I, Kokutou Azaka, am a 16 year old magus apprentice.

I have a brother named Kokutou Mikiya, a master named Aozaki Touko, and a rival in love named Ryougi Shiki.

I'm what you would call a troubled young lady. I'm going to explain myself so there won't be any misunderstandigs. I'm not troubled by the fact that I love my own brother. I seriously love Kokutou Mikiya to the point where I can't believe it myself. I got adopted by my uncle, entered a boarding school called Reien, and lived away from Mikiya so he would forget about me being his younger sister.

So there's only one problem I'm facing right now. It's that woman who came barging in and took my prize! I need to get that woman to break up with Mikiya as fast as possible and get him away from dangerous things. I even became an apprentice magus so I could match her mentally and physically and become her rival.

This is a story about such an admirable girl: Me, and my quest to prove once and for all that I'm the only one for Mikiya.

This is the story of the 5th Holy Grail War!

Uh, hello I guess. This is something I started on the Beast's Lair forum back in May, and now that I've finally finished the prologue (lol, slow I know) I decided to put it up here. This version will miss out on the various banners and pictures I inserted, but I'll post numbers at each pic spot and a link to the pics themselves in my profile. Hope you enjoy!

Also, I don't own any of this. Especially this part, since I stole most of it from one of the Kara no Kyoukai movies.