Thanks for the reviews. They highly appreciated. This is the last chapter and I hope you have enjoyed this story, and this chapter. Please leave your final reviews. Thanks to everyone that has helped me along the way with this story. Xxx

Chapter 43

Two Days Later.

Charlie started to wake up 'Brax', she whispers into his ear where he had slept the night. Brax woke straight away, 'Charlie, Babe, It will be ok, let me get a doctor'. Brax yelled for a doctor, and Dr Walker came running. He asked Brax to leave the room while he checked all her stats and made sure she was good. He finally called Brax back in and told him that she would survive but will need to spend a couple more days in the hospital. Dr Walker said that he would let Ruby and the rest know what was going on.

Brax: Babe, I'm so happy you're alive. I would do anything for you. I love you so much.
Charlie: I know you do babe, I was heading out to get revenge on Hammer and then next thing I know I was in here. What happened? I love you to.

Brax explained everything to her about the accident, she couldn't believe it. All of a sudden the one and only Hammer appeared at Charlie's hospital room door.

Hammer: Brax, can I please speak to you?
Brax: Haven't you done enough already?
Hammer: I'm sorry about Charlie, I should have never of kissed her. Kaitlyn had me help her get to you, by trying to get me to hook up with Charlie. I know we have had our difference, but Kaitlyn has left town for good and I made sure of it. I just wanted to clear the air, I'm leaving as well and Charlie and yourself are made for each other, I hope everything works out.

Neither Charlie or Brax could believe what Hammer had just said. She said well isn't to just full of amazing stories, Brax walked over to Charlie's hospital bed and kissed her passionately.

- A Week Later-

Charlie was back at home now, and Ruby had moved back in with Charlie and Brax. Casey moved in with Bianca and Heath. Charlie was coming down the stairs after resting when she heard Ruby and Brax having a conversation.

Ruby: Brax, I see you as a father, you will make great father to your and Charlie's children one day, and I know you will be there for them just as much as you have been here for me. I'm really sorry for all the stupid things I have done recently, I just want to us have one happy family. I'm to death of Mum getting hurt all the time.
Brax: Rubes, I know but I would never hurt Charlie. I love her to death, she is my world and Rubes I'm glad you see me as a father figure I will always be there for you, whenever you need someone to talk to about anything.
Ruby: Thanks Brax.

Well wasn't that a cute conversation Charlie said as she walked into the living room and surprised them.

Ruby: I'm going to see Case and leave you to with it. See you both later. Love you Charls.
Charlie: Well she wanted to get out of here quickly.

Brax just leaned in and kissed Charlie on the lips and slowly pulled her down on to his lap.

Brax: I love you babe.
Charlie: I know you do, and I love you to.

Brax kept kissing Charlie, before carrying her back upstairs to her bedroom. He then continued to kiss her while taking her shirt off and laid her down on to the bed. Charlie started to take Brax's shirt off and then continued until she got to his pants and started to undo them…Brax whispered into Charlie's ear "I love you, you and me forever babe".

The End!