Hey guys! So I've decided I'm gonna try a multi-chap fic! Let me know how it goes!

Summary: Tony gets a call from his family inviting him to go on vacation with them and invites Ziva to tag along. Where? Only the Happiest Place on Earth! TIVA

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

'Oh the joys of Monday morning paperwork,' thought Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo as he grabbed yet another file from his never-ending stack of paperwork. He looked at the clock. 7:45. He had been working since 7 and still, he was the only one in the bullpen. He looked around and wondered where everyone was.

McGee most likely fell asleep at his typewriter and overslept.

Gibbs was probably... well... He wasn't quite sure where Gibbs was. But then again, did he ever?

He looked at the desk in front of him and wondered where his Israeli partner was on this 'lovely' morning.

His thoughts were interrupted when his cell phone rang. He sighed, thankful for the break from his work.

"DiNozzo," Tony said answering his phone.

"Hey Uncle Tony! It's me, Trent," came a young man's voice from the other end.

"Hey, man! What's up?" Tony asked smiling.

"Not much," said Trent. "Mom just wanted me to call and invite you to our family vacation to Disney this year. It's our family and Uncle Daryn's family. Normally it's just our family, but since it's the last summer before me and Baylor go to college, we wanted everyone to come."

"I don't know, Trent. I'm pretty busy with work and all," said Tony, not noticing the elevator doors open and Ziva and McGee walking out.

"Nuh uh, Tony. Mom told me not to fall for that excuse," said Trent. "She said you've used that excuse every time we've ever tried to invite you to something that lasted longer than two days. And this time, she won't take 'no' for an answer."

Tony sighed realizing that he probably had no choice but to go. He was actually kind of glad. He really did need a break from reality, especially after these last few months, and what better place than Disney World could give him just that?

He watched as Ziva gave him a questioning look as she set her stuff down and got settled in at her desk.

He ignored the look and went back to the conversation at hand.

"Alright, Trent. When do you leave?"


"This Saturday?" Tony asked incredulously, "and you didn't think to mention it to me before now?"

"Hey, don't blame me," Trent said defensively. "It was mom's idea. She said she didn't want to give you enough time to back out."

Tony scoffed, ignoring the looks he was now getting from both of his coworkers.

"Ok, fine. You win. I gotta get back to work now, but tell your mom I will call her later for the details," Tony said.

"Alright, will do man. Bye."

"Bye." Tony was about to hang up the phone when he heard Trent screaming on the other line.

"Hey! Mom! It worked! He's coming!"

Tony smiled and hung up his phone.

"Who was that, Tony?" Ziva asked getting started on her own paperwork.

"My nephew," Tony replied.

"I thought you were an only child," Ziva said with a questioning look.

"I am," confirmed Tony. This just earned him another confused look from Ziva. "He's my cousin's kid."

"I see," said Ziva, looking back down at her paperwork, "and why have we never heard of this before now?"

"It never came up," Tony said staring at Ziva.

"So, what did your nephew want, Tony?" McGee asked joining the conversation.

"To invite me to their annual summer trip," replied Tony.

"Oh, where to?" Ziva asked, looking up.

"The Happiest Place on Earth," said Tony. McGee gave him an approving nod while Ziva game him another confused look.

"I believe that would be an opinion, Tony," said Ziva. Tony just gave her an unbelieving look.

"Um, no, Ziva, actually that's what people call Disney World," McGee answered for Tony.

Tony nodded in agreement, adding in a short "Yeah".

"Oh!" Ziva said with a look of realization on her face. "You know," she said holding up her finger as if to make a point, "I have been to nearly every country, but I have never once been to Disney World."

"Really?" asked McGee.

Ziva just nodded.

"You've got to be kidding," Tony said. "Even McGoo here wasn't deprived of such a wonderful thing!"

"No, Tony, I am serious. I have never been to Disney World," Ziva said laughing at the look on his face.

"Well, we're just going to have to change that. Now won't we? You can come with me!" Tony offered. "You know, if you want to."

"Oh no," Ziva said. "I could not just charge-"

"-barge," McGee corrected.

"Right. Barge into your family's trip like that."

"Oh, trust me," said Tony. "I really don't think they would mind. They love having another person to tell embarrassing things about me to."

"Hmm. Going to a new place AND learning embarrassing things about Tony DiNozzo," said Ziva. "I think I'm in."

"Okay," Tony said smiling. "I will call my cousin tonight to get the details and I will let you know."

"Thanks," said Ziva.

"Hey, Ziva," McGee said. "Make sure you write down all the stories so you can share them with everyone."

Ziva playfully winked at him and laughed at the 'I'm gonna kill you' look Tony was currently giving McGee.

That night, when Tony got home, he called his cousin. They decided that he and Ziva would meet his family at their hotel on Saturday night and go out to dinner with everyone.

After talking to his cousin, Tony called Ziva and told her the plans. They decided that Tony should pick Ziva up at her apartment at 3:30 Saturday morning and they would leave from there.

The week went by fast and soon enough, it was time for Tony to go pick up Ziva. He looked around his apartment one last time to make sure he didn't forget anything, grabbed his last suitcase, and headed down to his car.

The drive to Ziva's was short. It was 3:20 when he got there. He was about to knock on the door when he heard the shower running. He took out the spare key that she had given him and opened her door. He sat down on her couch and turned on the TV.

Not a minute after he sat down, he heard the shower turn off. Soon after, the bathroom door opened and Ziva walked out. He looked at her and noticed she was wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt. Her hair was down and curly, still damp from the shower.

"Feel free to make yourself at home," Ziva said sarcastically, taking note of her partner lounging on her couch, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with his feet comfortably resting on her coffee table.

"Thank you," was his reply, as he gave her his famous 'DiNozzo grin'.

Ziva rolled her eyes and smiled inwardly.

"You ready to go?" he asked turning off her TV and walking towards her.

"Yes. Just let me grab my suitcases from my room."

"I'll help ya," Tony said following her into her bedroom. Tony grabbed the biggest suitcase and Ziva carried the smaller one, her purse, and her pillow.

Once they got to his car and packed her luggage in it, Tony sat down in the driver's seat and turned to look at Ziva, who had already made herself comfortable in the passenger's seat. "You positive you have everything?" Tony asked one last time.

Ziva looked up from messing with her fingernails to answer Tony. "Yes, I am positive, Tony. Can we go now?

"Yes we can!" Tony started the car and drove off.

Before they even made it out of D.C., Tony heard a snore coming from his right. He looked over to see his partner asleep. Her feet were propped on the dashboard, her pillow was set up against the window, and she had her head laying on it.

'This is going to be a long ride," Tony thought as he heard another snore, this time much louder, coming from Ziva.

"Ziva," Tony said shaking her shoulder gently. She didn't wake up, so he tried again. "Ziva, wake up!" he said, this time making her sit up straight, slightly startled.

"Hmm what?" she asked rubbing her eyes, trying to adjust to the light.

"Do you want any breakfast?"

"What time is it?"

"About 9:30," Tony said, looking at the radio.

"9:30? I slept for 6 hours?" Ziva asked unbelievingly.

"Yeah," Tony replied. "Slept right on through all of my Sinatra cd's. And might I add, my singing was pretty great."

"Wow, I can't believe I slept that long," Ziva said, ignoring Tony's last comment. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"Didn't see a reason to," he replied, looking at her. "Besides, you seem like you haven't slept good for a while, and I figured a nice long nap couldn't hurt."

A moment of silence passed before anyone spoke again.

"Is it that obvious?" she asked looking away from him.

"What? That you haven't been sleeping?" She nodded. "No, I just really finally realized it this morning when I saw that you're bed was all made up."

"Why didn't you just assume that I made it this morning?" she asked accusingly.

"Because I know you never make your bed," he pointed out.

"Oh," he heard her mumble almost incoherently. Another moment passed before she said anything else. "Well, let's get some breakfast," she said turning to open her car door.

"Ziva wait," Tony said grabbing hold of her arm. She gave him a look that said 'go on.' "When you're ready to talk about it, I'm here for you," he said quietly.

Ziva just gave him an appreciative nod and got out of the car.

7 hours and two stops later, Tony and Ziva had finally made it to Jacksonville. They were making good timing, and at that rate, they would be at their hotel by at least 7 o'clock. Well, that's what they thought until they ran into traffic. And to top it all off, it had started storming, making traffic even slower.

HONKK! "Aw come on!" Tony honked his car horn at the man who just cut him off. Along with a few choice words. Just then a car sped by them, weaving its way in and out of cars on the interstate. "What the hell!" Tony exclaimed. "Are those people nuts? They're gonna kill someone!"

"Tony, calm down. People are just trying to get off the interstate before the storm gets too bad," Ziva tried to assure him. "And maybe we need to also. You seem like you could use a break from driving and it wouldn't hurt to not drive during the storm."

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Tony said. "I'll get off at the next exit and we'll stay there and wait for the storm to clear." Then Tony got an idea. He handed Ziva his phone. "Here go to the weather app and check the radar, please."

Ziva looked at him like he was crazy. "You mean the weather app that McGee told you to download?" she asked teasingly.

"No, actually. I did get a new one," he said getting off at the exit. "But I was right, you know. It did rain," he mumbled a little quieter. This wiped the smile right off of Ziva's face. She thought back to the night Mike Franks died. Tony noticed her eyes get a little glossy and immediately regretted his last comment. "Sorry."

Ziva finally had the radar pulled up and figured it was a good time to change the subject. "According to this radar, the storm looks like it is going to get really bad." Ziva looked out the window and saw lightning in the distance. She looked back down at the phone. "But it also looks like it will only last for about 30 minutes. That's weird."

"That's Florida's weather system for ya. Freak storms pop up out of the middle of nowhere and only last for a short amount of time. It's insane," Tony commented, noticing the rain was now coming down harder. He could barely see ten feet in front of him now. "Ok, I'm not taking any chances. I'm just going to pull into this truck stop, and we'll wait out the storm here. It's as good of a place to stop as any other." He pulled into truck stop and parked the car under the giant awning. Ziva opened her car door and proceeded to get out. "Whoa, where do you think you're going?" Tony asked.

Ziva leaned down to look back in the car at him. "I have to use the bathroom. Is that a problem?" she asked and walked into the building.

"That's probably a good idea," Tony mumbled to himself and followed Ziva into the gas station. He walked inside and went to the bathroom. When he came out, he looked around for Ziva. She wasn't in the store. He looked outside to where his car was. She wasn't there either. "Hm, must still be in the bathroom," he said quietly. He walked around for a while and bought some Gatorade and powdered donuts. He took his stuff out to the car and realized that Ziva was still in the bathroom. He walked back into the gas station, waited until the guy at the cashier had turned his back, and walked into the women's bathroom. When he walked in there he took note of the empty stalls and saw Ziva standing in front of the sink, splashing cold water onto her face. "Ziva, you alright?" he asked closing the door and locking it.

She looked up at him for a second and grabbed a paper towel to wipe off her face. "Fine," she said wiping off her face and throwing the towel into the trash can. "Let's go." She tried to walk past him and out the door, but Tony grabbed a hold of her shoulders and kept her in front of him.

"Ziva," he said quietly trying to get her to look at him. "What's wrong?" When she didn't answer Tony brought his hand up to her face. "Ziva, look at me." She did. "What's wrong?" he asked wanting to know what was bothering her so he could try and fix it.

"I hate storms," she admitted quietly. So quiet, in fact, he almost didn't hear her. He didn't say anything, leaving her room to go on. "Every time it storms," she explained, "something bad happens."

He didn't need to ask her what she meant, because he knew. Ironically, it always seems to storm when someone close to them dies. He pulled her to his chest and leaned down so that his lips were right next to his ear. "Ziva, nothing bad is going to happen this time. I promise, ok?" Tony felt her nod against his chest. He stood there a few more minutes just holding her; rubbing her back; letting her know that he was there. Ziva reluctantly pulled away a few minutes later, but Tony still didn't let her go. "Come on," he said reaching up to wipe the stray tears off her face with his thumb. "Let's go." Ziva nodded in agreement. Tony bent down to press a feather-light kiss to her forehead and led her out of the bathroom.

They made their way to the car and noticed that it was just raining now. No thunder or lightning, just a light rain. Tony walked Ziva around to her side of the car and opened the door for her. She turned around to face him before she got in. "Thank you," she said, and both she and Tony knew she meant more than just opening her door for her.

"Anytime," Tony said smiling at her.

She got into the car and Tony shut the door for her. He walked back over to his side of the car and got in. When they had made it back to the interstate, traffic had pretty much cleared.

"Alright, we should be there in about 3 hours, so if you want, you can take another nap," Tony said.

"I do not think I could fall asleep again right now if I tried," Ziva said. "I slept the whole morning."

"Alright then, do as you wish."

"I have an idea," Ziva said. Just then they heard thunder in the distance. Ziva grabbed her pillow and put it on the console between her and Tony, and positioned herself to lay her head down on it.

"And just what is your idea, Miss David?" Tony said trying to lighten the mood.

"Tell me about your family," Ziva said sincerely.

Tony sighed and moved his hand to play with Ziva's hair right above her ear. No one realized that he probably shouldn't have done it because it just felt so good to them. So natural.

"Well, as you know, when I was 8 years old, my mother died. After that my father was never really a father to me. His brother, Uncle Al, was always more like a dad. He married my Aunt Judy and they have two kids. Carman is the oldest. She moved to South Carolina for college, where she met Travis. They got married and decided to stay in Charleston and they have 4 kids. Trent and Baylor are twins and they're 18. This trip is actually a graduation trip for them, even though they come here every year. Then there's Jake; he's 16. Virginia's the youngest and I think she just turned 14."

"Wow," Ziva said, turning her head to look up at him. "That's a big family."

"Ha yeah," Tony said. "But what did you expect? We are Italian."

Ziva nodded and laid her head back down, so Tony could continue messing with her hair. She always loved having someone play with her hair. When she was little, she would lay down between her mom and Tali, while they watched a movie. Her mom would play with her hair, Ziva would play with Tali's hair, and because Tali didn't like feeling left out, she would grab her favorite baby doll and play with its hair. That was one of the only things that Ziva missed about her childhood, not that she would ever admit it.

Tony looked down at Ziva. He smiled when he realized that she wanted him to continue messing with her hair. He did and went on to explain the rest of his family.

"Carman has a younger brother, Daryn, and he is my age. We were like best friends growing up. We did everything together."

"What happened?" Ziva asked wanting to know how they grew apart.

"Well, I went to OSU to play basketball and he followed in his sister's footsteps and went down south for college." Tony paused and then continued. "Anyways, he married Ansley and they now have 4 kids. All of them girls, too. Kendall is 14, like Virginia. Jenna is 7, Sophie is 4, and they just had a baby about 6 weeks ago and her name is Caroline. I haven't met her yet, though. I saw them over Spring Break and Ansley was still pregnant."

"Wow," Ziva commented quietly.

"Yep, and that's pretty much it. My family in a nut-shell."

This caused Ziva to sit up a look at him strangely. "Nut-shell?"

"It's an expression, Zee-vah."

"Oh." Ziva made an 'O' shape with her mouth to show her realization. After a few more minutes of comfortable silence, Ziva decided to break it. "You never talk about your mother," she said, studying him as he drove.

"Yeah? Well I guess I could say the same, huh?" he asked. She could hear the joking in his voice as he tried his best to avoid the topic and she let him. Frankly because she knew once he told her about his mom, she would end up doing the same, and she wasn't ready for that, yet.

"Ok, Tony," Ziva said in an almost teasing to let him know that she knew what he was doing.

After a few minutes, Tony decided to turn on the radio to break the somewhat tense silence.

Ziva grabbed her pillow off the console and hugged it to her chest. She laid her head back on the head rest and listened as the soft flow from the radio filled the car. Her thoughts drifted to the trip that lay ahead of them and smiled. This was going to be a great week.

Reviews are greatly appreciated! :))