his face contorted with pure evil. He holds the woman to him, and is pressing a knife into her neck to keep her from fighting him. It is a gruesome painting and she knew it was Alan's warning to them all.

Tearing her eyes from it she walked to Serenity with sympathy in her brown depths. "Do not pay heed to that. It is not meant for you."

"You do not know that to be the truth Molly. I am here now, I do not see myself escaping the fate that awaits me." Serenity paused then moved her blue orbs to Molly. "The woman in the painting weeps, is it her sadness that causes her tears?"

Molly resisted the words that came into her mind. No, it was not the sadness that the woman cried for. It was something more. Serenity dd not need to understand the image though. Serenity was going to be free.

"It matters not why she weeps. You will not experience what she has for I have spoken with a palace guard this evening." Molly revealed happily thus drawing Serenity's eyes once more. "He was searching for you. He has vowed to purchase you at auction."

Serenity paled as she pictured the various men who would come for her. The man that remained in her mind most prominently was Malachite, the cold one. He would come for her, for a different purpose than the others. Malachite was harsh, and very unfeeling. He would come for her virtue, not for his duty to the prince.

"Worry not Serenity, this man had kind eyes. He will free you for he knows of true love. Even when presented with a willing woman he did not falter. He is an honorable man and you need not worry." Molly smiled.

"Who was the guard? What was his name?" Serenity asked hesitantly.

"It was Jadeite who came for you." Molly smiled as Serenity relaxed. Serenity had felt the kindness in his eyes, had seen it in his actions, Jadeite was a good man. A loyal man.


Endymion walked to his rooms. He had not heard word from Jadeite on his progress and it weighed heavily on him. He only hoped the blonde would come with news soon. The thought of Serenity alone in some terrible and strange place made his blood boil.

Just as he was beginning to sink into despair a knock came at the door and in stepped Jadeite. He looked well-worn and earnest from his travel. His golden locks were dusted with the road and his face was soiled. Jadeite's normal, tall and proud posture was considerably compromised due to the pain he was feeling from riding hard and fast.

"I bring news of Serenity." He breathed and looked at his prince with determination.

Endymion felt his breath catch and nodded. "Please, sit Jadeite. You look considerably disheveled." Endymion spoke softly and motioned to the chaise.

"I dare not sit at a time such as this. I am rumpled in spirit." He bowed low to show that bad news was to be presented. He waited for Endymion to do or say something but the prince did not. The two stayed in silence for a great length of time before a sound was uttered.

"Does she live?" Were the words spoken from the prince's lips. He had turned from his friend in order to lean against the hearth of the fireplace before him. He did not know what he would do if Serenity had been killed. He could not think of such things.

"Yes your majesty. She lives." Jadeite smiled slightly as he heard Endymion sigh in relief. "She is being held in a house of sin my lord."

Endymion pivoted on his heels and stared at Jadeite with shock. One of his fears had come true, his father's prediction was being realized. "In what manner do they hold her?"

"She is to be auctioned in a week's time to the highest bidder. It is my understanding that the duke is in the business of auctioning beautiful maidens to wealthy men who desire none but the most beguiling women. Serenity is expected to fetch a handsome sum of gold. She is being guarded from men at the moment, locked in a room against her will. I understand that she will not be released until the auction when the patrons are to look upon her and cast their bids." Jadeite spoke carefully to his prince. Endymion was just and kind but he held a temper than rivaled any of the angered gods. "I have heard whispers of men anticipating the auction. The man who oversees the place has told the men that the woman to be auctioned is desired above all else in the kingdom. Such whispers have raised the bidding considerably."

"Auctioned? As if she were a horse?" Endymion fumed suddenly and with malice. "A price is to be stamped onto her is it? Prey tell, have you heard of an estimated sum?"

Jadeite nodded and looked at the ground. "Twelve thousand gold. Nearly two and a half what others have auctioned for. The man most enthusiastic to have Serenity is Lord Diamond." Jadeite announced and winced as Endymion growled hatefully. "His intentions are vulgar in nature."

"Of course they are vulgar in nature! To auction a woman as if she were a horse is vulgar in its invention! The idea of paying to taint a woman is…" Endymion was at a loss for words. "I will not allow Serenity to be bartered for gold. If she is to become unchaste it will be of her own accord with a man of her choosing."

Jadeite nodded and stood from his bow. "I have made an accord with a woman in the house. I know her from a time past." Endymion looked at him with an alarmed expression. "It is nothing indecent Endymion… she was once a woman Nephrite courted. It appears they did not hold the same feelings for one another." Endymion nodded in cold understanding and turned stern. "I promised to free her from her servitude there. She does not belong in such a place." Jadeite sighed. "I will need a large sum of gold, and others to help me guard the sum."

"Take what you need from the treasury. I will write you a note to gather what you need. You should take Nephrite with you since he has a relationship with this woman." Endymion spat nastily.

"Your highness, I do not wish for Nephrite to accompany me. His excursions with this woman have made me question his honor. It is possible we cannot trust him with Serenity." Jadeite added with concern making Endymion's head snap towards him. "I do not presume to fully understand your situation Endymion, however, perhaps Nephrite's lecherous nature can be of some service to you. Ann is an impressionable woman, in addition, it would be within your right to deny her if a scandal were to be revealed."

"Jadeite, I can understand your words but the meaning behind them is disgraceful. I would never will such a happening on Ann. She may be deceitful and poisonous but I do not want to demote her in any way." Endymion sighed. "Retrieve Serenity. Leave Ann to me."