Because apparently I fail at the concepts 'drabble' and 'one-shot' here is the second chapter of a fic that originally was suppose to be a Drabble, which then was upgraded to a one-shot when I failed at Drabble. So now this is a two-shot… who wants to take bets on whether (and if so, when) I'll add another chapter! … until then this will (yet again) be marked as 'complete'.

Anyway, this idea came to me after I finished the first chapter… and this was written in 3 or 4 sittings unlike the first chapter that was done in like 15... So it will hopefully flow better.

Warnings and Disclaimer carry on from first chapter. But I do warn (something I didn't put in the first chapter because it was really subtle) that I do ship Michael/Lucifer… so that'll probably be mentioned a few times in here quickly (I think it was mentioned in the first chapter as well… but I can't remember…)

anyway, I hope you enjoy~

Dean, Sam and Castiel were out hunting; leaving Gabriel at home with Jessica. As much as it annoyed him and he complained about it he knew someone had to look after her while the others went out hunting; she was half Archangel and had already managed to attract multiple demon's attention (Crowley not included), and Gabriel had a feeling it was only a matter of time before she gained Heaven's attention as well and as much as he loved his brothers and father he did fear what they would do to her.

Of course he did get lonely in the house while the others were out, but sometimes Castiel's friend (or was it ex?) Balthazar would visit and the two of them would share stories of women, wine and lives of luxury; sometimes Crowley would join the two as well, something Gabriel was sure annoyed the hell out of Bobby. However Gabriel had to admit it was nice to spend time with people who had similar interest as he did.

However he didn't have company this time… well at least no company except his daughter. Siting in the living room with Jessica in his arms feeding her her bottle. A knock at the door made him look up, within seconds he recognized his older brothers grace. He quickly clutched Jessica tight against his chest, biting his lip deciding the best course of action. Deciding that the only thing to do was confront his brother, because if he didn't he knew his brother would just enter the house and kill him if Daddy so wished so. Michael was loyal like that.

Opening the door he saw Michael in a vessel that if Gabriel had to guess he'd say God made. There wasn't a person anywhere in there and it wasn't like Michael to do something like create a vessel… so clearly Daddy either told him too or just created it himself. Either way it made Gabriel trust his brother's motives for being there less.

"What do you want?" he snapped, Jessica tucked close to him so he could fly them both away quickly should his brother try anything.

Michael smiled softly at his younger brother, "I won't hurt you or your child Gabriel," he said.

"And why should I trust you?" Gabriel replied, during the Apocalypse-that-didn't, he would have killed his brother to protect Sam. He guessed the sympathies were the same.

"Because you are my little brother," Michael said taking a step forward, Gabriel took a couscous step back.

"And why should that matter? I don't think it would have stopped Lucy from killing me during the Apocalypse, and I have a feeling the same applies for you."

"But the Apocalypse is over and God has restricted me and my brother to Heaven," Michael replied.

"And the fact that he has let you out of Heaven scares me I know how much he hates it when we have kids," Gabriel replied and Michael rolled his eyes.

"Oh please Gabriel, do you really think that if he didn't want you to have children he'd of left all the ones you had as that Pagan live? And before you ask of course he knew, he actually was proud of you," Gabriel could hear the spite in his brothers voice at the last part of that statement.

"I'm guessing that was new to you and Raphael; Daddy being proud of the only child that didn't follow his plan?" Gabriel joked, relaxing slightly; Michael did have a point that his other children were fine (Except for the ones killed by hunters because of the whole 'monster attacking humans' thing)… so it didn't make sense for God to start killing them from this one.

Michael just glared; it had annoyed him and his brother nearly as much as God leaving them with no orders, only to return and yell at them for trying to complete his master-plan, because apparently he had changed his mind, "Can I come in?" he asked and Gabriel nodded, moving out of his way before shutting the door, leading Michael to the living room.

"May I ask what you are doing here if not to kill me or my kid?" Gabriel asked shifting Jessica in his arms so they were both more comfortable.

"I asked father to visit you and he allowed me too," Michael replied and Gabriel scoffed.

"And why would you want to visit the younger brother you described as a disgrace to your family when Daddy came called us all back to heaven?"

"It is not everyday one of my brethren have a child," Michael replied and Gabriel rolled his eyes, "Please brother, Father doesn't want his children to fight anymore."

Gabriel glared at his brother before snapping, "In case you hadn't noticed I don't care what Dad wants anymore, haven't for a while! And anyway, who was the one that wanted to keep fighting a year ago, because I know it wasn't me, and it definitively wasn't Cas, who, by the way, died, because you and Lucy couldn't keep your sexual tension to yourselves!"

"Gabriel, Please…"

"No! I'm no going to let you just come into my house and pretend it didn't happen, pretend you are the perfect son, that you hadn't wanted the fighting, because you know what? I can see through it, and if I am able to see through it I'm sure Dad can see through it too. You're pathetic Michael."

"Gabriel I think you have said enough," Michael said, standing at full height; which of course was a lot taller then Gabriel.

"No, I haven't," Gabriel snapped, but took a deep breath when Jessica started to cry lightly, "but I have better things to do with my time then point out all your flaws brother, and trust me, you have a lot, I however think it would be best you leave, Sam, Dean and Cas will be home soon and I'm sure Dean would not like you in his house."

Michael glared, "You have fallen so far Gabriel."

"No Michael, I haven't," Gabriel replied, "I may not still be loyal to heaven, may not have been for a long time, but at least I still followed Dad's will… you on the other hand, are exactly the same as Lucy, a great big bag of dicks."

Michael's glare hardened, but after a few seconds he turned and left; leaving Gabriel alone in the living room with Jessica in his arms.

He looked down at her and took a deep breath, "Hush little girl, Uncle Micky's gone, and Daddy will make sure he never hurts you, ok?"

Gabriel was upstairs putting Jessica back in her cot when Sam, Dean and Castiel returned home. He heard footsteps running up the stairs after a few seconds. Gabriel turned around to see Sam standing in the doorway.

"Cas said that Michael has been here," Sam said and Gabriel nodded.

"He was."


"Forgiveness, to see his niece, I don't really know, or care," Gabriel replied, and Sam walked over to him pulling him close.

"Are you ok?"

"Of course I am, I know what Mikey's like, he is my big brother you know," he replied, leaning up to kiss Sam lightly.

Sam smiled down at Gabriel when they parted, before pulling him into a deeper kiss.

"Come on Sasquatch, let's move this to our room before Dean finds us and yells at us for corrupting his niece," Gabriel joked after they broke from the kiss. Sam laughed, but did move with Gabriel to their room; where they did continue.

A few weeks past and Gabriel was happy to say he hadn't heard from his brother; which hopefully meant that Michael had given up the whole 'apologizing' thing; or, if it had been God's idea, their Father had realized that trying to make his sons like each other again was impossible.

Dean and Sam were in the barn; doing something hunter-related; Gabriel didn't really care that much at the moment; enjoying actually having a quiet moment for once (as strange as it was; living with the Winchesters made him value the quiet more than he use to). Castiel was watching Jessica so Gabriel didn't have to worry too much other than the odd checking where their Graces were to make sure Castiel hadn't done something like throw Jessica out the window to teach her how to fly (it wasn't that he didn't trust his brother just Cas wasn't use to the whole 'human' thing yet).

A knock at the door gained his attention and again he felt his brother's Grace. Standing up he went to answer it, telling Cas not to worry when the other Angel came down the stairs. Castiel nodded before returning back to continue reading to Jessica.

Opening the door Gabriel glared at his older brother, "What do you want?"

"Father is not allowing me back into Heaven until we reconcile," Michael replied and Gabriel couldn't help but laugh.

"So Daddy's locked you out of home because I won't forgive you. Did you explain to Him that I don't plan on forgiving you anytime soon?" Gabriel asked and Michael nodded.

"I already tried informing Father of that; he informed me that you would see reason and that I wasn't trying hard enough," Michael replied and Gabriel laughed again.

"That is so like Dad isn't it? He just doesn't quiet get it does he? He goes on about free will and then commands us to do as he wants; Just give me a minute, I'll see if I can talk some sense into Him," Gabriel walked over to the stairs before yelling, "Cas! Can you come down for a minute?"

A minute later Castiel walked down the stairs, "Michael," he said, nodding to his oldest brother in greeting.

"Castiel," Michael said, nodding in return.

"Cas; I'm just going to duck out for a bit. You can keep spending time with Jessica, but if anything happens go to Sam or Dean, ok?" Gabriel said and Castiel nodded.

"What do you want me to tell Sam and Dean when they return to the house?" Castiel asked, knowing that his brother might not want the Winchesters knowing exactly where he was going.

"I shouldn't be gone that long," Gabriel replied; "And if I am, just tell them the truth, they shouldn't be too worried about me."

Castiel nodded and Gabriel left with his brother to try and convince their Father to allow Michael back into Heaven.

When he did return he found Sam pacing around the living room, muttering about how stupid he was to just go off with his brother like that, how his brother had probably killed him, it all being a trap. Gabriel leant against the doorframe and gained his best Trickster smile, "I'm glad you're so worried about me kiddo; but really, you shouldn't. I can look after myself; have been for a while now, I've become quiet good at it."

Sam gave a relieved smile before going over and hugging Gabriel, "Sorry, can't help it. I'm use to expecting the worse, everyone I've… slept with has died except you, so I'm kind of waiting for something bad to happen," he explained and Gabriel laughed.

"Don't worry too much kiddo, now that the whole Apocalypse had been adverted I should be fine, and anyway, Dad's looking out for us now so we should be fine," Gabriel replied and Sam smiled. By this point Dean and Cast had left; or rather Dean had dragged Cas out of the room muttering about 'overly affectionate Brothers and their Archangel boyfriends'; Gabriel stored that in his mind for later use when Dean and Cas were doing their usual routine of eye-fucking each other.

"So, how was seeing your family again? I'm guessing you actually went to Heaven?" Sam asked and Gabriel laughed.

"Chaos, as usual, Raphael is pissed at me for showing up again and helping stop the Apocalypse, I think he hoped Michael and Lucifer would kill each other so he'd get the top spot in Heaven. Lucifer's sulking when not catching up on lost time with Michael," Same made a disgusted face, "I know this because whenever Raphael stopped complaining about me he'd complain about that. Dad's getting annoyed at them and I think he's contemplating leaving again just to escape the three of them… oh, and all the other Angel's don't matter because they're not Archangels," Sam scoffed but did agree, he didn't want to hear about every Angel; that'd take way too long. Gabriel smiled before leaning up kissing Sam lightly on the lips, "And I got all that just from one afternoon; I am so glad I don't actually live there."

"Will you be there when I die?" Sam asked, "if I go to heaven," he added after a few seconds, not sure if he'd actually go there after he died with the whole demon-blood fiasco and all.

Gabriel sighed before forcing Sam to look at him, "First, you will go to Heaven, Dad likes you, you helped stop the Apocalypse. Second, yes I'll be there, I'll learn to live with my brother's for you Sammy. Third, if you do end up in hell, as Lucifer's vessel you'll obviously be King, and I guess I'll just have to be your Queen," Gabriel shot Sam a cheeky grin, "You ain't getting' rid of me that easily kiddo."

Sam smiled in return before leaning down and kissing Gabriel, "And I wouldn't want it any other way."

Thanks for reading the second chapter of a Drabble; please review to tell me what you think / Any bets on how long it'll take me to start the next chapter (Again, unless I do this'll be marked as 'complete')… or if you really want, any fic idea's you want me to try and write… see I give you plenty of options on what to review about… so go do it! ^^
